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10 Powerful Blessings to Cure Diseases

When someone close gets sick, we suffer along with that person. And there’s nothing worse than not being able to help those in need. Whether for skin problems, internal organs or critical conditions. For this, it is possible to cling to the sacred, performing some blessings for healing.

It is enough to have a lot of faith when carrying out them and always with a mind free of any evil or antipathy. And don’t forget: it is important to remember that these prayers should not replace the medicines and procedures indicated by specialists. They only serve as divine reinforcement.

Protect yourself by doing one of the healing blessings

remove kidney stone

A person who has a kidney stone should go to a river or stream, pick up a boulder and squeeze it in his hand. Meanwhile, without moving away from the river’s edge, he must say the following: “Blessed Liborio, what do I have in my hand? Do I have in my hand? I have a stone that the river washed away. (Throw the stone far away). , I didn’t have a stone in my hand that the wind took away. Lord, my God, do for Saint Liborio, blessed to whom was given the power to cleanse kidney stones, that this sick person may be healed from the evil he suffers. Glorious Saint Liborio , intercede for me. Amen”.

For the medicines to be more effective

“If I need God’s help I ask. I ask the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. If I need God’s help I ask. Because I know that He is with me. You can heal and give medicine to every evil. Man is mortal, but pain is curable. If I need God’s help I ask. I ask that the medicines that are in front of me, be the balm and the cure of the sick. I I ask that the strength of God be in them and with all power. God, put your blessing on these remedies. Raise the divine hand on these remedies, so they will serve to cure the ills of the body and the ills of the soul. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen”.

against headache

Whoever is going to bless must keep his hand on the sick person’s head, but without touching him or making the sign of the cross. “Jesus, holy name of Jesus, where the holy name of Jesus is, no evil enters. Where I put my hand, may the Lord put his divine will. When Saint Peter walked through the world, he found his divine Master. asked him: ‘- Where are you going, Peter? – I, Lord, am going to the strong mountain. – Come on, Peter. – I can’t, Lord. – So what do you have? – Headache.’ Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I believe on the cross! Amen.”

for any disease

Do this blessing for three days in a row. Before starting it, fill a glass with water, make the sign of the cross over it and say: “I bless you for the name they put you in the laver, in the name of God and the Virgin Mary, and the three persons of the Holy Trinity , I bless you. God, Our Lord who heals you, God who helps you in your needs. If your ailment is brokenness, evil envied, crossed eyes or any other infirmity, if you have been given to eat, drink, smile, mock, in your beauty, in your fat, in your posture, in your belly, in your bones, in your head, in your throat, in your worms, in your legs. angel of Heaven, lie down at the bottom of the sea where you won’t hear a chicken or a rooster crow”. Make the sign of the cross over the cup and say the Creed three times. On the second day, pray an Our Father to the Holy Trinity and, on the third, a Hail Queen to Our Lady.

cure rheumatism

Whoever blesses the sick person should pray: “I bless you with rheumatic pain, neuralgia and sciatica. All kinds of pain. Flee this mortal body. Let God comfort you. In praise of the three apostles Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint James “. Finally, say an Our Father and a Hail Mary.

Belly pain blessing

Pray nine times: “Jesus, that is the holy name of Jesus! Where the holy name of Jesus is, no evil enters. When our Lord was walking through the world, he came to the house of a meek man and an angry woman asking them to stay. The man gave, the woman did not. Where Our Lord went to lie down, water below and water on top. With these same words, he cures the bellyache. In praise of God and the Virgin Mary”. Pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary at the end of these healing blessings.

Against skin diseases

Put a little oil on a white saucer, soak a piece of sheep’s wool in this oil, rubbing it on the sick person’s skin while saying: “This disease (say what it is) affects the flesh, from the flesh it affects the skin, from the Skin gives bone, bone gives marrow, marrow gives sea, sea gives beach, beach leaves. Amen”.

no heartburn

Repeat, with faith, the following prayer three times: “Santa Sofia had three threads. One cooked, another embroidered and the other cured heartburn”. One of the simplest healing blessings.

get rid of mumps

Buy a small wooden spoon or use one that has never been used. Then put ground coffee in a cup. With the wooden spoon, stir the coffee powder, while praying: “He who is so marked, from the mumps will be cured”. Finally, pass the spoon, in the shape of a cross and without touching the person’s skin, three times on each side of the neck. Then throw the spoon and powder away.

against bleeding

Pray mentally, making the sign of the cross several times over the spot: “Blood, have it in you, as Jesus Christ was in you. Blood, have it in your vein, just as Jesus was in the supper. Blood, have it alive and strong, just as Jesus had himself in death”.

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