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All about the planets in the 12th house in the Astral Chart |

The last house on the Astral Map is one of the most difficult to interpret because it is associated with the end of cycles and spirituality. But it also indicates even more complex points, such as that it is ethereal and indefinable in your life. This text will help you understand the Planets in the 12th House.

Everyone has this house in the Map, but not always a planet is in this area. This means that every person has a part of life and personality that is more difficult to understand, that is deeper.

To make the most of this text, start by analyzing the Mandala on your Map. See that it is divided into 12 parts. Each square starts on the darkest row. You can follow this line and see which sign is from it. The sign that is from the line on which a house begins sets the tone for the area of ​​life represented by that house.

This line on which each astrological house begins is called the cusp. If you want to understand the meanings of the astrological houses one by one, check out this guide here.

See the two examples in the image below. In the first one, on the left, you can see that the person’s 12th house has no planets, yet the house still starts in a sign, which is, in this case, Virgo. In the example on the side, see that the person has

See here, therefore, if you have Planets in the 12th House in your Astral Map.

What is the function of a planet in the last house of the Chart?

The Planets in the 12th House will bring psychological functions linked to the deep and difficult to describe themes of this last part of the Chart.

Traditional astrologers usually explain that the 12th house is the area of ​​hidden enemies, because everything found there is not easily visible or identifiable. In addition, they linked to topics such as confinement, prison, hospitals and even madness.

More psychologically oriented astrologers treat the 12th house as the area of ​​the unconscious, which is what belongs to you but which you have difficulty seeing or accessing.

There are even astrologers who treat it as the home of prenatal care. That is, it is in this part that events that occurred before your birth and that influenced not only the conditions of childbirth, but also your personality.

I particularly work with all these definitions, giving more emphasis to the last two.

For you to understand what it means to have planets in the 12th house of your chart, let’s start by understanding the psychological functions of each of the stars:

Sun represents the ego and enlightenment. Moon is emotion and emotional reactions. Venus represents what you attract, desire, value and how you love. Mercury speaks of the principle of communication, expression and information processing. Mars is focused on the principle of action, physical energy and motivation. Jupiter speaks of luck, expansion and excesses. Saturn represents authority, responsibility, fears and challenges. Uranus is focused on what is most original, strange and “out of the box” in you. Neptune is about your spiritual experiences and your illusions. Pluto represents power and at the same time the fear of power

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What would happen, then, when we have psychological functions in a house that is difficult to access even for Astrology professionals?

Understand the meanings of having a star in the last house of the Map

Well, now you know what the themes of the 12th house are and that the planets bring psychological functions to the themes of the house they are in in the Astral Chart. If you have a star in this house, read below for a summary of the interpretation of what this placement represents in your life.

To have a deeper and more complete analysis, you can see the interpretation of your Astral Map here.

Sun in the 12th house

The Sun is the planet that represents the ego and the 12th house speaks of dissolution. As the star illuminates what it touches, we cannot say that having the Sun in the 12th house makes you not know yourself. On the contrary. There is important wisdom about the unconscious itself, and important clarity about who its hidden enemies are.

have the Sun in the 12th house in the Chart, however, makes the person quite sensitive (regardless of their Sun sign), reserved, and struggling to deal with the stage. It is possible to say that something occurred during your upbringing where something about your nature, about who you were, was not well accepted in your environment, and that you were “rewarded” whenever and when you were “invisible” in your environment.

The person with the Sun in the 12th house in the birth chart is also someone with great intuition, who tends to be interested in charity work or helping professions. The further the Sun is from the Ascendant, the greater its difficulty in exposing itself.

This star represents the part of your life that is most enlightened, the essence of your being. Understand more here about the Sun in the Astral Map.

Moon in the 12th house

As the Moon speaks of emotions, which (by their nature) tend to be subjective and unconscious, the Moon in the 12th house it often gives people a hard time seeing what their emotional needs are.

In childhood, the person somehow learned that the less he needed or demanded from his environment, the better he would be seen by others. Perhaps the mother was very busy, absent or distant.

Depending on the sign of the Moon (a Moon in Leo, for example), it is possible that the person with the Moon in the 12th house had to silence his own needs in order to attend to the mother’s needs, which took priority over his own.

