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38 signs to know if a woman likes you

I can’t tell you how difficult it is to know if a girl really likes you or not.

As a shy man, almost my entire life has been impossible for me.

But the truth is, after years of research, experience and better understanding how female psychology works, it is much easier to know if a woman likes me or not. Women are not as difficult as you think.

Here I am going to explain each of the signs that a woman gives you so that you know that she likes you.

1. She holds your gaze when you turn to see her

In Russia, Asia and India, two men or two women holding hands does not mean they are a couple; in these cultures friends of the same gender regularly walk hand in hand.

Paying special attention to women’s body language is a great way to tell if she likes you. Notice the girls who cross their legs in front of you, play with her hair while she looks at you.

While you don’t want to have a weird staring contest, eye contact is very important, it shows self-confidence, which is extremely attractive.

Many women know what to do when it comes to flirting, if she gives you a little squeeze on your arm and it makes your heart beat twice as fast, it wasn’t an accident, more than that, she is interested in you and she is trying to tell you subtly, waiting for you to react to the message and reciprocate the gesture.

2. He asks you a lot of questions

When you are talking, say something positive, make a plan for the future, and give him a reason to end the conversation.

For example: “I like talking to you, but I have to run to do some work, maybe we could meet again if you are free.”

If it is well known that you are the best student in science class, then it is natural for people (including her) to ask you about homework or an upcoming test. But if she asks you dull questions that she could easily research anywhere, pay attention. If she asks you on Facebook things like: “Hey, do you know what day winter comes back?” That’s not a clue, that’s a bright flame.

3. There is this special tension in the way he talks to you.

All girls can be nice and friendly when you talk to them, but if she really likes you, the conversation will become playful and flirtatious, she will laugh at your jokes and compliment you. Many of the girls may be less obvious and will tell you that they enjoyed watching you score in your soccer game, but other girls go a little further. If she starts and whispers to you that you look great in that green shirt, she takes note that she is definitely interested in you.

4. He moves his legs nervously

Yes, she knows that she is giving you a squeeze on the arm or, if she looks away. Those are direct forms of body language, but romance can be a game of poker, you must notice the signals that she doesn’t realize she is giving you. That’s why we see her shoes.

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People try to mask their facial expressions, but they don’t realize what they are conveying with the movement of their feet. If she is talking to you and moves one foot away from her beautiful form to project a more open posture, that’s good. If you say her foot won’t stop moving and she laughs a lot, that’s a winning combination. Crossed feet, however, are indicators that she is not interested in you.

5. She knows much more about you than you know about her.

A girl who has a genuine interest in you will find different ways to do nice things for you. If she sees that you are depressed because of a bad school grade, she will offer to help you study for the next exam. If you’re both interested in a band, she’ll probably buy two tickets to her concert and offer you one. A girl who likes you will care about you and be protective of you.

Other obvious signs that a woman likes you is if she remembers important dates for you or your birthday. If your school sells candy canes at Christmas and she buys one for you, or if she brings you a cupcake from your favorite bakery for your birthday, this means you’re in her head.

6. You run into her a lot more times lately.

Has it happened to you that you are out of school working at a burger place and you see that the girl behind the counter is ordering for the third time in the week? If this has been happening more than usual, and she smiles and greets you when she visits the place when she sees you, it is possible that she is waiting for an opportunity to talk to you. But also, she can only enjoy a tasty hamburger, so she raises your antennae well to detect other possible situations in which she is looking for you. It may be that she is constantly walking near your locker between classes, or that you see her regularly where you usually go. If you regularly see her in places where you usually spend free time, she is possibly trying to get your attention.

Maybe he sits in the empty spot next to you or lingers a little just so he can walk with you for a moment.

7. She gets to the point indirectly.

One of the ways to be liked is to be sure of yourself. The best way to show confidence is to like yourself. Mention good things to yourself and that’s a good way to make people like you too. If they don’t, you will be looked down upon.

You and your affection technically speak the same language. “Technically” is the key word. You use words from your same mental dictionary, but your method of convincing may be totally different. It is a frustrating proven fact. That also gives you reason to be hopeful.

