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Learn prayers to protect children and children

Children’s Day is celebrated on October 12. It is there that we give thanks for the children, nephews, godchildren and stepchildren who are in our hearts. A big bunch of biological relatives or not.

Bertrand Russell explained our relationship and interaction with children very well when he wrote that “our parents love us because we are their children, it is an unalterable fact. In times of success, this may seem irrelevant, but in times of failure, they offer a comfort and security not found anywhere else.”

There is a definition about children that has been attributed to José Saramago, but the exact author is not known. “Son is a being that we were lent to an intensive course on how to love someone other than ourselves, how to change our worst flaws to set the best examples and learn to have courage. That’s right! Being a parent is the greatest act of courage anyone can have, because it is exposing yourself to all kinds of pain, especially the uncertainty of doing the right thing and the fear of losing something so loved. Lose? As? It’s not ours, remember? It was just a loan!”

Therefore, for this very special week, there are two prayers for the protection and blessing of children.

Parents’ prayer for children

Glorious Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, grant us your paternal protection, we beg you for the heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

You, whose power extends to all needs, knowing how to make impossible things possible, turn your fatherly eyes on the interests of your children.

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In the difficulties and sadness that afflict us, we turn to you with confidence.

Deign to take under your mighty protection this important and difficult matter, which is the cause of our worries.

Make its success serve the glory of God and the good of his devoted servants. Amen.

Saint Joseph, Father and protector, for the pure love you had for the Baby Jesus, preserve my children – my children’s friends and my friends’ children – from the corruptions of drugs, sex and other vices and other evils.

Saint Louis de Gonzaga, help our children.

Saint Maria Goretti, help our children.

Saint Tarcisio, help our children.

Santos Angels, defend my children – and my children’s friends and my friends’ children – from the assaults of the devil who wants to lose their souls.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, help us, fathers of families.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, save our families.

Holy Guardian Angels of Children

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, their counselors, inspire them.

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, their defenders, protect us.

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, their faithful friends, I asked for them.

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, their comforters, fortify them.

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, your brothers, defend them.

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, teach them their masters.

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, witnesses of all their actions, purify them.

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, their helpers, support them.

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, their intercessors, speak for them.

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, their guides direct them.

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Holy Guardian Angels of our children, may your light enlighten them.

Holy Guardian Angels of our children, whom God has entrusted to lead them and govern them.

Holy Angels of the Lord, zealous guardians of our children, since divine mercy has been entrusted to you, always rule over them, guard them, govern them and enlighten them. Amen!

Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and forever. Amen.

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