If the title of this article caught your attention, you probably already suspect that your partner is homosexual, a concern that is very common among women.
But in most cases, it is usually the imagination that plays tricks on you and places that worry on your shoulders. Still, there is always a possibility, so it is good to clear up your suspicions and put an end to that worry in your life.
According to scientific studies, women are much more concerned about knowing if their partners are homosexual than about confirming if their husbands are cheating on them with another woman. His doubts about sexuality surpass those of possible infidelity.
So don’t feel alone in your worries, you are part of a high statistic of women with doubts. But let’s start by knowing a little more about homosexuality and its nature.
What does sexual orientation mean? – What does it mean to be gay?
Simply put, sexual orientation is the tendency to be sexually attracted to men, women, both, or neither sex.
However, it is important that you understand that this orientation is not necessarily static or permanent.
You may always feel attracted to the same sex, without your tastes changing. But it can also be fluid, that is, it can indicate that you like men but then it can vary and you feel attracted to women.
Orientation is defined with different terms: heterosexuality (those who are attracted to the opposite sex), homosexuality (attraction to the same sex), bisexuality (attraction to both) and another series of more specific concepts in this area.
And although a woman does not at all expect confirmation that her husband likes men, psychologists have determined that a man who sleeps with other guys is not necessarily gay, but can experiment with his sexuality.
This is a complex topic, since attraction is not the same as emotional ties. Maybe your husband is once attracted to a man, but emotionally he doesn’t feel a connection with the same sex as him. There are many possibilities because sexuality is fluid.
Your boyfriend or husband may love you, but enjoys a sexual adventure.
Signs that DO NOT imply that your boyfriend is gay
Don’t be guided by stereotypes! Before worrying or pointing out your partner as homosexual, read these points carefully, which refer to behaviors that are often associated with gay men but which are nothing more than prejudices.
1. You want to try new things in bed
By this I mainly mean anal sex or experimenting with “the back door”, even if it’s something I’ve never asked you to do before.
Interest in anal sex is common for most heterosexual men, although many try to hide it for fear of social prejudice and causing you to doubt their sexuality.
Trying new things doesn’t have to be seen as something out of the ordinary. In fact, one of the erogenous zones (both female and male) is located in the anus, so stimulating it appropriately can make both of you enjoy each sexual encounter.
2. Has had sex with boys
Many would turn their backs when they found out about this, but although it may seem difficult to assimilate, just because a man has relations with another does not necessarily mean that he is gay.
As we mentioned, sexuality is fluid, as is attraction. A night of adventure or experimentation may lead a man to share a bed with another, without implying that there is a permanent or emotional connection between the two.
And it is nothing new on a historical level. Greek warriors spent more time with their peers than with their wives, and having sex with their partners was considered to provide them with the strength and vigor they required to be more warrior-like.
They did not do it out of love, or because they were necessarily attracted to other men as a stable partner, but as a way to satisfy their sexual appetite when they were away from home.
3. Take care of your appearance
Returning to the terrain of stereotypes! Although it is true that gay boys tend to take better care of their personal appearance and have impeccable taste in clothing, that does not mean that heterosexuals neglect their appearance.
So if your boy is one of those who cares about looking good, don’t think so lightly that he is homosexual.
I have a friend whose voice is not the most sensual, he takes such care with his words that he seems effeminate, and to top it all off, his manners and postures are extremely delicate.
But he is happily married, and has 4 children. And his marriage is not a disguise to appear manly!
What happened in his case is that he grew up without a father figure, so his upbringing was in the hands of a grandmother with exceptional manners, two aunts who were delirious about protecting him and a mother who taught him to be kind and subtle with words. .
Hence his customs are much more effeminate than usual, but they do not make him any less heterosexual.
Things that CAN indicate that your boyfriend is gay
So far we present to you the characteristics that you may have misunderstood regarding your partner’s behavior.
However, now we go with the signs that could indicate that he has a homosexual orientation despite being your partner.
1. He is not interested in looking at women…
Not even out of the corner of your eye! And you may say: “Wow, what a relief, he only likes me!”, but a man cannot resist looking at a sexy woman when she passes in front of him, it is something natural and has nothing to do with fidelity.
