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Feng Shui for the entryway

The house has very important points in its structure, construction and composition. What attracts the most attention of a property, be it a house or a building, is the facade and the entrance.

When we look at a building that catches our eye, we often sigh or exclaim: “Wow! What a nice house!” or “What a beautiful building!”

And we always look at the entrance, at the gate, at the door. At the Feng Shui the entrance to the house, and especially the entrance door, has the energy of a portal, as it marks the transition between the external world and the internal world.

The door makes the passage to the home, to the refuge and is responsible for the entrance and conduction of the chi, the vital energy, into the house.

Always remember to enter through the main door to have the power to manage your life. Feng Shui does not recommend entering through the service door, as this indicates submission, meaningless turns and lack of self-esteem.

Feng Shui on the front door

To take good care of entrance door of the housewhich also represents communication and, therefore, it is better to capture and transmit positive energies and welcomeremember these tips:

The door must not scrape the floor or make any noise when opened. avoid negative energies.
Locks, handles, hinges, keys and latches must be in perfect working order for avoid negative energies and obstacles.
The door must open fully to attract opportunities and to allow chi, the vital energy, into the home.
If the door is double, the two parts must open and be used to ensure that the chi enters and does not divide it.
The door must open inwards rather than outwards for chi to enter the home. Otherwise, the chi moves away and the energy is reversed going out the door instead of going in.
Decorate the door with a symbol of your belief: outside for protection or inside for blessings.
You can place a bagua mirror of the previous sky above the entrance door for protection and to ward off negative energies.
A soft, easily accessible bell attracts good luck and happiness.
Visible number ensures you will be found.
The painting must be preserved and without stains.

Colors for good luck and protection at the front door

It is possible to apply colors to the doors according to Feng Shui. Red is very suitable for the entrance door, as it is a color of good luck, happiness, protection and good auspices in Feng Shui. However, you should like the color and feel good about it regardless of any indications.

You can also choose the door color according to its location in the gua. At work, it can be navy blue; in the friends guá it can be white or light gray and in the spirituality guá it can be green or purple.

Room doors also represent communication

The doors of the other rooms also represent communication, as if they were the residents’ mouths.

When there are many doors in small spaces, communication between the residents of that house can be problematic, negative, truncated and even aggressive. If the person lives alone, they may have problems expressing themselves and maintaining healthy dialogues.

Caring for the room doors is very similar to that suggested for the entrance door and deserves attention so that expression, communication, inner and outer dialogue flow smoothly and with good energy. Check out:

Doors to all rooms must open fully or at least 90 degrees.
No door should be unusable, locked, blocked by objects or furniture, leaving it unused.
The doors must be in good condition with keys, handles, hinges, good paintwork, no noise, no sticking or scraping on the floor.
Sliding doors should slide easily.
Prefer aligned doors, exactly facing each other.
Avoid a bedroom door in front of a bathroom door.
Bathroom and toilet doors must be closed.

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