Have you noticed that your partner receives mysterious calls, goes out unexpectedly, and hides things from you? These are usually signs of infidelity. You probably already have suspicions, but you don’t know how to ask your partner if he or she is cheating on you.
Infidelity is a serious problem for any relationship, so it is always a difficult topic to address. Here we bring you 14 questions you can ask your partner to detect if they are cheating on you.
How to ask your partner if he is cheating on you?
Before starting to investigate possible infidelity, you must be clear if you really want to open that topic in your relationship. Cheating leaves deep wounds, and not all couples are able to recover after these situations.
Obviously, honesty and clarity in a relationship is better. You deserve to know if your partner is honest with you and respects you. But you must be clear about this, because if you discover that he was unfaithful to you, it is very likely that you will feel quite bad.
Once you make the decision, you should evaluate how to approach it. Asking directly can cause your partner to deny everything, take a defensive position, and prevent you from detecting reality. It is best to use more general questions to find more signs of deception. Here a list:
1. Did something happen to you at work?
If you have noticed that your partner has taken to working late, it is time to ask him this question. Do it in a carefree way, in a moment of tranquility. Ideally, it sounds like genuine curiosity about your need to be in the office so much.
Although this question does not necessarily show that you have a suspicion, it can scare your partner in case he is being unfaithful. Pay attention to his posture and what he communicates verbally, his body language can show if he is making an excuse in response.
2. What is so interesting that keeps you on your mobile?
One of the main indicators of infidelity is the continuous use of the cell phone, at all hours, to chat with the other person. WhatsApp and social networks are widely used tools to maintain intimate and private conversations with other people.
Privacy should not be invaded in a relationship. So instead of going behind her back and checking her conversations, he chooses to ask her what’s so interesting on his phone that she can’t stop looking at it at all times.
This question will achieve two things: first, it will make it clear to him that you have noticed strange behavior and he will have to leave as many conversations on his mobile; Second, it will allow you to see his reaction and possible nerves from the way he answers the question.
3. What do you think about infidelity?
This is a conversation that all couples should have, especially when they start their relationship. You both need to be on the same page about the seriousness of your relationship, what its boundaries are, and exactly what each of you considers to be infidelity.
The truth is that many of us have different ideas about what cheating means, so it’s healthy to have a conversation about the rules of the relationship.
4. How can we increase our trust and transparency?
Trust is the backbone of every relationship. That is why it is always important for the couple to have the ability to ask themselves if they trust each other. This question is a good indicator to measure possible deception.
If your partner is unfaithful, this question may make him feel attacked, at risk of being discovered. If it is not, you will take it as a good opportunity to have that important conversation for your relationship.
5 What do you consider “a betrayal of trust”?
If it is important to know if they trust you, it is also important to be clear about what their limits would be, what they would consider a real betrayal.
Also talk about your past and your previous experiences. This will help you measure how much importance he gives to fidelity and you will know his attitude towards it. If it doesn’t seem important to you, or if you’ve been unfaithful before and don’t seem to show remorse, that’s definitely a sign.
Also read our guide on how to solve relationship problems due to mistrust
6. What do you think about flirting with others outside of the relationship?
While some people have no problem with “harmless flirting” while in a relationship, not everyone accepts this behavior. This is an important conversation for any couple, especially if you’ve noticed that they tend to flirt with other people.
It is important to distinguish being friendly from flirting. Sometimes it can seem the same and we feel the need to mark territory over our partner. When you ask him this question, you will automatically make him think about your motives and eventually he will reflect on his attitude towards others.
7. Have you ever cheated or been cheated on in a relationship?
This is a key question to learn more about your partner’s limits. Although your past is not necessarily a reflection of your present, the truth is that it does say a lot about the strength of your commitments and your ability to respect previous partners.
A conversation of this type is a good opportunity to express your fears about possible infidelities and how much going through that situation would make you suffer. This way you can evaluate your body response.
Questions for you: evaluate their attitude
In addition to asking him indirect questions to try to detect infidelity, we leave you a series of questions so you can verify his behavior.
8. Do you constantly avoid leaving your phone exposed to your eyes?
This is one of the things that most reveals a person who is cheating on their partner. The cell phone is usually the number 1 means of keeping a relationship secret. That is why it is also a tool that allows us to detect other signs of suspicious relationships.
