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What is Multidimensional Therapy and how does it work? |

In the portal of the heart, I can handle all matters. Multidimensional Therapy is a technique channeled and idealized by Helene Abiassi and João Carlos Paliteiro, co-authors of the book “O Coração Cura a Alma: Multidimensional Therapy Manual”.

What is Multidimensional Therapy?

Multidimensional Therapy is an extremely loving therapy where connection is made with the heart and non-physical teams to clean and organize the fields in successive dimensions.

Access your Higher Self and your extraphysical lineage to help especially with your blockages and traumas. It can provide a spiritual realignment and facilitate a reprogramming of negative conscious and unconscious patterns of pain, fear, and control.

Our being is in many dimensions, many aspects and the primary goals are experience, integration and Ascension.

Multidimensional therapy aims at the integration of all aspects or parts that make up our matter (physical body, our subtle bodies, in this and other life experiences) connecting them with harmony to the Primordial Source.

This is the goal of Multidimensional Therapy. It is a continuous, multifaceted, multidisciplinary work. We try to help rescue parts of us that have been, along the way, shrunken, restricted, suppressed, sad parts of past experiences, parts separated from us and from Light. Other parts that need to be touched by our heart, rescuing our origin.

This is the essence of Multidimensional Therapy. In this process each of us is being healed. Being healers is healing yourself. It is this heightened awareness that gives you the authority and authorization to help others in the healing process.

In the portal of the heart, I can handle all matters, a place of pure energy, which simply “is”. In this reality incubator, all things are possible. The bridge between imagination and reality, and the mirror that reflects the result of our beliefs in the world.

The connection with Multidimensional Therapy is made with the portal of the heart chakra and non-physical teams, to clean and organize the fields in successive dimensions, providing the necessary and possible help to each one, manifesting an elevation of the vibration level in all our bodies.

Through this connection, codes for activating gifts, cleaning, rescuing and harmonizing parts of us that were stuck in difficulties, in old memories, are located, welcomed, sent for treatment and, after reestablishing balance, reintegrated with us. and to our Higher Self with much love.

About the creators of Multidimensional Therapy

Hélène Abiassi was born in France to a French mother and African father. She started contact with other dimensions and communication with other worlds at the age of 32, with the help of the Beings of Light. Living in Portugal, Helene has been promoting her work in several places in Europe and Brazil.

João Carlos Paliteiro is Portuguese, healer, tutor and channel of Angels, Archangels, Masters of the Universal White Fraternity and Cosmic Beings of Divine Light. Master in Reiki Usui Ryoho, he trained in Stellar Quantum Healing, Orisha Reiki, among others.

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