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If she is angry with you, the direct interpretation is “she hates me.” If she is hovering around you like a bird in a tree, it is assumed that she is just interested in you. But she considers that maybe, just maybe, her talkativeness is a sign that she trusts you and enjoys getting closer to you by sharing a lot of information.

8. Your initials keep appearing.

When a woman is truly interested in you, she will find it difficult to think about anything other than you. She wants to talk to her friends about you, she wants to listen to music that reminds her of you, she might even watch movies that show the similarity of the love-drama scenario she finds herself in.

But during class, there is no way to express the emotion that arises unconsciously from writing your initials in his notebook, book or on his hand.

If your name is Miguel Ángel and “MA” constantly appears in her class notes, you will have already won, it is a classic way of expressing that she is interested in you and cannot be denied. Unless, her name is María Ángela, the school’s star player is Manuel Álvarez.

9. Time will tell.

She may be a significantly observant person, but if she likes to remember details about things you’ve said or things you like, pay attention. That little information can lead you to think that she likes you.

But there is a difference between liking, loving or being in love with someone. The human body behaves strangely when in love. It’s that amazing tingling, out-of-this-world feeling that only lasts a couple of months. This is nature making sure they are around long enough for them to reproduce.

It’s also a game, three months or a year from now she will be able to look at you with a blank stare, realizing that there is no quality that she admires about you, in short, she never liked you, she was just in love with you. But she realizes that falling in love is like a legal drug, and three months to a year is an eternity for some young relationships. In her crush on you is good enough, enjoy it while it lasts, just don’t reproduce.

10.- Her friends gave up.

The indisputable sign that a girl likes you is when one of her best friends gives in and tells you her secret: She likes you.

Her friends may be breaking the friendship code, but they wouldn’t tell you such a secret if they didn’t realize that you like her too. It is also important to know that your girl’s friends are on your side, that means they approve if you go out together. If this happens, don’t give it any more thought and ask her out.

How to know if she likes you if you don’t know her yet.

11. Passes by you more than once

If you notice that she is closer to where you are more often than before, it is a sign that she is looking to meet you more often because she likes you. Be careful not to confuse that these are just chance encounters and not that she is attracted to you.

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12. He smiles at you a lot more than he should.

If she smiles when your eyes meet, don’t think twice, go and talk to her. Her smile is a form of empathy between humans, go and introduce yourself to her if you see her smiling at you.

There are many types of smile. Polite smiles usually look a little fake and are accompanied by a lot of “nodding” movements, which really mean that they don’t care much about what you say.

But there are many types of authentic smiles that can express many things.

13. Look for your gaze

If you see that she is looking at you without you paying attention, this is a sign of interest, don’t think twice, go and talk to her.

If you see these indicators of interest, don’t hesitate to come and talk, I assure you that you will be welcome.

How to know if a woman likes you if you just met her and you are talking

14. He asks you personal questions or many questions to get to know you more

If you see that she makes an effort to continue the conversation, it is a sign that she is interested in you.

15. He brings his body closer to listen to you or looks you in the eyes

If you see that he is getting very close to you to pay more attention to you or if you see that he is looking very attentively into your eyes, it is a sign that you like him. If the attention she is paying to you is too obvious, it may be a good time to kiss her.

16. Makes physical contact

If you see that he is looking for any excuse to make physical contact with you, such as hitting you lightly for a joke you made, it could be a sign that he likes you.

When a girl looks for any excuse to approach you and touch your shoulder or touch your leg, it is a great sign of flirting.

Some don’t know how to handle it very well and to hide their attempts to touch you they turn them into aggressive signals. The most typical is when they hit your arm “offended” with the back of their hand.

17. He adjusts his hair

Many women, when they get nervous, try to adjust their hair. When they like a man, many shy women get nervous and one way they show their nervousness is by arranging their hair.

For girls, playing with their hair has since ancient times been a subtle way of sending a clear message of attraction.

18. He laughs at your jokes, even when they aren’t funny.

Many women, when they like someone, laugh nervously at any comment, even if the latter is not funny. If you notice that this happens with women…

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