You wrote to that boy that you like so much, but he has not responded to your WhatsApp.
You feel that the cravings are growing inside you and it is difficult for you to control them. Also, thousands of thoughts begin to appear in your mind and you no longer know what to believe.
Relax, take a deep breath and let’s see what you can do, when he doesn’t answer your WhatsApp.
Keep in mind that there could be many reasons why he has not answered you. Fortunately, there are many options for handling this type of situation.
14 alternatives that will help you handle the situation, if he does not answer your WhatsApp
1) Don’t blame yourself
Many women are the ones who think, in the first instance, that they did something wrong.
They wonder: Was I wrong in something I said or did with him?
They fall into fear and this brings them insecurity about themselves.
The reality is that there can be many reasons why he has not answered you. Also, it is very unlikely that it is because of something you have done.
But if it’s because of something you said or did and he stopped being interested in you, it’s not worth it.
Remember that you deserve a man who does his part to be able to have something with you.
You are worth a lot and a guy should show genuine interest in you, regardless of whether he disagrees with something you have done.
Also, they may not know each other well yet, and he has jumped to a conclusion.
So, he is the one who loses the opportunity to have something wonderful with you.
If he behaves this way from the beginning, which is supposed to be the stage in which one behaves in the best way, imagine what can come later.
Better to lose it than find it…
2) Do not write to him again the same day
One of the worst mistakes you can make is texting him endlessly, looking for a response.
This only undermines your image and self-esteem.
You will seem like a desperate woman, who needs a lot of attention. Something that men do not like at all.
Also, as you send message after message, and you keep seeing that you don’t get a response, anxiety may begin to set in.
Then, you may send a negative message, which can further delay your response, or even not respond at all.
So it’s best not to insist. Wait at least 48 hours before writing.
Maybe you’re busy, talking to someone else, or just don’t feel like talking.
If you can wait 3 days it’s even better. In addition, the content of the message should be kind and short, without dramatic notes or negative tones. Think that this message has to make him want to answer you.
3) Keep busy
Even if you love this man, you can’t base your life, from now until he answers you, on keeping an eye on his cell phone.
I know it can be difficult, but this can only bring you frustration, if he doesn’t answer you.
Instead, go on with your life. If you are not very busy, a great idea is to do the things that you like the most. Even those that you have pending and would love to do.
Take advantage of this time to live your life, if you get to meet this guy or form a relationship with someone, the times for you will be shortened.
Call your friends to go out, have a drink in a beautiful place, be a tourist in your own city. There are lots of fun things to do when you’re single.
This will help you lower your anxiety and you will stop giving so much importance to that message you are waiting for.
Put the cell phone in the drawer for a while and when you come back you may find a surprise.
4) Contemplate the possibility that he does not like you
Perhaps this possibility is difficult to accept, but if he does not answer you on WhatsApp, it may be because he does not like you.
Maybe you are not the girl he thinks is the one for him and he has decided to continue on his way.
That’s why it’s so important that you get on with your life right away.
Otherwise, the blow can be much harder, if you are there waiting for him.
Don’t waste your valuable time. A man who is truly interested in you will have a few minutes to send you a message, even if his life is extremely busy. Do not you believe it?
In the event that he does not answer you for a while, you devalue yourself if you start writing non-stop and do not get an answer.
5) Do not react impulsively
It is normal to take thousands of guesses about what may be happening with him, when he does not answer WhatsApp.
This can lead to anxiety and the outburst of reacting impulsively.
So, it’s time to count to ten and think carefully about what you want to do.
Many times acting impulsively can bring us many inconveniences.
Don’t be pressured by what your emotions feel. Otherwise, you may do something you regret later.
The best option in this case is to wait a while to see how the situation develops.
In addition, it is clear that you should not send messages demanding a response, attention or that are offensive.
This will not work, if the person is not interested in you.
Additionally, this attitude will not be well received by him, in case he does like you. This way of handling yourself will leave much to be desired on your part.
6) If you have friends in common, do not tell them about the situation you live with him
It is completely understandable that you have your group of trusted friends and that you want to vent your sorrows on them.
The issue is when you share those friends with the guy you want to relate to.
The most counterproductive thing you can do is tell these mutual friends how you’re feeling, because they don’t respond to your WhatsApp.
