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6 Things to Do When a Friend Disappoints You –

We have all suffered disappointment in life. Whether sentimental or work. But when it’s a friend it hurts much more, because they are the people we respect the most and trust the most. It’s normal that you don’t know what to do when a friend disappoints you.

To help you in this situation, we leave you some tips so that you know how to deal with this unpleasant situation.

1. Don’t take it personally

The first thing you should do is evaluate the situation well. The truth is that 9 times out of 10 a disappointment is not your fault. That friend may have failed you and other people. Don’t blame or blame yourself for that person’s actions if you didn’t act wrong.

Think for a moment, is it really worth spending the day wondering if it was your fault? Thinking about a situation too much will increase your stress, worsen your mood, and affect your relationships with other people.

If you find it very difficult to get the situation out of your mind, go out with other friends and distract yourself.

2. Accept that people are not perfect

I know it’s hard, especially when it comes to our friends, but look at it this way: if you’re not perfect, why do you expect your friend to be?

We all make mistakes. If it is the first time that he or she disappoints you, it is possible that that friend was going through a bad time that influenced his attitude.

Now, if this is not the first time you are disappointed, consider two things:

How are you surprised that he disappoints you if he has already done it to you? If he’s already failed you once, chances are he’ll do it again. If you want to continue being his friend, you must lower or if possible completely eliminate all the expectations you have about that friendship. Perhaps your friend has that attitude with everyone around him and explodes at the worst of times for you. When you are disappointed, don’t make a drama out of what you feel, let the situation pass and when you are calmer, talk to your friend alone. Communicating can help them.

3. Understand what you are capable of controlling

Think for a moment: How do I control something that gets out of my hands? You can not do it. If your friend behaves in the wrong way, you cannot force him to rectify it.

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You must understand that you only have control over yourself and what you do. So not only when a friend disappoints you, but in all aspects of your life, he remembers that you can only control yourself, your feelings and how you act in the situations that arise.

It is a difficult thing to do, but with practice and being aware of what your true responsibilities are, you will soon become less affected by these types of situations.

4. Don’t repay the bad deed!

Perhaps one of the first things that cross your mind when a friend disappoints you is to repay them in kind: failing them when they need you most or doing something bad when they least expect it. It’s understandable that you feel this way, but it’s not right.

Taking revenge only brings more pain and increases tension between you. If they are friends for a reason, retaliation could worsen their relationship, to the point of completely ending their ties. The ideal is that you wait for time to pass, talk and look for solutions.

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5. Be a better friend to others

This is extremely important. You are what you attract. If you are an otherwise good friend, it is very likely that you will find yourself surrounded by good friends, who value your support and your presence in their lives.

Set an example of how you like a friendship to be: be kind, be cordial, listen to what the other person has to tell you without judging them, enjoy the good times with them and be there for them when they need you.

It’s not a guarantee that they will never let you down, but at least you will have other friends to count on if one lets you down.

6. Be open to finding new friends

If your friend is not constantly in your life, think about whether you really want to wait for him. I’m not saying that it’s easy to replace one person with another, because no one is replaceable, but you can meet new people and make friends who will accompany you in important moments.

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Be open to meeting new people and making friends. Dare to chat with people you find interesting in line at the supermarket or at the pool while you wait for your children. You never know where you can meet interesting people.

If talking to strangers isn’t your thing, go ahead and join a club you like like chess, painting, or dancing, or you can also try your church club. You will learn new things and also expand your circle of friends.

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Phrases when a friend disappoints you

When a friend fails you, emotions flood us and often make us react impulsively. To maintain focus and help you think more clearly, we leave you these phrases with brief tips:

– Take disappointment as an opportunity to become stronger and grow more emotionally.

– Sometimes it is better to let go, everyone in your life teaches you something, but not everyone will accompany you until the end of your days.

– Don’t hate the fact of feeling disappointed, it is a lesson that life gives you to force you to grow and have better opportunities in the future.

– Don’t lie to who you love and don’t believe who has lied to you.

Reflections for friends who fail you

When you talk to that friend who disappointed you, explain your feelings and ask them the following questions to help them reflect on what happened:

– How would you feel if they did what you did to you?

– Can you fix what you did? Remember that friendship is very delicate, as delicate as glass.

– Do you feel that our friendship is valuable? Can you imagine your life without our friendship? Think of a way to make up for what you’ve done a little bit. Talk to him and apologize.

What to do when people disappoint you?

The first thing you have to do is try to control your emotions and analyze things more calmly. If you make decisions in the heat of the moment, you could make the problem even bigger.

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When you are alone and calm, analyze the situation coldly and think about what could have caused that attitude. Don’t look for blame, focus on solutions.

Talk alone to that person who disappointed you. If he doesn’t accept that he hurt you, it’s better to leave things as they are and move on, since he doesn’t take your feelings into account.

What to do when you are disappointed in a friend?

Some things you could try to do when a friend lets you down are:

1. Tell him what you feel

Talking to your friend when she has disappointed you will not only help you vent, but it will also let her know how she made you feel when she let you down. She will help her put herself in your place.

2. Think carefully about the situation

Will what he did to you affect you in the future? Is it something you can’t forgive? These are questions you should ask yourself when a friend disappoints you, since how the relationship between you will continue to work largely depends on this.

3. Be grateful

Thank? You probably think I’m crazy, but no. It is something you should always do, no matter the situation you find yourself in. Good times bring us joy and remind us why it is good to live, but bad times teach us valuable lessons.

4. Change your expectations

That situation of disappointment is an excellent opportunity to reevaluate the friendship and lower the expectations you have for a person a little. The only person you should put expectations on is yourself. This way you won’t be so disappointed.

5. Accept her as she is

If you can forgive the disappointment, you must learn to accept your friend with her virtues and defects, since you cannot change her nor live from disappointment to disappointment.

Friendships have good and bad moments. When a friend lets you down, the most important thing is to remember the things that bring you together. The more you respect yourself, the more you will remember what you are truly worth. They will find the solution that their friendship deserves.

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