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Flex diet: minus 4 kg in 30 days by reducing meat –

looking for a program detox who doesn’t completely cut meat from the menu? So this diet and to you. The menu is flexible: includes protein animal on two days of the week and, on the other five, only items of vegetable origin, which allows your organism to gradually get used to going even without chicken and fish. It can wipe 4 kilos (or more) and it’s a good transition if you want to turn vegetarian for once.

The secret to avoiding protein deficiency, an essential nutrient for musclesit’s simple: on vegetable-only days, the main meals combine grains assorted. Increasing the amount of leaves and vegetables is another diet strategy created by the American nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatnerbestselling author The Flexitarian Diet (Flexible Vegetarian Diet, no Brazilian version).

In the publication, she writes: “A menu without the fat of meat and rich in phytochemicals [substâncias naturais que fazem bem à saúde] of vegetables allows the body to produce less free radicals – a kind of dirt that causes inflammation in the cells”. What are the benefits? Lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

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you win too energy and accumulates less fat – the nutritionist says that people who follow her diet weigh, on average, 15% less than those who eat a lot of animal protein.

flexible diet plan

This 1400-calorie menu features meals vegetarian balanced. the nutritionist Daniella Horn, from São Paulo (SP), also recommends options with animal protein for days with meat (suggestion: book one of them for Saturday or Sunday, so you can have a barbecue with friends or family). Soon the results start to show!


Option 1

Detox Juice – juice of 2 oranges mixed with 1/2 carrot, 2 cabbage leaves, 1 pinch of cayenne pepper and 1 tbsp. (tea) coconut bran

Option 2

1 tapioca sprinkled with 1 col. (soup) of chia and stuffed with 2 col. (soup) tofu paste or hummus 1 cup (200 ml) pineapple juice with ginger

Option 3

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Option 4 (with animal protein)

Omelet made with 2 egg whites and 1 col. (dessert) oatmeal 1 cup. of green tea


Option 1

1 pear 6 cashew nuts (or 10 unsalted almonds)

Option 2

1/2 avocado with 1 col. (soup) oat bran and 1 col. (tea) coconut sugar (or demerara)

Option 3

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1 chopped apple (or other fruit of your choice) with 1 col. (soup) granola without sugar

Option 4 (with animal protein)

1 pot of skimmed yogurt with 2 col. (soup) granola (or quinoa flakes)


Option 1

Salad* of green leaves (arugula, watercress, lettuce) and tomato at will 2 col. (soup of quinoa
1 medium shell of white beans seasoned with turmeric 1 cup. (tea) of broccoli braised with leek

Option 2

Salad* of green leaves with cherry tomatoes, radish, celery and cauliflower and 1 tbsp. (soup) of boiled soy 1 portion of manioc gnocchi suck

Option 3

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Coleslaw* with fennel, cucumber and carrots and 1 tbsp. (soup) cooked whole wheat 2 col. (soup) of sweet potato puree (or cassava) with parsley and pepper 3 pieces of chickpea dumpling

Option 4 (with animal protein)

Salad* of green leaves at will 2 col. (soup) brown rice 1 medium ladle of beans 1 lean red meat fillet (chicken or fish) grilled


Option 1

3 wholemeal toast with 3 col. (soup) fruit jelly without sugar 1 cup. in hibiscus tea (or another herb of your choice)

(spaxiax/Thinkstock/Getty Images)

Option 2

1 banana crushed with powdered cinnamon 2 Brazil nuts

Option 3

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1 medium brown rice biscuit with 1 col. (soup) unsweetened peanut butter and 1 drizzle of honey (or basil pesto)

Option 4 (with animal protein)

2 wholemeal toast with 2 thin slices of white cheese and oregano


Option 1

1 plate (bottom) of pumpkin, lentil and arugula soup 1 roasted tomato stuffed with cooked brown rice, cashews, parsley and nutmeg

Option 2

Steamed vegetables (carrot, zucchini, eggplant) and steamed broccoli 4 col. (soup) of chickpeas with onion, tomato and bell pepper in cubes

Option 3

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3 peach palm spaghetti holders (or gluten-free and egg-free spaghetti) with tomato sauce, pepper and turmeric 4 col. (soup) of grain amaranth (or Moroccan couscous) cooked with a mix of mushrooms (shitake, shimeji and mushroom)

Option 4 (with animal protein)

Salad* of green leaves at will 1 medium piece (120 g) of fish (salmon, boyfriend, whiting) grilled 1 cup. (tea) steamed vegetables (carrots, zucchini, green beans)

* Season the salads with 1 drizzle of olive oil, apple cider vinegar (or lemon) and a little salt.

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