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Eclipses 2023: dates, signs and meanings |

April, May and October: these are the months of Eclipses in 2023. There will be two solar and two lunar.

The annular solar eclipse of October 14 will have full visibility in two Brazilian capitals: Natal and João Pessoa. The lunar eclipse of October 28 will be partially visible in Brazil.

Two pairs of signs will be moved the most in 2023:

Type of Eclipse in 2023Hour and dateSignDegreeSolar Eclipse20/04/2023
01:12 Aries29º50Lunar Eclipse05/05/2023
14:34 Scorpio14º58Solar Eclipse10/14/2023
2:55 pm Libra21st08Lunar Eclipse10/28/2023
14h24Touro05º09 Taurus and Scorpio, with a movement since the end of 2021; Aries and Libra, which start to have changes possibly from mid-March, with the proximity of the eclipse of 04/20.

Eclipses visible in Brazil

The visibility of an eclipse is associated with regions of the world where important events are observed during its manifestation period, which is a few weeks before and six months after.

Despite the fact that the eclipse has a particularly strong effect in the immediate vicinity of the date on which it occurs, astrologically it is said that an eclipse still has about six months to manifest itself in small or large events, whether on a collective or personal level.

The eclipse of the 20/04th will be visible in Western Australia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, New Zealand and Micronesia. The 05/05 eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. The 10/14 eclipse will be visible in South America (except southern Chile and Argentina), North America (except Greenland) and Central America. In Brazil, the capital Natal (RN) and João Pessoa (PB) will be able to contemplate the phenomenon in greater magnitude. The eclipse of 10/28 will be visible in Europe, Asia and Africa, the extreme east of America and part of Australia. In Brazil, part of the central-north region will be able to contemplate the phenomenon.

Eclipses of 2023 have to do directly with Brazil

The eclipse of 10/28 is particularly significant for Brazil. This occurs both because it is partially visible in our country, and because it falls together with Saturn in Taurus opposite Mars in Scorpio in the astral chart of the Independence of Brazil.

This opposition is associated with being very advanced in many things compared to other countries – such as banking, elections and vaccinations – while also lagging behind in others.

The lagging areas are associated with Saturn in the 3rd House of the Independence chart, such as deficient basic education and the fact that we are a giant country not connected by railroads.

In this way, the eclipse of 10/28 should trigger a more tense and disputed climate in the vicinity of it or months later, which may have to do with borders, legal issues, debates, among other possibilities.

The eclipse of 05/05, although not visible in Brazil, will fall at an angle of tension with Venus in the Independence chart, which governs economic issues, health, public service, work. Therefore, these themes will become evident in April, close to the eclipse, involving events in the following six months.

Eclipses in your sign

In the previous year, the Taurus-Scorpio Axis marked issues such as stability, security and finances (Taurus) and, again, finances, pleasure and mysteries (Scorpio).

In this way, in Eclipses 2023, what can be most marked is the tone of the “I” and beginnings (Aries) and the “other” and relationships (Libra).

Generally, the eclipse can be linked to the onset of crisis situations. Therefore, this phenomenon can be potentially complicated, but some people may “feel” it more than others.

In 2023, the axis of eclipses begins to shift. We will still have eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, which marked all eclipses in 2022 and emerged at the end of 2021. This axis was closely associated with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

It is linked to the financial and economic area (Taurus), as well as power issues (Scorpio). This is what is evident in the world and in personal life in many ways. Thus, the last eclipse on this axis will be on 10/28, reverberating for 6 months.

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From 2023, the Aries-Libra axis appears, closely related to issues involving the self and the other, the desire to assert oneself, take initiatives and act according to one’s own individuality versus maintaining relationships and agreements.

It does not tend to be an auspicious axis for themes of wars and conflicts, especially the difficult eclipse of 04/20, in the 29th degree of Aries. This is considered a difficult and critical astrological degree, with Sun and Moon square Pluto, crisis contact.

There is a strong war potential and old conflicts emerging here, possibly with the storm already building in mid-March and a worsening in the vicinity of the eclipse.

The eclipse of 10/14 will take place in Libra, demanding a lot from countries and diplomatic bodies and mediators, something associated with this sign.

In personal life, this axis will awaken questions such as how much you can be yourself, maintain your individuality and independence (Aries) versus your participation in partnerships, relationships and your ability to interact (Libra).

In this way, in the predictions for the signs in 2023, you can read the recommendations for each of the eclipses for your Ascendant and for your Sun sign. So read carefully and start preparing for that moment.

Thus, the eclipse periods in 2023 call for more care. Astrologically, it is suggested that reckless behavior be avoided unless you have what is called a contingency plan to deal with unforeseen events.

Due to increased emotional strain, it may be a good time to seek therapy and counseling. However, everything is more delicate, too. It’s as if the unconscious were boiling and things weren’t completely clear.

Differences between solar eclipse and lunar eclipse

in the lunar eclipse, the Moon is eclipsed. A moon for astrology it has to do with the past and a sense of security. Thus, these subjects tend to become more precarious at this stage.

It can also be a time when people step out of their safe zone, commonly associated with the Moon. In this way, something they relied on or relied on can be temporarily or permanently changed.

Thus, people can be more fearful and more reactive in this phase. Therefore, knowing this insecurity can be an important differential in dealing with people and situations.

At the solar eclipse, however, it is the Sun that is obscured. The Sun, in Astrology, governs the future and the power of choice. The Moon overlaps the Sun, so solar eclipses can bring a return of the past and, in some cases, a reduction in personal or free will power over something. Not always the lack of control is bad, it just takes us by surprise.

Despite the particularly strong performance of the eclipse in the vicinity of the date on which it occurs, astrologically it is said that an eclipse still has about six months to manifest itself in small or large events.

Eclipses happen in pairs or, eventually, in groups of three. In this way, you need to observe the Astrological Houses in which they happen, which are the themes that will be visible for about 6 months, related to the two or three eclipses.

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