Home » Romance Advice » The 30 best phrases and openers to flirt on Tinder – Methods to Flirt

The 30 best phrases and openers to flirt on Tinder – Methods to Flirt

Looking for the best Tinder openers to have successful conversations that lead to dates? Here we bring you 30 phrases that will help you in your conquest process and thus achieve success in your relationships with just a few lines.

Comment on the quality of your photos

If you notice that their images are high quality, or they use filters that make them look like professional photographs, comment. She will surely appreciate your good creative and aesthetic eye.

You can use phrases like:

1.I love the filter you used for that photo, what is it?

2. Your photos look straight out of a magazine.

3. What lens do you use to achieve such spectacular shots?

Flatter their interests, not their appearance

His profile says that he loves to be complimented… and that he has a great taste in tea. Use that information to your advantage to show that you really read their profile and that you are interested in much more than physical appearance.

Some phrases to break the ice on Tinder using this technique are:

4. I like girls who have afternoon tea and I think you are one of them.

5. Dogs are humans’ best friends, I’m glad you like them too.

6. If I compliment you about your excellent taste in wine, am I doing it right?

Make a play on words with his biography

Using puns based on something you see on their profile always works in your favor. Always. You can use questions based on their profile and get the game from there.

As an example of this, we bring you the following phrases:

7. If a tea blend represented your personality, which one would you be?

8. Do you have any idea how much an elephant weighs? Well, I think the weight is enough to break the ice.

Talk about your pet or interests

If in some of your photos you appear with a pet like a dog or cat, take advantage of that opportunity to break the ice on Tinder. One of Tinder’s secrets to success is not to complicate things too much.

Although it may seem incredible to you, most do not take the time to research their potential matches to start a conversation. You can use phrases like:

9. I saw that you have a dog. I was wondering what breed he is and if he is friendly. By the way, my name is…

10. I also like to climb mountains, of all your trips, which mountain do you recommend I visit?

Find common ground and mention them

You’ve already read his profile and noticed that he also likes spicy food, use that to your advantage and let him know. Finding common ground is a good way to flirt on Tinder.

Some examples of this type of phrases are:

11. I noticed that you like spicy food, what do you think if we go out tomorrow to (a place where they sell spicy food)?

12. I also like to travel the world, what is your next destination?

13. Joke with the first message he sends you

Do they send you messages? Respond with style by making puns or jokes that liven up the conversation. Of course, try to be respectful and make the joke towards yourself, this will demonstrate your good sense of humor and chivalry.

14. Respond to a challenge in your timeline

If in his profile he mentions, for example, that he won’t share his fries or ice cream, take the opportunity to talk to him with something funny about it.

In the case we mentioned above, you can tell him that sharing is good, otherwise he wouldn’t share with the love of his life, or something like that.

15. Send him a funny GIF

Don’t you know what to say? Are you afraid of making a bad first impression by writing the wrong thing? GIFs and memes can help you in this regard. Pick one that’s funny, that can’t be misinterpreted, and send it to them.

It can be something related to their biography and their tastes, or simply something that you like. The important thing is that it represents your sense of humor, but that it is fun.

Find a GIF that describes your bio

You say you love cats and sunglasses? Find a GIF of a cat in sunglasses doing something funny.

Many times breaking the ice on Tinder is easier than you think. You just need to read a few description phrases for Tinder on their profile and use it to your advantage.

16. Comment on their photos in a cool place

Do you have photos in other countries or in places that look extremely beautiful? Don’t wait any longer and comment on how spectacular that place is or that you would like to visit it and what recommendations I would give you to get to know it.

You can even ask him if he can be your guide in that location.

17. Take risks

Who does not risk does not win. If you have a dark sense of humor, show it. Obviously, being overtly sexual isn’t doing you any favors, but if you’re having fun taking risks, the conversation won’t be boring and she’ll have a lot of fun talking to you.

18. Trial and error to find the joke that fits your dating style

Although we are giving you some tips, not all of them are for you. Some you won’t feel comfortable with, others simply won’t work. Try one by one, until you find the technique that suits you perfectly.

The only advice that will always work for you is to be respectful. For the rest, you just have to have fun, relax and be the best version of yourself.

19. Be direct, make plans

Your #1 goal on Tinder is to make the date happen, if you see that she shows interest in you, don’t wait any longer, propose a place and place to meet. It could be a place that either of you frequent, or a new one that she wants to visit.

You can use phrases like:

I invite you to the cinema this Wednesday, if everything goes well we will have had fun, but if not, at least we will have seen a movie, what do you think? I noticed that you love Thai food, I do too, and I know a place that serves a delicious Pad Thai . Do you want to go with me on Saturday night?

