In challenging times to get a job, a powerful sympathy from san jose can bring you the chance you need to re-enter the market. The saint, having been a simple carpenter, but extremely dedicated to his craft, became known as the patron saint of workers. Of course, you also need to do your part and dedicate yourself to this task, counting on the divine help of rituals as a complement. Know more!
10 sympathies of Saint Joseph, the protector of workers
Saint Joseph the Worker
Place two benzoin incense sticks in half a cup of raw rice and light it, being careful not to hurt yourself. When you finish burning, make a cross with the ashes on your forehead and say two Hail Marys, thanking Saint Joseph the Worker. Clean your face, throw the rice in the trash, wash the cup and go back to using it normally.
get a good job
On any given day, very early in the morning, say a Salve Regina, a Hail Mary and a Creed to Saint Joseph. Then, ask with great faith for him to help you get a good job. Then light a white candle on a saucer, being careful not to injure yourself. Wait for the candle to finish burning and throw the remains in the trash. The saucer can be used normally after washing.
Good luck when looking for a job
Fill a glass of water, put three white rose petals in it and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then, drip a few drops of the mixture on a fig, while praying an Our Father in intention to Saint Joseph. Wear the talisman in your purse or pocket when you go out looking for a job. Wash and use the cup as usual. Throw the water in the sink and the petals in the trash.
get a job
On a Monday, light a brown candle on a saucer, being careful not to burn yourself, offering it to Saint Joseph, protector of workers. Afterwards, she leaves to look for a job. When she returns, she bury the leftover candle in a garden or vase while saying an Our Father and a Creed. Wash and use the saucer as normal.
dream job
Write the name of the place where you want to work on a white piece of paper. Place a key next to the paper and wrap it. Dip everything in a glass of water, cover and leave it in the highest place in your house for seven days. On the eighth day, throw the water and paper away. Leave the key at a church that has an image of Saint Joseph. Say a prayer with great faith and return home confident. Wash and reuse the cup as usual.
Blessing to the professional card
On the first day of any month, light two white candles on a saucer, being careful not to burn yourself, and offer it as a sympathy to Saint Joseph. Ask him to help you get a good job. Pray a Creed and ten Our Fathers, holding your workbook. Leftover candles should be thrown in the trash. Wash and use the saucer as normal. Store the document in the usual place.
find the right service
Light seven white candles outside the house, being careful not to burn yourself, and leave a note under them: “My dear Saint Joseph! I come through these candles to ask you to help me find the right service, which I promise, every Monday for three months, to light a white candle in your intention”. Make the Sign of the Cross and leave the place praying a prayer in whom you trust. Use all your faith in this sympathy. Don’t forget to keep your promise when the order comes through.
Illuminate professional life
Boil half a liter of water, wait for it to cool and add a small fig. Then light a white candle on the side and offer it to Saint Joseph, being careful not to get hurt. As the candle burns, say: “Saint Joseph, enlighten my life so that I can get a job. If that happens, I promise to be your faithful servant”. When the candle is finished, throw the remains in the trash, wash and use the saucer as usual. Use this water to wash your hands while mentalizing your order. Always carry the figa with you, in your purse or wallet, for as long as you feel necessary.
Psalm 144
Buy a small figa and attend mass, holding it in your hands. With this act, you will be blessing your amulet. As you say prayers, ask Saint Joseph to bless you too. At your home, copy Psalm 144 onto a piece of paper and wrap the figa in it, keeping the wrapping in a drawer. When you get a job, unwrap the amulet and always carry it in your purse or wallet. Tear the paper and throw it in the trash.
Attract good opportunities
On a Wednesday, go to a church in São José and say a Hail Mary and an Our Father, asking for a job opportunity to appear. Promise him that if he gets what he wants, he will be his devotee. When you get home, light a white candle on a saucer and reinforce your promise. When the candle runs out, throw the remains in the trash, wash the saucer and use again.