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How to make a man think about you –

If you want to conquer a boy, being attractive is a point in your favor, but it is not enough.

Yes, it helps you get their attention and encourage an approach, but your appearance has little to do with the possibility of starting a stable relationship as a couple.

Of course, if you are attractive you can attract attention and possibly establish a physical connection. But if you want to go further, you need much more.

What does it take to conquer?

The true way to make a man think about you is by entering his mind, arousing his interest with an overwhelming attitude. Only then will he feel intrigued and want to be by your side to have a relationship.

How to achieve it? It’s not that difficult, you just need to present yourself as a mystery worth solving. To do this, we give you a series of practical tips that you can follow to learn how to spark their interest.

Also read our guide on what men like about women physically

1. You must be happy and independent

You don’t need to have a man by your side to be happy! It has always been customary to show the idea of ​​the “better half” or that you need another person to be complete. But that is false.

Learn to be happy alone and for yourself. Having a partner is a complement to that happiness, you cannot depend on that other person to feel complete.

The desperation to find a partner or to captivate a certain boy will make you look unattractive. Once he recognizes that attitude in you, he will feel that you are not a challenge and he will lose the motivation to conquer you. Desperation is not attractive.

2. Project confidence

To be desired, you must believe that you are. If you don’t like yourself, how do you expect anyone else to like you? Highlight your best qualities, believe in yourself and feed your self-esteem.

When you love yourself, you project confidence in who you are and what you are capable of achieving. You feel complete and you don’t need anyone else to be happy.

That’s the key to being attractive: not needing anyone else. Men love a confident woman, who knows what she wants and what she deserves. She’s not afraid to walk away if she doesn’t feel satisfied.

Also read our guide on the 7 tips on how to have more self-confidence and security in your life

3. Be elegant

A sexy woman is not the one who shows the most skin!

Sometimes it is thought that being sensual means showing all the attributes at once. And yes, “sexy bombshells” get all the attention from men many times, but in most cases that only leads to sex. Without obligation.

An elegant woman knows how to project a seductive image without being vulgar. She is attractive because of her subtlety when it comes to dressing. Her outfits highlight her qualities, without showing them all, she does not abuse makeup. She has a natural look and a beauty that seems “effortless.”

4. Have consistent expectations

When you like a boy, it is normal that you want to win him over and get his attention. What is not normal is that, from the beginning, you already have the expectation that he will love you and that you will be a couple.

A good strategy, on the other hand, is to wait for him to keep his word and the commitments he makes with you. Guys don’t like it when you demand love, but they do understand if what you expect from them is respect for you, your time, and their commitments.

5. Understand that if there is no commitment, you are free to date whoever you want

Men find commitment a little difficult, because they love to feel free and having a relationship is, in some way, losing a little of that freedom.

They like to go on dates with a girl, they do not clearly establish a commitment between them, but they assume that she will not go out with other men.

If there is no committed relationship, the two are free to meet other people and continue “trying” different dates. If he doesn’t like that idea, then he will have to consider a serious and stable relationship.

Until then, make it clear that you are free and that you do not have to be accountable or faithful if there is no real relationship involved.

Also read our guide on why men cheat: 13 most common reasons

6. Keep the mystery

Even if you are in a stable relationship, maintaining mystery is crucial for your partner to remain attracted to you. In every couple there is one person who follows the other, and it is that person who bears the loss in the dynamics of the relationship.

Don’t tell everything about yourself, don’t give him 100% of who you are. Take your time to let him enter your life, demand that he earn your trust, let him be the one to follow you and show curiosity to get to know you. The more mysterious you are, the more interest you will arouse in him.

7. One step at a time

To form a relationship, it is necessary to take some initial time to get to know each other. You can’t create a bond overnight, that takes time shared, experiences together, getting to know each other better.

Allow the friendship to take a little lead and give yourself time to discover if he is worth it, if you have common interests, if you share values, if you will have a future together.

If they go straight to bed, they will miss the opportunity to create a little more intimacy and complicity beforehand. Don’t lose your head so soon!

8. Don’t get obsessed

We all need our space to develop as individuals. Being harassed is not pleasant for anyone.

If you went out with a guy and it’s been a couple of days without talking, don’t complain or pursue him. It’s likely that he’s just taking time out for his own things and, in the worst case scenario, if he decided not to continue the relationship, pursuing him is not a good option.

Drama will only drive him away. Do not write him messages, or claim that he has not looked for you. When he appears he will explain his reasons to you. If they seem valid to you, continue with it.

Noticing that you don’t chase him or show concern for his absence will pique his interest and he’ll wonder why you’re not that interested.

9. Don’t waste your time

People who value themselves do not waste their time crying or begging for the love of those who do not value them. If you fell in love with someone and the relationship didn’t work out, it’s normal to feel sad for a while. But avoid tying yourself to memories that only make your life bitter.

I have a friend who went through a complicated divorce and after ten years she still remembers her ex-husband, longing for the good times with him. He, for one, moved countries, had children, and has been divorced twice more since then. He doesn’t care about her life.

The only way to stay in the other’s mind is to get their attention. And that is not achieved by missing him and crying for him every minute. No. If you move on with your life, if you look for new adventures and do not show interest, he will surely be the one who wants to return to you.

10. Maintain a positive attitude

The secret to beauty is simple: be a positive person. When you project a pleasant and happy image, believe in yourself and look for the positive side of life, you create energies that attract those around you.

Learn to vibrate positively and you will attract people with the same disposition into your life. Keep a friendly face, smile and you will be the most attractive woman in the room.

Any man who knows you will want to stay by your side and will not be able to get your image of happiness out of his mind, a happiness that you find for yourself and are able to transmit to those around you.

Also read our guide on 4 things when a man wants something serious, what attitudes does he have?

In conclusion

To get into a man’s mind, you must focus on yourself and your happiness.

Love yourself more every day, respect yourself and learn to overcome any circumstance in your life without depending on someone else. Once you make yourself a priority, you will notice that admirers start appearing around you.

Men look for self-confident women with interests, tastes and confidence. Not just “damsels in distress.”

Do you know other ways to make a man think about you? Don’t hesitate to tell us your best tips in our comment box. You can also leave us your questions or proposals for new topics that you would be interested in reading.

Remember that you can also publish this and our other posts on your social networks, so that the information reaches your friends and acquaintances. You never know who needs these tips!

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