Home » Life Advice » Woman accumulated 100 mites in her eyelashes after years without washing her pillowcase –

Woman accumulated 100 mites in her eyelashes after years without washing her pillowcase –

Have you ever stopped to think about how important it is to keep your bedding always clean? If not, it’s better to start as soon as possible! Prioritizing hygiene is essential not only for the quality of sleep but also to take care of your health. A woman who hadn’t washed her pillowcase for five years accumulated more than 100 mites in her eyelashes and had to go to the hospital for eye care.

The case took place in Hubei Province, China. According to the British newspaper The Sun, Xu was admitted to the emergency room with her eyes so swollen that she could no longer open them. Once there, the doctors started a treatment to remove the mites – in just one eyelash, they found more than 10 of these arachnids.

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Although she had been experiencing discomfort such as redness and itching in her eyes for about two years, the Chinese woman spent all this time self-medicating with over-the-counter eye drops. Xu’s final diagnosis was blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid) and conjunctivitis. In addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctors, she was also instructed to wash the bedclothes more regularly.

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There are a number of important reasons to keep your bedding clean. But, basically, washing is important to remove the remains of dead cells and oil from the tissue, which is naturally produced by the scalp and skin. In addition to being able to clog the pores of the skin, this material still serves as food for the mites.

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Therefore, in the hottest seasons, try to wash the sheets every five days. Already in the cold, putting them in the machine every ten days is enough to avoid asthma attacks and other allergies. When you get up, wait half an hour before making the bed (this gives you time to ventilate the area).

To avoid the proliferation of fungi and other microorganisms on the pillow, keep the pillow away from the sun and replace the water and soap with a vacuum cleaner. Before placing the pillowcase, shake it to remove dead cells.

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Another good tip is to take care of eye hygiene. To prevent swelling, redness, fall and even dandruff on the eyelashes, bet on a specific biphasic makeup remover for the region. Clean the strands daily with baby shampoo and hydrate them before bed by applying natural oil (coconut or almond) with a cotton swab.

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