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Why do they always disappear? Energy imbalances may explain

You know someone nice. He perceives affinities and a pleasant atmosphere when they are together. You go out several times, you talk every day, everything seems to be moving towards a firmer relationship. And then everything cools down so fast that there is no time to even notice. He/she just disappears. Why do they always disappear?

You ask yourself: “Why does this always happen in my life? What is wrong with me? People say I’m pretty, cool, and they don’t understand why I’m not in a relationship with someone. And neither do I.”

This is a very common situation in the calls I perform. Usually they are apparently well-resolved, independent, well-groomed people, but with a question in the back of their eyes: what is my problem?

Very often, people who bring up this question are the “very nice and nice” type. We can’t find fault with them, they are so cool. They hear phrases like: “you are perfect”, “you are the person I want to be with”.

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Why do they always disappear?

But often these apparently perfect people on a physical level bring many imbalances in emotional and mental patterns. We are all beings made up not only of physical matter, but of subtle energy.

Thoughts, beliefs and emotions, conscious or unconscious, also form our energetic bodies, which are not visible or as perceptible as our physical body. Therefore, our interactions with the environment and with other people are not only physical, but also energetic.

The suitor may not see the imbalances in the person he thinks is perfect. But he can, even subconsciously, feel them.

Well, probably the person might think about you and think: “she is so nice, beautiful, well resolved… I would like to stay with her/him, but something seems to be missing, something is not working”. He can’t explain why he doesn’t want to be with you anymore, because rationally there are no reasons.

How to find love? Click here and know how to see if your energy of sensuality and involvement is balanced.

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If you fall into the “nice and nice” style, you may also be masking a conscious or unconscious attempt to control the other person. A game in which, in some very subtle way, you try to force the other to do what you want them to do.

You want him to love you and commit, to say and do what you expect, to meet your needs and all your sky-high expectations.

Sometimes, a game is created in which the person feels almost obliged to meet your expectations, after all, you are so nice and cute that you deserve to be pleased. And this game enslaves and tires the other person, who feels trapped.

Energetically, it would be as if your energy were hugging hers like an octopus, immobilizing and controlling her.

Again, this “attack” may not be visible, but it can be felt, consciously or unconsciously.

The “good girl” can also carry traumas and negative beliefs about relationships in her mental and emotional bodies, which she tries to hide and stifle within herself. (understand here how some traumas are recorded in the uterus and vaginal canal).

Despite apparently being very friendly, her disharmonious energies can be captured by the other, who, even without understanding why, becomes disinterested.

Why do they always disappear signals something inside you

If you are frequently involved with partners who disappear without explanation, know that this situation signals something within you.

Seek through meditation, or if you feel the need, with therapeutic professional help, these issues to be worked on you. During this process it can be advantageous to be alone for a while.

Don’t worry if suitors stop showing up, and respect their healing time. When you are harmonized, your own energy field will vibrate in a different way, and will be in charge of making healthier interactions and relationships flow.

Keep understanding why your suitors always disappear

Realize how imbalances are formed that affect your relationships

Is the fear of love keeping your suitors away?

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