20. Flatter their fashion sense

Being real and personalized will make you successful in almost all the conquests you begin. Detail your photos looking for something unique, it could be a hat, a bag or even a watch, compliment it and watch the magic happen.

21. Pay attention to the oddities in their profile

There are people who post certain things to invite you to talk about it. For example, if you write that you are 89 years old, when you obviously are not, that is a clear signal to talk.

Take what is available. There is no reason to avoid the obvious. He just wants to know that you took the time to view his profile.

22. Respond to your self-deprecating humor

His profile mentioned that he will regret using Tinder. Once again, it’s simple, let yourself go, say hello and tell her that you will be sorry for her. He will surely respond with laughter and introducing himself.

After this, you can ask them about something that has interested you in their profile, some of their tastes or preferences.

23. Comment on their quirky photos with funny objects

Almost every profile on Tinder has a photo that will stand out from the rest. Tell her how good she looks on her or that you like girls with that peculiarity that caught your attention.

He might come out with a fake mustache, a big feather hat, or even glasses with a fake nose. Whatever it is, it shows that you are really interested in her and that you have a sense of humor.

24. Make your photos a topic of conversation

Is he jumping in the photo? Tell him that he looks like a movie billboard photo or that he has superpowers. She will surely be flattered and will follow up with you. Ask him what powers he would like to have.

25. Question

Instead of the typical “hello”, you can ask him what he prefers among several things. For example:

If 3 days of vacation are declared, what do you prefer? Go to the beach, the mountains or sleep in? Sweet or salty? Vegetables or meat? pizza or hamburger?

26. Relates your food choices – easy date idea

Does he mention that he likes Italian food? or Mexican? Ask him about his favorite dish! An easy way to reach someone’s heart is through food and what better way to do that than by talking about it?

When you feel comfortable, invite her to a restaurant with her favorite food, this way you will make a date effectively and quickly.

27. If her bio mentions that she likes something you do, do it.

Do you like musicians or athletes, and are you one of them? Say hello, ask her what she thinks if you are one of them, and if you would earn points by placing it on your profile.

Although it is a direct way to open a conversation on Tinder, it often works. It makes you look like someone secure and confident.

28. Use a phrase about your favorite book or series

Do you want to flirt with an interesting and little trite phrase? Find out what he likes and find a clever one-liner. For example:

Winter is coming – in case you like Games of Throne. After all this time? – Dumbledore to Snape, in Harry Potter. Happiness is in the things you don’t plan, in the things you don’t see coming – Grey’s Anatomy

29. Repeat his name twice

If you don’t find anything interesting in their entire profile (photos, biography…) or you don’t feel like thinking about other tricks, this one works very well and they almost always respond.

Write their name twice, followed by “you are here!”, they will surely respond with a yes here I am or if you know each other, either way, this phrase just broke the ice and you can continue using other flirting techniques

30. Use clever and strange phrases

For example:

Helloqwsedrftgyhunjk. I wanted to write you something original and I think I’ve succeeded. What do you prefer: an original and somewhat cheesy phrase, or should we skip that to have a date? Giraffes are mute, they don’t have vocal cords, but they have a tongue so long that they can clean themselves the ears with them. This has nothing to do with knowing each other, but at least if it doesn’t work out I will have taught you something new.

First phrase for Tinder

What a great photo! Where have you taken it? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you do it and why? What should I know about you that is not in your profile?

Examples of conversations on Tinder

A question to get to know the girl, you show interest in her. It’s a different and fun way to start a conversation on Tinder that is almost always successful.

Phrases for tinder female profile

Be yourself, add something that characterizes you. An example that I found while browsing is:

“I hate flowers, never buy me flowers, however, potato chips will make me fall madly in love with you… Guilty pleasures: neighborhood dramas, decorated cupcakes and watching Law and Order, and Grey’s Anatomy”

What to do with Tinder without matches?

There are 3 things you need to change to start having Matches on Tinder:

Number 1 – Look for an attractive and good quality profile photo. It has to be a photo where you take care of your entire appearance, but that also shows who you are and what you like. You must appear alone, without friends, family or drinking.

Number 2 – Improve your description: It is you made into words, you must sell yourself and be desirable. Of course, stay true to your essence, and be honest. Make a list of your virtues and write them in your profile, placing special emphasis on those that make you unique.

Number 3 – Avoid trite greetings: We’ve already told you a lot, the typical “hello, where are you from?” It’s just boring. Try to use clever phrases that adapt to the profile of the girl you are talking to.

How to break ice on Tinder?


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