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Why ignoring a woman doesn’t work to attract her? and what to do

Have you ever thought that girls will be more aware of you if you ignore them a little?

Well, it is possible that it is, but it happens that it is a double-edged sword and in general it turns out badly.

So if you want her to go after you, what would be the best ways to proceed?

Why ignoring a woman doesn’t work to attract her?

The truth is that the world of dating and relationships is not an exact science and each girl could act differently towards a boy who ignores her.

Many men believe that ignoring women is one of the most effective ways to get them on their tail.

This strategy of “playing hard to get” has been used for a very long time. The psychology behind this is to make her feel like there is something they want and can’t have and therefore want it even more.

It is true that there are many women who will rack their heads to try to understand what is happening if you ignore them, and they will be more attentive. But the truth is that in the end they will get tired of the games and continue in more promising directions.

I know you think women are complex, and I agree with you.

In the same way that men are complex in their own way and that is why sometimes it is so difficult to find the meeting point.

But I must tell you that it is possible to understand each other, even though they are so different.

To begin we are going to answer the question that brought you here.

Here are several reasons why ignoring a woman doesn’t work effectively to attract her.

First of all, I invite you to think, how do you feel when you are ignored?

It’s probably not a nice feeling, is it? It is a good starting point.

If you ignore it, these are the possible results you will get:

Yes, you will get his attention, but if he really likes you and it is a girl with low self-esteem, you will only arouse his insecurity,
He will spend time thinking if he has done something wrong, if you really like him or if everything is an illusion, do you think there is any sense in generating that confusion in his mind? She will not feel important to you and she will believe that she should seek attention elsewhere, she will respond to you with the same indifference,
You will just irritate her, she will think that she has intimidated you, if you manage to get her close, her attitude towards you will be negative, because she will feel that she must act when you do not,
She will not understand what you really want and therefore it is unlikely that you will get it, She will get bored with you and look for something more entertaining, She will contact you to clarify things and understand what is happening with you and if you are really interested in her or no, if you try to play with her she will simply stop being interested in you, most women nowadays value clarity and honesty over many other qualities If she is aware of her worth, as most are women will just reject you out of hand. Ignoring her sends her a message that you feel she’s not worth your time, and if she senses that, she’ll just go with someone who does appreciate her the way she deserves.

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And basically, nowadays you won’t find many women who are so easily fooled. If you really like a girl, there are many ways to win her over that are much more effective.

Finally, the girls who respond best to being ignored are insecure girls with low self-esteem. Think about whether that is the type of woman you are interested in attracting. In general, they end up being demanding and possessive. And I’m sure she’s the exact opposite of what you’re interested in.

9 Effective Ways To Attract A Girl That Work Instead Of Ignoring Her

1) Be his friend first

Before you start anything, make a good impression on her: she’ll be able to see if you’re genuine or just trying to take advantage.

If he doesn’t think you’re worth it, no conquest strategy will work.

You will find it difficult to connect with a girl if the first impression is not good.

You can make a good impression simply by being friends with her.

All you have to do is meet or talk to her and find out what she likes. Be yourself, ask her questions to find out who she is.

You’ll be more likely to pique his interest if he knows you better, too.

2) Flirt with her

If you are attracted to this girl, it is not surprising that you want to show her your interest and your intentions.

I mean flirt with her. If you do it right, it is the key point to attract her, even better than any strategy of ignoring her.

Feeling attraction is the first thing a girl will look for every time you approach her.

If she is not attracted to you, her friendship level with you will not change. You will be trapped in the friend zone that you could have started, but forever.

So if you don’t like to flirt, it’s time you learned how to do it.

It is one of the best ways to get a girl to seek your attention and in the end it costs nothing more than being attentive to her and trusting yourself.

Let him understand that you are interested but without being demanding. If you pay attention to her and make her feel special, you already have more than half of the way won.

3) Maintain frequent contact with her

This definitely does not mean that you are available to her every time she texts or calls you.

Just stay present and check in from time to time.

The ignoring game won’t cut it, because if she feels like you’re trying to get her to chase you, she just won’t.

She will think that you are just playing and will not give in to what you are trying to do.