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In adult life, those who have the Chart with the Moon in the 12th house may have relationship difficulties, because when they don’t know what they need, they don’t know how to “ask” for what could nourish them emotionally. For this person, prioritizing is a challenge. See more here about the Moon in each sign.

Venus in the 12th house

As a representative of what we attract, desire, value and how we love, Venus in the 12th house can indicate constant dissatisfaction with relationships – love and in general. As well as difficulty understanding why we attract certain types of people or relationships, or why we are attracted to certain people.

In the 12th house, Venus can generate a tendency towards platonic love or the idealization of love. That is, the person is more prone to emotional suffering because generally no real love survives Neptunian idealizations in routine.

On the other hand, no matter how affectionate this person is, they can be extremely shy in showing their affections, perhaps because in their formative years they heard that they were very affectionate, clingy and that this was annoying or undesirable.

In addition, it can be a person who has many clandestine loves, after all, what cannot be done will always be more attractive than what is real and possible.

It is worth noting that the parents of the person with Venus in the 12th house probably had difficulty showing affection and this person has a deep fear of rejection.

Mercury in the last house of the chart

The difficulty of those with Mercury in the 12th House lies in their ability to communicate and express their own opinions. This person tends to think a lot about everything and never feel ready to say what he thinks, even if he is someone brilliant.

He often grew up hearing that he “talked too much” or that he always spoke out of turn. Often, for this reason, she does not feel understood by her family and by whom she shared the same origin.

In this way, he often thinks quite differently from his parents and family, and is criticized for that.

Due to his communication and expression difficulties, he may have had learning problems at school, not because of a real learning difficulty, but because he was unable to communicate what he needed or what he knew.

He is usually a very intuitive person and may have difficulty concentrating. It’s important to pay attention to gossip behind your back, but without worrying too much about it.

Mars in the 12th house

This is a difficult position for the planet of action and motivation. With Mars in the 12th house, the person tends to repress their own anger or have delayed responses to what brings frustration or irritation.

This repressed anger, however, is often channeled against the person himself. Thus, it could be one of those who “take poison with the intention of ‘killing’ the person who hurt them”. Or it can be passive-aggressive, returning the sting long after the event—sometimes so much so that the recipient of the sting cannot understand what he or she did to deserve it.

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As Mars represents both aggressiveness and initiative, this person may have difficulty initiating projects, defending himself, acting on his own behalf. However, it can defend very well someone who is weaker and oppressed.

During childhood and adolescence, he may have received recognition and praise for suppressing expressions of anger. And now, in adulthood, she needs to beware of hidden enemies. You tend to experience difficulty in competitive games and competitiveness in general.

Jupiter in the 12th house

This is usually a placement that speaks of great luck in life. People with Jupiter in the 12th house are known to have their “guardian angel” always on hand. They are those who come out unscathed from situations that would have enormous consequences for other people.

It also has protection against hidden enemies. So you rarely have to worry about it. Especially because when someone tries to harm a person with Jupiter in the 12th House, he ends up helping.

Your difficulty, however, is with waste, luxury and the right to perks because Jupiter represents the great bonanzas of life. That is, that person with the star in the last house of the Map prefers to donate them, preferably in silence, than to indulge in them. His norms are humility and sincerity.

“Having” and “showing” could not be seen well in your family of origin. In its most negative manifestation, this person may have escapist tendencies (including using spirituality for this). Or difficulty identifying with the religion (or set of values) practiced by the family of origin.

Saturn in the 12th house

As a representative of the predominant authority figure in childhood (often the father), Saturn in the 12th house can indicate an absent parent or a parent of whom the person does not have a very clear picture.

Thus, the father figure can be “fantasized” as someone with a lot of power, is deeply feared or idolized. As the 12th house is associated with spirituality, this idolatry can be transferred to a god of one’s belief. And this god can be configured according to the impressions he carries internally from his own father.

If the father is seen as someone bad, who abused authority, the person with Saturn in the 12th house may have difficulties with authorities of all kinds, including completely denying spirituality.

If there is fear or distrust of authority figures, this person will tend to opt for independent work. When this is the case, there is a huge need to control the external environment so that the person feels safe.

On the other hand, Saturn in the last house of the Chart can indicate…

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