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Learn prayers to free yourself from evils and addictions

Addictions can vary in terms of concepts and forms. Some people can’t live without cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, overeating, unhealthy passion, too much sex, or shopping. But whatever the reason, there’s no denying that all kinds of addiction are bad. So, in addition to the effort, say two prayers to free yourself from your addictions. Check it out below:

prayer 1

My God and my God! Keep away from me the enemy who is trying to take my life! Who is trying to take me away from you! My God and my God! Chain all enemies who want to chain me! I have always believed in your power! I have always believed that you are a strong God! An immortal god! I have always believed that you have never forsaken a righteous sufferer! Now I know that you rescued me from my enemies! You are my rock! My Emperor! My fortress! The comforter of my feelings! My God! You are the light of my being! You are my truth that I have always believed and continue to believe! I believe that you cannot abandon me in this moment of despair, anguish, and affliction, because you are also God of the desperate, the anguished and the afflicted! My God and my God! At this moment I feel like a beggar before you and you are also the god of beggars, because they are suffering! I feel weak before you and your teachings, but I know that you are also God of the weak! I feel oppressed before you and your calls, for you are my God! My rock! And my fortress! And so I give myself to you as a beggar, weak, oppressed, desperate, afflicted and anguished, but I give myself to you, Jesus, as your servant! This servant who wants to serve you with all (his) weaknesses and with all (your) strengths! Amen!

prayer 2

Come, Holy Spirit, penetrate the depths of my soul with your love and your power. Pluck out the deepest and hidden roots of pain and sin that are buried in me.

Wash in the precious blood of Jesus and definitively annihilate all the anxiety that I bring within me, all bitterness, anguish, suffering, interior, emotional exhaustion, unhappiness, sadness, anger, despair, envy, hatred and revenge, feelings of guilt and self-accusation, desire for death and escape from myself, all the oppression of the evil one in my soul, in my body and all the insidiousness that he puts on my mind.

Oh, blessed Holy Spirit, burn with your scorching fire all darkness installed within me, which consumes me and prevents me from being happy. I destroyed in myself all the consequences of my sins and the sins of my ancestors, which are manifested in my attitudes, decisions, temperament, words and vices.

Deliver, Lord, all my descendants from the inheritance of sin and rebellion against the things of God that I myself have handed on to you.

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, in the name of Jesus! Wash me in the precious blood of Jesus, purify my whole being, break all the hardness of my heart and the barriers of resentment, hurt, rancor, selfishness, evil, pride, arrogance, intolerance, prejudices and unbelief that exist in me. And in the power of the risen Jesus Christ, set me free, Lord! Heal me, Lord! Have mercy on me, Lord!

Come, Holy Spirit! Make me resurrect now to a new life, full of Your love, joy, peace and fullness.

I believe you are doing this in me now and I assume by faith my deliverance, healing and salvation in Jesus Christ my Savior.

Glory to you, my God!

Blessed be you forever!

Praised be You, O my God!

In the name of Jesus and through Mary our mother.

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