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5 reasons why a man gets upset with a woman –

Do you want to know why a man gets upset with a woman? To begin with, it is important to remember that we are different not only biologically, but because we handle emotions differently.

These are the 5 main reasons why a man gets angry with women and we give you some tips to learn how to handle these situations.

1. They don’t know how to express what they feel

Surely it has happened to you that during an argument your boy loses control and yells, hits things or gets frustrated quickly. Many times you don’t understand that reaction, because it happens even in irrelevant situations.

In these cases, the argument may just be a trigger. In psychology, anger is considered a secondary emotion. That is, it arises and is expressed as a consequence of another feeling. It can be jealousy, sadness, shame and, in most cases, fear.

Since your boy has been taught from a young age that he must be strong and virile, when he experiences emotions that make him feel vulnerable he immediately masks them with anger. Many times this happens subconsciously; Not even he himself knows when it happens.

So anger is just a way to hide your feelings and fears. He probably feels intimidated because you are right in the argument, he feels helpless because he can’t make you understand his argument, and anger arises from helplessness.

So hitting things or raising your voice are impulsive reactions. He does not know how to channel his emotions and they end up emerging explosively, without control and very aggressively. So, it’s important to identify the underlying fears that make you angry.

2. The conflictive dependence on women

The dynamic between men and women has been discussed countless times by anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists. Due to our social models, they are considered stronger, bigger, protective and with greater authority than us.

It is a social prejudice that largely marks female and male relationships. Even if they don’t want it, men tend to grow up with the idea that women are weaker and need their protection.

However, in family dynamics, mothers have a lot of weight and usually accustom children to that maternal care that they long for since childhood. Only with their mothers do men feel free to feel and be “weak.”

That same confidence appears when they have a stable partner and fall in love. That girl they love is a kind of “mother” who dismantles that preconception that they should be strong.

So, all relationships between men and women have a tension and discomfort, which arises from that internal male conflict: they do not want to depend on women, but they also cannot live without them. That conflict is usually one of the causes of your boy’s anger.

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3. Your idea of ​​“woman” collides with reality

Another problem with education in our society is that certain behaviors are required of women: to be calm, feminine and delicate, not to raise our voices, attend to men and have a discreet behavior.

But not all of us are like that and that can be a big problem for kids. Since we were children, they idealize us and their idea of ​​what a woman should be is usually dictated by what their mothers or sisters were like.

So, your construction of what must be A woman corresponds little to reality and is more like reductionist archetypes: the virgin woman, the sinner, the warrior, the mother, the gypsy, the strong and castrating woman, the goddess who makes everything perfect.

When there is a fight or you act in a way he doesn’t like, that ideal and archetype collide with reality. Women are not perfect, we are not pure, we are not angelic and we are not bad for that reason either.

This conflict between their preconception about women and what women really are, without a doubt, is a source of frustration that often increases their anger and anger during an argument.

4. Fear of ridicule

The writer Margaret Atwood, author of the dystopian novel adapted into a TV series The Handmaid’s Talesums it up like this: “Men fear that women will laugh at them, women fear that men will kill them.”

This belief that men have to be strong provokes the greatest of their fears: being ridiculed. A strong and virile person is respected, so being mocked can become the worst insult for men.

Many experts on gender violence point out that most acts of violence against women are usually provoked because men felt humiliated, ashamed, disrespected and ridiculed.

Many times that feeling is internal. I mean, it’s not that your comment was necessarily mocking or disrespectful, but he was able to interpret it that way because of his insecurities. That’s why he can get angry over stupid things, like when you don’t agree with him about something.

When this happens, it is very important that he learns to control his anger. He needs to work on his self-esteem to avoid feeling insecure. But he must also learn to identify those feelings and channel them in a healthy way.

5. Emotional deficiencies since childhood

All of this that we told you about the education of men occurs in childhood. From childhood they are taught to be strong, that “men don’t cry,” that they don’t need affection. This implies that many times mom and dad are not close or expressive with them.

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These shortcomings can generate anxiety, dissatisfaction, and a constant need to prove that they are good enough to win the affection of others, including yours. It also prevents them from learning to correctly manage that need for affection.

When you fight, he probably feels judged or belittled. The lack of affection in his childhood may have caused very deep insecurities that he may not understand, but that make him feel frustrated when he does not receive affection from you consistently.

Obviously, during a fight or when they have different opinions, the attitude of both is confrontational. That can trigger a disproportionate response of rage and anger in him.

What to do when a man gets upset?

The first thing you should do is worry about your safety. Most men are not violent, but during a fight they can be hurtful in the things they say. That causes suffering for both of you and can be painful for you.

Above all, take care of yourself and draw a line. Do not allow violent attitudes and do not accept disrespectful comments. Instead, ask him what he’s feeling. Help him understand the origin of his anger and find solutions to the problem.

How to talk to someone who is upset?

It is best to take a conciliatory tone. Instead of confronting him and making the argument worse, suggest talking about his feelings, understanding him and listening to him. Keep in mind that they gain nothing by fighting indefinitely, because what they need is a way out of the conflict.

Why does a man get angry with the girl he likes?

Many things can cause anger in a boy. Feeling attraction or love for a woman does not mean that men do not feel angry from time to time because of their attitudes.

If it’s a girl you like, but you don’t have a defined relationship, it’s possible that your anger comes from frustration because you’re not a couple yet.

It can also be anything: the girl does not pay attention to him, plays with his feelings or ignores him. Not all men handle rejection well.

How long does a man stay angry?

Depends on the situation. However, generally speaking, it is true that men tend to stay upset longer than women.

While women tend to learn to handle annoyance as something private, we hide it and tend to blame ourselves, men tend to react and express their anger against others.

That is their way of feeling like they “control” the situation and it is an emotion that takes time to overcome.

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Why do men get angry when a woman rejects them?

Nobody likes to feel rejected. This increases our insecurity and makes us feel unappreciated. In the case of men, there is added fear of being ridiculed and not considering themselves enough to win a woman’s affection.

Why does my husband get angry easily?

They already have a consolidated relationship and know each other well enough, the logical thing is that they fight from time to time. However, it is not normal for you to fight constantly or for your husband to get upset about anything.

If your husband has always been like this, his anger may come from poor management of his emotions. They should look for alternatives to help improve and make the relationship more comfortable. Maybe couples therapy can help you.

If you have been getting angry easily recently, something may have happened to you. Maybe you have problems at work, with a friend, or are worried about other things. Also don’t rule out that perhaps the relationship is worn out and you need to rekindle the romance.

Why does a man get angry when you break up with him?

In addition to the pain of losing your love, the breakup also hits the ego. When a woman decides to end the relationship, she implies that she no longer wants that guy in her life, she rejects him and moves on without him.

Since most men do not know how to handle sadness and pain, they express it as anger.

How to know if a man is angry over chat?

Chat apps are great for handling quick and direct communication, but unfortunately they also tend to cause a lot of misunderstandings between people. It is difficult to understand the tone of words when they are written.

However, if the guy starts responding “dry”, with monosyllables and avoids responding to your messages, those are usually classic indicators that he is upset. What to do when a man gets angry at you over chat? Ask him what’s going on and talk about his discomfort.

Now that you know why a man gets upset with a woman, use this knowledge to learn how to better handle their fights and find solutions when they get angry.

Remember that you can share this article on your social networks so that your friends also learn about boys.

Do you have tips for managing anger in men? We want to meet you! Leave your advice in the comments box so that it reaches all our readers.

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