It is very rare that your guy is not the least bit curious to take a look at an attractive plunging neckline, or a woman in a mini skirt when he thinks you are distracted, even though he knows that you can see him doing it and make him laugh. a mess.
Or, if instead of appreciating another woman’s body, she makes a negative comment about the way she walks, dresses, combs her hair, or even combines her shoes with the rest of her outfit, the truth is that she is closer to homosexuality than what you thought
2. …But it completely details other men
Check out your partner’s reactions to a gorgeous man, one of those for whom you would let out a sigh, because he is probably the same type of guy that he would detail from top to bottom.
Heterosexual men tend to be clueless regarding the look of others, they do not pay attention to the brand of their shoes, the haircut or the style of clothing of other men, because usually for them it is enough to bathe and dress combining basic pieces, without the need for them to be designer-
But a gay person usually knows more about brands, fashion seasons, and combinations of colors and fabrics to perfection.
So when a handsome man crosses your path, you probably won’t be able to stop seeing him because you’ll evaluate him in terms of style and take the opportunity to take a look at his attractiveness.
Plus, if she hooks up with another cute guy who catches her attention, she’ll probably try to spend as much time with him as possible. This is how attraction works, even if you are close to him. He doesn’t mean that he is going to pounce on you with sexual advances, but he will surely want to maintain conversation and closeness for longer than with other people.
There is a test created by a psychotherapist named Joe Kort that consists of going to the beach with your partner. If your man is bisexual, he will observe everyone, but if he is heterosexual, he will try to lose his inhibitions and look at as many women as possible. If he is homosexual, he will most likely focus – even if discreetly – on other men.
You can be more attentive the next time you decide to plan a day of sand and sun or when you go out on dates. Her behavior around other men is a great indicator.
3. He shows himself off to others
If your partner tends to take off his shirt when other men are around or is much less modest than usual when surrounded by others, he probably does it to get your attention, even unconsciously.
It is possible that he is very masculine and plays rough sports. Remember that homosexuals are not just a type of person with specific interests, there are gays who have tastes and practices as or more masculine than the average heterosexual. Furthermore, in rough sports, such as wrestling, there are also many occasions where he maintains direct physical contact with other men.
A heterosexual man will not enjoy that contact, he will have it because it is necessary for his athletic exercises, but in the case of a homosexual, the contact may make him feel good, stimulate him, and may be a factor in discovering his own sexuality.
Take into account what his attitude is towards other men, if he shows off too much, if he seeks to show off and get their attention.
4. He is uncomfortable with gays
It seems contradictory, but this is usually the main indicator that a man is gay: being homophobic and rejecting them.
Have you heard that saying “rabbit talking about big ears”?
Well, when a man shows disrespect, fear or discomfort when he meets gay people, and expresses it with words to his partner, he usually does so as a defense mechanism to dispel the doubts he has about himself.
It is possible that it is difficult for him to recognize that, in fact, he feels physical attraction for men, he is in denial and because of them his insecurity manifests itself in mistreatment or rejection of homosexuals.
An acquaintance was bullied for years during his adolescence, just until he was able to develop enough muscles to defend himself against his attacker, who was an athletic boy, coveted by all the girls at his school.
The attacked boy in the story was homosexual. All of his friends and family knew it, he did not hide it, and those close to him had no problem with this.
As the years went by, it turned out that the young man who was his attacker confessed to him that he was also homosexual, he always felt attraction and interest in him and each beating, attack, offense or threat was just a way to get his attention, while He tried to hide his sexual tastes from others.
Conclusion: when you see a man who is too determined to speak disparagingly of a gay person, or tries to vilify him, remember that his own homosexuality may be a factor that leads him to that attitude.
Homophobia is a pretty unmistakable sign to question your boyfriend’s sexuality.
5. He is curious about the gay lifestyle
Suppose he is not homophobic, but you have noticed that when he sees a homosexual or hears about someone who is, his curiosity seems to get out of control and he starts asking things like what would his parents say? How will they treat him at work? What will be your role when you are in a relationship? What things will excite you?
This curiosity may be just that, simple curiosity, or it may be because he is gay and until now he does not know how to express it openly, or it is not his intention to do so.
What seems like an obsession can actually be a way to obtain information, to somehow understand what would happen if he is discovered or decides to come out of the closet.
6. He doesn’t make love to you
You already dismissed the idea of deception on his part and…