On May 13th we celebrate the Day of Our Lady of Fatima. A very popular saint in Portugal and Brazil because of her Portuguese descendants. The story of the appearance of Fatima to the three shepherds is well known and increasingly admired.
Shrouded in mysteries, the devotees of Our Lady of Fátima have great confidence in the miracles of the saint, especially after the Miracle of the Sun, which occurred in her sixth apparition to the three shepherds on October 13, 1917.
According to newspaper reports at the time, “the crowd that had flocked to Cova da Iria was immense: 50,000 to 70,000 people. Most had arrived the day before and spent the night there. It was raining heavily and the ground had turned into an immense quagmire.” The crowd was praying the rosary when, at the usual time, Our Lady appeared over the holm oak:
– What do you want from me?
– I want to tell you to build a chapel here in my honor; that I am the Lady of the Rosary; that you always continue to pray the Rosary every day. The war will end, and the military will soon return to their homes.
– I had many things to ask him: if he cured some sick and converted some sinners, etc…
– Some yes, some no. It is necessary that they amend; to ask forgiveness for their sins. Do not offend God Our Lord anymore, who is already very offended.
At that moment, he opened his hands and made them reflect in the sun, and began to rise, disappearing into the sky. As she soared, the reflection of her own light was projected on the Sun. The little shepherds then saw, next to the Sun, the Baby Jesus with Saint Joseph and Our Lady. Saint Joseph and the Child made cross-shaped gestures with their hands, seeming to bless the world.
With this vision gone, Lucia saw Our Lord on the way to Calvary and Our Lady of Sorrows. Once again Our Lord made a sign of the Cross with his hand, blessing the crowd.
Finally, to Lucia’s eyes, Nossa Senhora do Carmo appeared with the Child Jesus in her arms, with a sovereign and glorious aspect.
The three visions thus recalled the gaseous, painful and glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
As these scenes took place, the astonished crowd watched the great miracle promised by the Virgin so that all would believe.
As She rose from the holm oak and headed toward the east, the Sun appeared through the clouds, like a great silver disk, shining with unusual brilliance, but without blinding the eye. And then it began to spin rapidly, dizzily. Then it stopped for a while and began to spin rapidly around itself, like an immense ball of fire.
Its edges became, at a certain point, reddish, and the Astro-King spread flames of fire across the sky in a terrifying whirlpool. The light of these flames was reflected on the faces of the assistants, on the trees, on all the objects, which took on very different colors and tones, greenish, bluish, reddish, orange, etc.
Three times the sun, spinning madly before the eyes of all, rushed in a zigzag pattern over the earth, to the terror of the crowd, who, terrified, asked God for forgiveness for their sins and mercy.
The phenomenon lasted about 10 minutes. Everyone saw it, no one dared to question it, not even free thinkers and agnostics who had come there out of curiosity or to mock popular credulity.
It was not, as people without faith later imagined, a phenomenon of suggestion or collective excitement, because it was seen up to 40 km away, by many people who were outside the place of the apparitions and therefore outside the area of influence of a pretended suggestion or excitement.
Another amazing detail noticed by many: the clothes, which were soaked by the rain at the beginning of the phenomenon, had dried prodigiously minutes later.
This initial miracle of Fatima multiplied among its faithful in a “viral” way.
To this day Our Lady of Fátima is one of the saints that Catholics pray to obtain a grace.
On her day, May 13, follow two prayers for you to reach the grace you need most.
Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima
Most Holy Virgin, who in the mountains of Fatima deigned to reveal to the three little shepherds, the treasures of graces that we can obtain by praying the Holy Rosary.
Help us to appreciate this holy prayer more and more, so that, meditating on the mysteries of our redemption, we may obtain the graces that we insistently ask of you… (make the request). Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, pray for us. Amen.
Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima
Most Holy Virgin, who in the mountains of Fatima deigned to reveal to the three little shepherds the treasures of graces that we can obtain by praying the Holy Rosary, help us to appreciate more and more this holy prayer, so that, meditating on the mysteries of our redemption, let us obtain the graces that we insistently ask of you (ask for grace).
O my good Jesus, forgive us, deliver us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven and help especially those who need it most. Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, pray for us.
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