Some of these signs are staying in the bathroom for a long time, taking calls in isolated spaces, or getting nervous if the cell phone rings in your presence.
9. Is he “too busy” to go out with you?
Something very characteristic of those who date other people is that they hide their relationships. If your partner avoids going out with you in public places, always gives you the excuse that he doesn’t have time and has never posted a photo with you on his networks, it is possible that he is hiding you.
Someone who is only with you will not make excuses to go out, walk around and show themselves to you publicly.
10. Have you found his active profile on Tinder?
Few signs of infidelity are as clear as this one. While it is possible that your partner had a Tinder account before meeting you, and may even have met you that way, it makes no sense for him to remain active on the platform if he already has a stable relationship with you.
This is very easy to confirm: you just need to use a friend’s account or create a fictitious one.
11. Do you like to spend a lot of time alone with your friends?
If your partner starts going out with his friends more frequently than usual, and also doesn’t invite you to his plans, you should be alert.
It is normal to share with friends and also go for a few drinks with colleagues, but another thing is to constantly schedule outings and not make space to share with you. He may be camouflaging an affair by saying that it is going out with his friends.
12. When he goes out he doesn’t respond to your messages?
It’s not about sending dozens of messages and harassing your partner when they go out with their friends. It is normal that he is not always with you or thinking about you, he has the right to relax.
However, it is common to send one or two messages to see how you are or when you will return from your outing. If he doesn’t respond to these messages, or does so after making you wait a long time and trying to get by, he may be with more dangerous company than you think.
13. Have you smelled someone else’s perfume on their clothes?
There are many reasons or ways that clothing absorbs another person’s perfume, but it is clear which is the simplest: physical contact. If you spend a lot of time around a person, you’re likely to pick up on their scent.
If you smell another woman’s fragrance, tell her directly. Her reaction will show you the reality: if he gets nervous, rambles, and doesn’t have a simple explanation, there is probably infidelity.
14. How well do you relate to those close to you?
If you still don’t know his closest friends and family, and your partner doesn’t show interest in meeting those who are closest to you, then it may be that he isn’t really looking for a serious relationship or there is another person in his life.
When a relationship has time, the most logical thing is for both of them to unite their worlds. If he doesn’t introduce you to his social circle, he’s probably hiding you because the relationship doesn’t mean that much to him. Or until
How to know if your partner is unfaithful to you?
There are basic ways to detect infidelity. In addition to answering the questions on this list, there are more extreme things like reviewing his conversations with other girls, even chasing him to find out who he is dating.
After evaluating his behavior and asking him the questions that we discuss in this list, comes the moment of truth. You should have a clear and honest conversation about your concerns.
Choose the appropriate time for it. Both must be calm, feel confident and be willing to communicate effectively.
How to know if your partner is lying to you?
Do you ramble to answer direct questions? Does he feel uncomfortable if you take his phone? Do you have a friend that you spend a lot of time with? Answering yes to any of these questions already implies the possibility that your partner is hiding something.
Questions to know if your girlfriend is cheating on you
Girls tend to be more careful than men when it comes to cheating, but they also tend to be a little more honest when talking about infidelity with their partners.
Here are some options for questions you can ask your girl if you suspect she is unfaithful:
Have you dated two guys at the same time?Do you get bored easily with the people you hang out with?What do you think about flirting between people who are in a relationship?How do you act under the influence of alcohol? Do you like talking about boys with your friends?
How to get your partner to confess infidelity to you?
It is very difficult to get your partner to recognize infidelity. Your natural reaction will be to hide it and deny it if it is discovered.
But if you feel 90% sure that you are being cheated on and still need 10% to confirm it, you should broach this conversation with your partner.
You can start with phrases that are not necessarily accusatory, but show that there are lies or contradictions that have made you suspicious. For example:
“The other day you told me that you went out with Juan, but I talked to him and he told me that he hasn’t seen you in a long time.” “Several people have approached me to alert me that they have seen you with another girl.”
Also read our guide on how to discover infidelity – the truth about deception
How to know if your boyfriend is cheating on you?: Test
Let’s do a simple YES or NO test to determine if it is possible that your partner is cheating on you. If most of the questions are affirmative, we can assure you that he is with someone else:
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