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10 spells to end family fights and bring peace to the home

Some of the most familiar moments of the year are the Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations, right? These dates are great opportunities to resolve disagreements and family quarrels. Thus, you can start a new cycle free of pending issues – and with the house full of peace and unity. We list 10 powerful rituals to help you bring balance to relationships again. Choose yours, do it with faith and see the results!

Simple rituals to end family quarrels

Improve the family atmosphere

Write the name of the family members who are quarreling and put it in the middle of a Bible, in the Psalms part. Light an incense of your choice and let it burn until the end. In the meantime, ask the angels to stop quarrels in the family and maintain harmony in your home. Blow the ashes in the wind, in the direction in which the sun rises, and leave the paper in the middle of the holy book until you feel that the weather has improved. Then tear it up and throw it in the trash.

end the fights

Place an item of clothing from each resident of your household in a bucket and cover with water. Add seven spoons (coffee) of sugar. For each spoon, say the following sentence: “This sugar will sweeten the mood in my house”. Wash clothes well with plenty of water and let them dry in the sun. Afterwards, the parts and bucket can be used normally.

peace at home

Wrap a red apple in a paper napkin, stick a toothpick in the middle of it and bury it in a garden. Pray two Our Fathers and one Hail Mary, asking for protection and an end to family quarrels.

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Calm the wayward child

Write the name of the child on two pieces of paper, place one of the papers under an image of Saint Cosimo and Saint Damião, protectors of children, and the other under an image of an angel. Then pray a Creed. For seven days in a row, stand in front of the protectors and pray this same prayer, making your request. On the eighth day, remove the papers and throw them in a trash can far from your house.

End of sibling jealousy

For the child not to be jealous of the little brother who has just arrived, give him some paper images of saints of your devotion to play with. Keep watching until you forget the images. Collect them and leave them in a church, at the feet of the Baby Jesus.

Improve relationship with mother

Inside a pot with a lid, put coarse salt halfway. Add honey and sugar until the container is completely filled. Cover and leave in the sun for five days, always focusing on peace in your relationship. Then just throw it in the trash.

make dad calmer

Remove the petals from a white rose, wrap them in a white handkerchief and leave them under your father’s mattress for seven days. After that time, add the petals to some mint leaves, 13 drops of lavender perfume and half a liter of water. Bring to a boil, strain the liquid and rub it on his bedroom floor after weekly cleaning. Throw the plant remains in the trash, wash the tissue and reuse normally.

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get along with mother-in-law

Take three palms of pink ribbon and, with it in your hands, say a prayer to Our Lady of Aparecida, asking that your relationship with your mother-in-law improves. Pray, for seven days in a row, a Hail Mary at 7 o’clock in the morning. Then, take the ribbon to a church and leave it at the feet of the saint’s image.

Winning over daughter-in-law or son-in-law

For a good relationship with your daughter-in-law or son-in-law, a week before the wedding, give her/her a gift with a green ribbon as an ornament in the wrapping. This tape will have to be previously blessed with holy water from a church in Santo Antônio. Then, light a candle on a saucer on the day of the ceremony, offering it to the guardian angel of your future daughter-in-law or son-in-law. Throw the candle scraps in the trash after burning. Wash the saucer and use normally.

Make peace with brother-in-law

Light a white candle on a saucer and, as it burns, say prayers to the saint of your devotion, asking that you live well with your brother-in-law. Wait for the candle to finish burning and throw the remains in the trash. Repeat this spell for three days in a row, always at the same time, using the same saucer. At the end, throw the saucer in the trash, along with the remains of the candle. Never tell anyone about sympathy.

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