If the year 2020 was with an emphasis on Capricornasking for resilience, persistence and adequacy to reality, the astrology predictions for 2021 show that Aquarium will be highlighted in the new year, where Jupiter and Saturn will transit. This is an astrological milestone because it occurs every 20 years.
We had a preview of 2021 when Saturn was in Aquarius from March 22 to July 1, 2020. For you to have an idea, it was during this period that anti-racist protests began, for example, worldwide. It was also at this stage that the determination of isolation was questioned a lot.
In this article, you can understand the astrology predictions for 2021 at the collective level. Login here to read the predictions for the signs in 2021.
In Astrology, 2021 is an Aquarian and Uranian year
In addition to being an Aquarian year, we can say that for Astrology 2021 is a Uranian year. This because Saturn in Aquarius will be in tension with Uranus in Taurus. And Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius.
It is as if it were Uranus or Aquarius “squared”, putting stimulus energy in the positive polarity and instability in the negative one.
And what to expect from an “Aquarian” year? As no sign is only positive or only negative, understand what to expect from an Aquarian year in both polarities.
The positives of an Aquarian/Uranian year:
The challenges of an Aquarian/Uranian year:
More chance of exaggeration in communication. Possibility of increased radicalism and polarizations. Possibility of many protests and social upheaval. Protests that can have a lot of confusion and repression. Economic and business instability. There may be an accelerated end of certain businesses and professions, just as there is a tendency towards the sudden discontinuation of certain models and the sudden scrapping of what may already be in decline. Modernization or rapid change that can take many people by surprise in their personal lives and in their jobs. Known structures and forms of support may change to quite another model. High degree of impatience, intolerance or agitation. In some cases, people will want to change for the sake of changing, jeopardizing what they have built, which, depending on the context, will not always be good, but rather a sign of immaturity. Hint: abuse color of 2021! Excessive valuation of youthful, adolescent and in-trendy or youthful behavior, which, despite everything, cannot be eternal. Increased susceptibility of adolescents. Potential for increased sudden events in schools and universities. Therefore, parents and adults need to be aware of what is happening in these environments. Despite the connection, there can be many people who are isolated or feeling alone. In a year of extraordinary power of communication and collective movement, many people may end up at the opposite pole, living more in the virtual world than the real one. Many people may also try to resist change. It is possible that there will be a great clash between more conservative people and others with more progressive tendencies.
Astrology 2021: the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius
Jupiter and Saturn are protagonists of an important astrological meeting in Aquarius from 12/21/2020.
The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is an astrological milestone that occurs once every 20 years, and that can bring about new economic, financial, social and thought trends.
The last Jupiter/Saturn conjunction took place in the year 2000, in Taurus.
It was the year characterized by the much-feared turn of the millennium and the bursting of the Internet bubble. Shortly before the crash happened, company shares reached stratospheric values.
Many companies went bankrupt and others gained even more power, as was the case with the giant Amazon.
Many people are now afraid of what robots and computers can do to the social and economic fabric we have and what sorts of reorganization will have to be done in order for us to have more justice and equality.
These are characteristic values of the element Air and that can predominate mainly the economic and production power, something characteristic of the conjunctions in sign of the element Earth that occurred between the years 1800 until 2000, e.g.
Yes, Astrology, for those who imagined restricting themselves to the simplification of ready-made formulas for combining signs, goes well beyond that, accompanying History, helping to explain it through macro cycles.
If there was a pandemic in 2020, what will 2021 be like?
2019 and 2020 were characterized by conjunction of Saturn with Pluto, which became even more powerful in 2020, with the presence of Jupiter next to the two planets. This transit dealt with the need to deal with crises, reallocations and downsizing of expenses, especially in the last year, the Covid-19 pandemic.
In Astrology, 2021 will be characterized by the square (tension aspect) between Saturn and Uranuswhose classic dispute is the old versus the new, keep or change.
Don’t expect a calm year. Tranquility is NOT going to be a feature of 2021.
There’s a good side to that: novelty and stimulation. But Saturn in tension with Uranus can highlight instabilities, turmoil and changes that occur very quickly. Two possible translations for this square are: “the old falls quickly” and “it is more difficult to maintain stability and continuity”.
How to understand Saturn in Aquarius in tension with Uranus in Taurus
Since Uranus entered Taurus (quickly in 2018 and definitely in 2019), it had already been announced that there would be changes in economic and work models, which would no longer offer so much stability.
And that’s exactly what happened.