If you maintain frequent contact with her, you will make trust and intimacy grow between you. It is a much more effective way of attracting her to you.

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4) Stay busy with work, family and friends

Maybe you like this girl too much and you feel like you can’t stop thinking about her and you’re obsessed with conquering her. Feeling like this is cool, but it can be dangerous when it comes to attracting her, you could scare her into thinking that you need her too much.

Women today are increasingly independent and value their individual time.

She will appreciate that you are a confident and independent man as well, while also choosing to spend time with her because you value her.

How to stop being so aware of a successful girl? Well get to work.

As simple as it may seem, it is the ultimate solution if you want to give this girl space.

Have a busy schedule and stick to it:

Do a little extra work Start a new hobby Spend more time with your family Go out with your friends Start a new project Keep moving

The busier you are, the less time you have available and she will see you as a busy person.

When you finally see her, she will feel that she has a special place since you have made a moment to be with her and you will definitely attract her. Of course, make sure that the time you spend with her is of quality and 100% dedicated to enjoying together.

5) When you are with her, be yourself

It may sound a bit ordinary or obvious.

But the truth is, if you want a girl to like you, she should like you for who you really are.

So relax, tell him about your passions, what things you enjoy doing in your day to day. They will probably start to find common ground and you will become more and more attracted to her.

If you try to play hard to get, ignore her, or present an image of someone you’re not, chances are you’ll end up attracting a girl who isn’t right for you.

6) Ask interesting questions

What if I told you that in addition to attracting a girl, you can have a good time in the process?

Instead of asking the usual questions, encourage yourself to go deeper. Have fun chatting with her.

Find out what are the topics that interest her and talk to her about them.

If you are able to raise the level of the conversation, you will most likely leave a very good impression on her.

On the other hand, if you ask her honest questions to get to know her, she will appreciate it and respond positively.

7) Make her laugh

Humor is one of the best ways to get a connection.

If you make her laugh, you will easily reach her heart. Women tend to develop more feelings for those who make them laugh.

They also value happy people a lot. Who wouldn’t want to have someone who brings joy to them on a daily basis?

So if you want to attract this girl, find ways to make her laugh more.

8) Listen to her

How do you know women function differently than men. And many times they just need to be heard.

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You will probably be tempted to bring solutions to her problems, but you should know that if you manage to pay attention to her, she will appreciate it more than anything in the world.

Try not to talk endlessly about yourself, give him space to express himself and ask his own questions.

9) If she is not interested in you, it may be time to ignore her and move on

If you finally realize that there’s no real interest on his part, if you’re not his type, or if he doesn’t find you attractive, then it’s time to move on. You can stop looking for it and ignore it.

There’s no one to blame here, sometimes you just won’t get a girl interested in you and there’s nothing wrong with that.

But it’s foolish to keep trying to chase a girl who doesn’t want to be with you.

You will only be wasting your time, energy, and effort on something that is a lost cause.

And finally who knows? It could be a great way to turn things around once he realizes you’re no longer interested.

Situations where stepping back a bit might be a good idea

And since nothing is black and white there are some moments when taking a little distance from a girl can be a good idea to make your bond stronger.

These are the situations where you could walk away for the benefit of both:

1) When you are just meeting a girl

The early stages when you meet someone are a key moment for what their future will be.

If you like this girl a lot, it is important that you do not become extra demanding with her.

Leave room for a bit of mystery and don’t be all the time wanting to see it.

If you have already gone out with her, you can leave some time for both of you to see how they feel and resume contact after a couple of days.

Learn what their communication style is so you don’t force things.

2) If you have to resolve important issues

It is important for both of you to know that you each have a life apart from your relationship. So if you have commitments that you must fulfill, do not try to adapt your whole life to it.

It’s okay to ask him for space when you have things you need to work out. If he really cares about you, he’ll understand and be happy to see you when you’re done with those things.

3) When she becomes too demanding

It is also true that there are women who can become extremely demanding.

If you find yourself dating a girl who gets angry every time you have other plans, it may be a good time to distance yourself.

Talk to her and explain the reasons for your departure. Maybe it’s a good exercise to be apart for a while to see that you can be well apart too.

4) She asks you for space

When a woman walks away you may be disconcerted….

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