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When is mole dangerous? – GOOD SHAPE

Coveted at the time of Marilyn Monroe and its charming version installed on the cheek, the spots began to be condemned after the discovery of the relationship with the skin cancer. The order was always remove! In recent years, however, balance reigns: periodic analysis makes it possible to differentiate the dangerous ones from the harmless ones and only intervene if necessary. Connoisseurs’ luck!

Dermatologist Luís Torezan, from São Paulo, clarifies the main doubts on the subject:

Why do moles appear?

Moles or nevi, the scientific name, are small flat or embossed, smooth or rough formations on the skin. Most are shades of brown and are made up of special cells, nevic cells, which have no other function than to form these lesions. What determines the appearance is genetic predisposition, but sun exposure also counts. How much more sunbathe, the greater the risk of having early moles. They are usually “born” in childhood and adolescence, but some may appear up to the third decade of life.

Are all moles dangerous?

No, it depends on the features. Some bring aesthetic damage, but do not pose a risk of malignant transformation. Others, even if discreet, can cause greater concern.

Are moles and freckles the same thing?

No, they are different formations. To the freckles they are always flat, have a light brown color and result from an increase in the amount of melanin, a pigment that colors the skin and is produced by another cell, the melanocyte. The main triggering factor for those with a hereditary tendency to develop them is exposure to sunlight. That’s why you should be very careful especially on the beach and in high summer: the sun can increase their quantity and size and darken them.

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Why are they more common in people with fair skin?

Both the spots and the freckles develop more in redheads and blondes as a result of sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. But brunettes and blacks are not immune and therefore should also avoid exposure to the sun at peak times.

Are people with many moles more at risk of skin cancer?

Yes, they are more vulnerable to skin tumorsincluding the most serious type, the melanomawhich has a high risk of metastasis (when tumor foci appear in other locations) and does not respond well to treatment, unless it is removed at an early stage.

Does cancer always develop from a dangerous mole?

Melanoma, yes. But scientists cannot say whether benign moles become malignant due to trauma and exaggerated exposure to the sun, or if this only happens to those who are born predisposed to develop a tumor. Less severe types of skin cancer (basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas) are unrelated to moles.

Are the black ones the worst?

Despite attracting more attention, black spots are not always related to melanoma. The most important thing is the change in pigmentation: it was brown and got black edges, it acquired triple coloring or the color became patchy. Then, she should be evaluated by a dermatologist.

If the mole has hair does it mean it is more dangerous?

In general, these moles appear in early childhood and are harmless, but they should be seen by a doctor, especially if they are more than 6 millimeters in diameter.

What parameters are considered to analyze a mole?

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Medical associations have developed the ABCDE pattern , where A is for asymmetry (one side differs greatly from the other); B for edges (the contours are irregular, there are recesses inwards and outwards); C for color (coloring is uneven); D in diameter (above 6 millimeters, the risk of melanoma increases); and E for evolution (referring to accelerated growth).

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Is it necessary to pay more attention to moles located in exposed areas?

Although it is more common in sun-exposed areas, melanoma can also appear in hidden places, such as under the arms, on the toes, on the palms of the hands and on the genitals. A new mole in an unexposed area needs to be quickly evaluated.

Can the examination done in the office confirm that the mole is a sign of skin cancer?

The dermatoscope, a portable device with lenses that increase the size of the mole from 10 to 70 times, identifies early signs of skin cancer. But the final diagnosis is only given after examining the cells removed from the lesion in the laboratory.

To be safe, should all moles be extracted?

No. The trend today is to follow them. If there are many, digital mapping of the moles can be done, a technique in which photographs are compared in a computer program to estimate each one’s risk of malignant transformation. When high, the orientation is surgical removal. Otherwise, the mole can be monitored and reassessed every three to six months. But when it is located in an area subject to friction (under the elastic of the bra, on the soles of the feet, under the arm), removal is recommended, as continuous aggression can favor the malignant transformation of the mole.

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In case of skin cancer, what is the treatment?

The most important thing is to extract the mole and some of the surrounding tissue. Depending on the stage of the tumor (this evaluation is done in the laboratory), chemotherapy and immunotherapy may be indicated.

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The ABCDE of moles

The first five letters of the alphabet are a guide to noticing the warning signs of melanoma. Check out:

(ChesiireCat/Thinkstock/Getty Images)

1. Asymmetry

Divided in half, the two sides of the mole must be symmetrical. Asymmetry, when the halves do not match, is a warning sign of melanoma.

2. Edges

The moles should have even, smooth edges. In the case of early melanoma, the edges tend to be irregular, and may be jagged or serrated.

3. Color

Benigns tend to have only one color. Varying tones (brown, brown, black) are also a warning sign. Melanoma can change to shades of red, white or blue.

4. Diameter

Non-malignant moles are usually smaller in diameter. Carcinogens have a diameter greater than 6 millimeters, but may be smaller at first.

5. Evolution

If your moles show a change in color, shape, size and relief, bleed, itch or form a crust, see a doctor.

Article originally published in July 2014.

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