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Learn to pray for your friends with a friendship prayer

What is important in life: family, boyfriends or friends? Is it possible to choose or prioritize? If you chose one of these relationships in the first place, you may be wrong. Because, because they are so different, they cannot be compared with each other.

All three are important in our lives. They are complementary. But, some people prefer to mix up relationships and roles. I have a relative who once said that friends are more important than family, including her own mother. But the one who always helped her was that family, who never turned their backs on her. As for her friends, well… those were always absent when she needed them the most. Family is family, friends aside.

Friends are important in anyone’s life. Friendships are the basis of a healthy social life. Confucius said: “To know friends, it is necessary to go through success and misfortune. In success, we verify quantity and, in misfortune, quality.” If you are a true friend and a solid friendship, your strength will be greater than time. A friend is for small talk or serious moments. Khalil Gibran said: “The friend is the answer to your desires. But don’t look for him to kill time! Always look for him for the living hours. Because he should fill your need, not your emptiness”.

Don’t confuse colleagues with friends. They are very different “beings” in our life. Carlos Drummond de Andrade summarized this difference well: “it is easy to be a colleague, keep someone company, say what he wants to hear. It is difficult to be a friend all the time and always tell the truth when necessary. And with confidence in what you say “. Of course, a colleague can become a great friend. But only time can improve this friendship.

What would a friend’s place be in our lives? The one who replied simply was Albert Camus: “don’t walk behind me, I may not lead you. Don’t walk ahead of me, I may not follow you. Simply walk beside me and be my friend”. Milton Nascimento sings: “A friend is something to keep under lock and key inside the heart, on the left side of the chest…”

Always give thanks for the friendships and friends you have conquered, praying the Prayer of Friends:

Friendship Prayer

Hello Jesus, my friend and my God.

Today I want to give you thanks for my friends.

How I enjoy being with them and how I miss them! How good it is to have someone to trust and to be able to tell him my stuff.

Someone who accepts me and likes me for who I am,

someone who knows me well and is interested in me,

Someone who is ready to help me,

and is by my side in the good and bad times of life

Someone who knows how to forgive my tantrums and gives me courage when I’m down.

They say that whoever found a friend found a treasure.

Jesus, I thank my treasures who are my friends.

Thank you for putting them in my way.

Help me to contribute to your happiness.

I also want to thank You, Jesus, for being my friend

despite my mistakes and shortcomings.

You are a true friend who never turns away.

You are always with me and teach me to love others as you love me.

Long live the good friends!

Long live friendship!

Long live Jesus.

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