The practice of writing someone’s name and stepping on it is a ritual with diverse methods influenced by context, religion, and culture. Its effectiveness relies on the practitioner’s belief and confidence in its power to influence the relationship. If you choose to engage in this ritual, maintain a positive outlook and continue nurturing your relationship through open communication and the cultivation of a healthy bond with your loved one.
Here, we outline three distinct methods to perform this ritual, all leading to the same desired outcome:
Write Someone’s Name and Step on It (with Photo)
- A blue ink pen
- A photo of your loved one
How to Perform:
- Visualize the person you love and what you desire from the ritual.
- Write the full name of your loved one thrice above their photo.
- Step on the photo three times consecutively with your left foot.

Write Someone’s Name and Step on It (with the Sole of the Foot)
Another variation involves writing the name on the sole of your foot, tapping it thrice on the ground, and summoning your loved one back into your life. Reports indicate this simple ritual to be highly effective. The belief is that inscribing the name on the sole of the left foot can draw the loved one closer, fortify the relationship, or bring good fortune to it.
Write Someone’s Name and Step on It (with Red Pen)
If you’re entangled in a complex love affair and wish to retain this person in your life, this ritual, repeated for seven days, can exert powerful forces to solidify your love. Perform this within the first hour of the next full moon, then continue daily for a week. Write your beloved’s name in red pen beneath your left foot. Tap the ground three times, reciting: “With one I catch you, with two I catch you, with three I bind you.” Let the name remain underfoot throughout the day, allowing it to naturally fade. Repeat this every morning for seven days, and your love will be bound to you indefinitely.
Write Someone’s Name and Step on It (with Red Candle)
For this ritual, you’ll need a red candle and a bit of honey in addition to writing the name under your foot. Follow these steps:
- Write the name under your left foot with a red pen.
- Use a pointed object to inscribe the name on the red candle.
- Apply honey around the entire candle (avoiding the wick).
- Light the candle, step firmly on the ground thrice, and say the incantation.
How Long Does it Take for the Ritual to Take Effect?
The time frame for results can vary. Some may experience swift outcomes, while for others, it might take weeks, months, or even years. The intensity and energy invested in the ritual are crucial determinants.
Can the Ritual Cause Harm?
Yes, it’s important to acknowledge that any ritual aimed at binding or manipulating someone’s free will can be detrimental to both the practitioner and the person involved. It can lead to toxic relationships and emotional turmoil. Furthermore, sudden abandonment of the ritual by the practitioner may incur spiritual consequences. Remember, genuine love thrives on natural and voluntary connections, not forced bindings.