Uranus is still in Taurus until 2026. But the issues of this transit may become even more striking for Astrology in 2021 because of the tension with Saturn in Aquarius. Not least because the pandemic has already brought about changes that may become structural in 2021. Many companies are thinking about keeping their employees working remotely, for example, because this reduces the costs of physical facilities.
Uranus in Taurus is also changing financial transactions and the way goods are understood. Since Uranus entered this sign, and even more intensified by the year of the pandemic, many people have been wondering about excessive consumption and seeing possessions in other ways.
Geological instability and natural phenomena
The Uranus/Saturn square can also appear in phenomena of nature, such as with increased risk of hillside or building collapses, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, storms.
And all this could happen in January, when Mars will be in Taurus, together with Uranus and in tension with Saturn.
Collapses can also be in personal or professional life, such as a seemingly solid company that fails or a long-cooled marriage ends. New systems may appear in private or public companies being implemented at the drop of a hat, with the aim of urgent modernization, something very Uranian.
Important old or traditional companies can be acquired by new, and often quite different, companies. Jobs may have new deals, as has already happened in 2020 because of the pandemic. In the public service, debates may arise or even changes in relation to the acquired guarantees.
That is, expect a lot of dynamism and less stability in 2021. The positive side can be to change what really needs to be changed, such as stagnant situations or situations that need some kind of change.
The moments most characterized by the Saturn/Uranus square will be when the aspect is exact: on 02/17, 06/14 and 12/24.. But it will also be possible to notice them when Mars triggers it:
In January: Mars squares Saturn from 04 to 21/01 and is conjunct Uranus from 14 to 26/01. Obstacles, laborious processes (Saturn) and, at the same time, accelerated changes (Uranus) can occur. They may involve the financial sphere, as it is in Taurus. Chance of earthquakes and natural phenomena and greater propensity for accidents.
In June: From 26/06 to 05/07, Mars in Leo opposes Saturn, and from 28/06 to 09/07 square Uranus. Clashes and turmoil involving ego (or ecoic presidents and leaders) are a trend in this period.
In November: from 06 to 15/11, Mars in Scorpio squares Saturn, and from 13 to 21/11, opposes Uranus. There is possibility of radical actions, there may be earthquakes and hurricanes, terrorist attacks. There is a greater tendency of deaths in accidents (Gugu Liberato had an accident on a Mars/Uranus).
New types of rulers and leaders
The square of Saturn and Uranus is not something subtle that gives choice. Businesses and professionals who do not update themselves may find it difficult to survive in 2021. There is also a tendency to change rulers and leaders who have been present since 2017.
At the very end of 2017 Saturn entered Capricorn. This transit is characterized by an emphasis on more conservative leadership. With Aquarius it will be exactly the opposite: younger, different or progressive leaders, willing to bring some kind of change and novelty, tend to call attention now with Saturn in Aquarius.
Jupiter in Pisces: A Preview of 2022 Between May and July
Just as 2020 had an “Aquarius preview”, 2021 will have a “Pisces preview”, which will mark 2022. Jupiter will transit through this sign from 05/13 to 7/28, and then definitely from 12/29 .
Jupiter in Aquarius is quite rational, if unconventional in many ways. And it is very focused on collective movements, with a “what” of rebellion from this sign.
Jupiter in Pisces is more zen and relaxed. More people can look for spirituality and meditation, which is very positive. However, always remember the two sides of each sign, and one of the precautions to take with Jupiter in Pisces is the increase in false gurus and also the excess of drug consumption.
It’s a very sensitive and musical position, which could yield renewed inspiration for music, the entertainment industry and film.
Seven precious tips to enjoy 2021, the Aquarian year
Be ready to adapt or change: modernize and update where you feel you need to: work, personal life, mind. Those who are open to new things and with the agility to adhere to what is born will do better in 2021. The sooner you realize where the winds of change are taking you (or your business and career), and prepare yourself, the better. Get ahead. Social networks will remain very strong, permeating businesses. Understand at least about them. Pay attention to new behavioral waves, regardless of whether or not you like what they bring. It is essential, in a year with a strong Aquarian bias, to be up to date on what is happening. Companies, in particular, will have to adapt to new trends. Don’t take anything for granted, because even what is guaranteed can change in 2021. As has been said, marriages of years can end suddenly in the new year or crises in companies considered solid and traditional. Be aware that everything can change. Consider taking new directions and pursuing new interests in your life. A lot of people may have more courage to make big changes in 2021. Socialize, don’t isolate yourself, meet new people, because 2021 will…