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Coincidence is the presence of God in our lives

Many coincidences happen in the course of a lifetime. Unexpected, radical and often inexplicable facts can change the destination’s route in seconds. As in a jigsaw puzzle, in which the parts come together, making the figure appear complete, finally drawing an image that has not been resolved for years. Just a quick blink, everything changes in an answer that comes, perhaps after a long and painful wait. Sometimes, however, extremely negative situations can occur, which cause a cut in the life of the human being, expressing great sadness and pain.

Coincidences can be positive, as when, for example, two unknown people are passing through the same place, at the same time, and end up getting to know each other and perhaps discovering a great love. For a split second, one of them might not be there anymore and nothing would have happened.

If in the final exam of an arduous academic period, the questions to be answered are the only ones that the student knows; if suddenly someone earns unexpected money, in the exact amount needed to pay off a debt; or if, in the case of a disease, the diagnosis happens quickly and by chance, as with the boy who was injured playing football and, when carrying out an examination to verify that it was not serious, the doctor perceives the beginning of a serious and silent disease , having time and conditions to save his life; it is possible to locate happy and positive coincidences there.

Coincidences can also present a negative face of pain or loss, such as someone standing on a street corner, calmly waiting to cross the street and, at that exact moment, being caught by a runaway vehicle, losing their life or being left with insurmountable sequelae. A second sooner or later, the accident would not have happened.

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Going to a restaurant with friends, meeting the loved one there, who claimed to have a serious work commitment that night, and surprising him by dating someone else; losing money saved on the street to make an important payment, without being able to replace it; leaving home early and, because of an unexpected accident, causing great congestion, not being able to arrive on time for the last job selection interview, ruling out any chance of hiring; speak ill of a person and she is precisely the mother of the company director; being the victim of a stray bullet; they are disastrous circumstances, which often concur to disrupt important and vital projects in the experience of human beings, and may even cause their death.

Having a comprehensive view of the facts exemplified here, it is possible to venture the opinion that coincidences do not exist, because it seems that, behind the apparent disorganization of life, the human being is faced with a great synchronicity: everything is in its place and, therefore, nothing happens by chance, although it is sometimes not possible to clearly perceive the bonds that motivate and unite apparently disparate and unmotivated circumstances.

Some believe in a predetermined destiny, which leads the person to experience what is called, something vague and imprecise, of coincidence.

I prefer to admit that when any coincidence – positive or negative – happens, it is because God is present. So, if you really need something good to happen, or if you want to protect yourself from some evil that your intuition points out as a risk, you should go to Him. Asking His presence is the only way to bring positive facts into your life, or avoid great evils and misfortunes. Trust your ability, your intelligence and ask God that all coincidences are positive for you. Rest assured that everything will go well.

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