The first contact with your ex after a breakup can be an extremely difficult moment. After spending some time apart, meeting again can make you relive all the drama and pain that followed the separation.
Surely, you have some kind of emergency plan in case you run into your ex, or if you have to continue seeing him for some reason, such as because you work together or have business in common.
However, many times our ex-partner’s reaction, or our own, does not turn out to be what we expected. This can cause moments of tension and very uncomfortable silence.
Another common scenario is that you are interested in getting back with your ex, but he or she simply does not respond in the way you would like.
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This can be very frustrating because when you deploy a whole new seduction strategy, you find yourself completely ignored and the situation is nothing like it was when you first started dating. Therefore, we tell you some reasons why your plan to get back with your ex may be failing.
1.- Your ex still has feelings for you
Let’s start with the most positive outlook. One of the reasons why your ex might be ignoring you is because he simply still has a lot of feelings for you and he doesn’t know how to handle them.
It may be that he or she hasn’t realized that you want to get back with him or her. And therefore he does not want to show interest and prefers to apply the formula of “ignoring you.” In this sense, the ideal would be for you to be quite clear in communicating your intentions.
Or maybe he does understand that you intend to return, but he still doesn’t know how to handle his feelings. Maybe the breakup was very painful or he has a hard time regaining trust in you and is afraid of getting hurt again.
For some people who have had their hearts broken, it’s just not that easy to get back into a relationship that meant a lot to them.
If this is the case, you must appeal to patience. To win again contrust of your ex, and of course, to determine what will make things different this time and not end badly.
Even if your ex-partner still loves you, it will surely require a lot of effort and perseverance on your part to attract her back to your side. Remember that it is not about you or what you want at the moment. The basis of a relationship is to start things at a favorable point for both, without putting pressure.
2.- Your ex is playing
Don’t rule out the possibility that your ex has all his emotions under control and is taking advantage of the fact that he knows you want to get back.
He may be playing with your mind to see how far you can go to win back his affection. There are people who are very manipulative. What are we going to do to them?
However, tug of war is a game that two people can play.
If your ex is characterized as a manipulative person who likes attention, simply ignore him too. You will see that sooner or later that person will begin to make some kind of approach to regain your attention.
It can be a simple like on Facebook, a casual text message or the typical strategy of calling you and saying they had the wrong number. It doesn’t matter. Just remember that these types of people’s need for attention is quite strong, so use it to your advantage.
3.- Your ex needs more time
Separations can very easily lead to painful cycles. It doesn’t matter if you broke up with the person, they broke up with you, or it was mutually agreed upon. However, when you want to get back together with your ex, it is different if you broke up with him or if he broke up with you.
When your ex breaks up with you, in order to get back together with him you need to understand why the relationship ended and offer some type of guarantee that this time it will be different. That the situation or behavior that bothered you so much will not be repeated.
However, if you are the one who broke up, you need to explain to the person why you suddenly changed your mind. And give her the confidence that you are not playing with her and you will not put her through a painful situation again.
If you want to get back with an ex who broke up with you, please don’t harass him. And by this I mean sending him messages all the time, asking him out and stalking all of his posts.
You have to give it time and let at least a few months pass before you start reaching out in a casual and friendly way again.
Open communication channels naturally. You don’t want to force things. Remember that it is much better to act smart than to appear desperate or desperate to get back into a relationship. Nobody finds these types of people attractive.
4.- Your ex has already gotten over you
Nobody likes to hear this. As we are selfish and vain creatures, deep down we would like to stay in the hearts of all our ex-boyfriends and make sure that they never forget us. But the reality is that people move forward with or without you along the way.
When you want to get back with an ex and realize that he or she genuinely no longer has feelings for you, it can be a painful blow.
At this moment you are faced with two possibilities: either you try to rebuild a relationship from scratch, with all the complications that its history may mean, or you resign yourself and move on too.
There really isn’t much you can do. And clinging to something that is already in the past is not going to allow you to discover the wonderful things that the future has in store for you.
So unless you have a real statistical chance of returning to that person, we recommend that you better change targets.
Imagine that just when you finally get over your ex, he comes back with intentions of getting back together. It can be difficult and even painful.
On the other hand, when two people who had an intense emotional relationship have already overcome each other, the way is opened for a later sincere and genuine friendship. So don’t rule out that you and your ex become friends again. But don’t try to make everything the same as before.
You can’t force anyone to stop ignoring you. And if the other person is determined not to establish contact with you, it is best not to insist.
Of course, if you detect that this lack of contact is due to your ex playing games or not knowing how to manage his feelings towards you, there are some things you can do to try to attract him back into your life, being smart and not harassing that person. .
But the most important thing is that you choose your battles wisely. And don’t waste resources and energy on something that has no solution or future. You will have to resort to your emotional intelligence and strengthen yourself.
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