Being also friends with him, he could go and tell him everything you tell them and not leave you in a good position.
We all talk a certain way with our trusted friends.
It’s quite another, when you’re talking to someone you’re still getting to know, like a man you like.
Surely, that boy will not like a woman who is insecure and does not have good self-esteem.
Gossip will never be a positive element for a relationship.
So be discreet and prudent with your emotions and feelings.
Analyze and think carefully who you tell your concerns to, to avoid being the center of rumors. These may end up being overheard by the guy you like.
7) Analyze what pattern of responses he handles
When we are in the process of making a connection with someone, we need to understand their pattern of behavior.
Even if we have already advanced a little in the relationship, it is convenient to understand and get used to each other’s response times.
This will make you accept his way of dealing with WhatsApp messages and calls, as long as he does not become disrespectful to you.
You should also take into account what is the daily routine that he has. It is clear that if he is working or studying, he will not be able to chat with you or have an hour-long conversation on the phone.
It may even happen that they are one of the men who do not pay attention to their cell phones at certain times of the day, such as lunch.
Perhaps it can happen that he works a lot with his cell phone and receives too many messages, leaving yours too low. This may cause it to take longer to reply to you.
So if this guy really interests you, you will have no choice but to have a little patience. Get used to the idea that this will be the dynamic that he can have with you and it has nothing to do with him having something negative with you.
8) Do not express your frustration through social networks
As much as your emotions try to steal your logic and the temptation is unbearable, do not post notes about the “absence” of this man on your social networks!
Do not forget that he has access to your profiles, he will read your messages and will most likely notice that they are publications related to him.
If you do this, the idea that he will form of you will be that of an unstable, immature girl who needs constant attention.
If he had the slightest interest in you, it is unlikely that he will keep it.
Your emotions and private life are issues that you must preserve in your privacy. Don’t scare certain people into judging you and using this against you.
9) First think of yourself
If this guy doesn’t answer you on WhatsApp, then it’s time to focus on yourself.
Start working on your self-esteem and self-love. Remember that if we want to be good for others, we must first be good with ourselves.
Your life should not depend on a man and even less on a mobile device. Being aware of your cell phone causes you to stop living in the present moment and perhaps let wonderful things happen.
So, focus better on doing activities that do you good and keep you away from your cell phone.
Find yourself again. Find courses or workshops that focus on what you really want out of life.
Do exercises, dedicate time to your friends and family, start studying that career that you are passionate about, encourage yourself to start the business you have always dreamed of.
There is a world out there that is waiting for you to enjoy it.
Work on yourself and your projects. You will see that this will at the same time attract interesting people, who will be willing to give you the attention you deserve.
10) Do not look for him personally to tell you why he does not answer you
There is another huge mistake that is made when a boy does not answer WhatsApp. This is going in search of him to speak personally and ask him why he does not respond.
Do not do this! It will only show that you are not sure of yourself and that you are desperate.
It’s understandable that you want an explanation of why he’s not responding, if they had such a good time the other night.
But if I don’t text you back, how do you think he’ll respond, if you ask him right to his face?
11) Cross paths with him unexpectedly
A better alternative to the above is for you to run into him, but casually.
In this way you will be able to observe how he behaves with you and in this way you will be able to draw your own conclusions.
Be careful that he doesn’t feel like you’re accosting him. You have to be subtle and carefree.
Then take advantage of the opportunity to analyze their behavior very well, now that they have seen each other again.
You may be able to determine if his lack of response is because he’s not interested in you.
Perhaps you will finally discover that, indeed, he had occupations that took him away from the mobile.
12) Think of him as a friend and not a suitor
If you are trying to get his attention, because you suspect that there is some interest on his part, do not treat him as a potential lover.
In the game of seduction, making him look for you is a very common tactic to attract the man we like.
What’s more, they love having to “win” over their girl. This is something innate in them.
Treat him as if he were a friend. The one you write to from time to time, to take a walk, find out how he is, or ask something silly.
Do not let him know that you are always attentive to his messages or what he posts on social networks.
That he does not know that you are waiting to receive an answer from him. Make him feel that you don’t care if he responds to you or not.
You’ll see as usual, if it really is…