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The power of Sacred Geometry in harmonizing people and environments

You geometric patterns they are at the base of all forms found in nature, from the structure of the atom to the formation of galaxies, passing through flowers and animals, including the human being himself.

The natural forms, all harmonious with each other, create specific vibrations. And the frequencies of these vibrations sustain the balance of everything that exists in the Universe.

Our civilization, with its straight and disproportionate forms, conditions us to vibrate in dissonant frequencies of our own nature. With that, we start by feeling tired, our immune system weakens, we can get discouraged, depressed and in the end even sick.

We are vibrationally separated from the Nature in which we were generated. This is the origin of the feeling of separation and isolation that generates many of the psychological and physical ills of today.

Sacred Geometry in the past

The ancient architects and builders, from the remote times of Egypt and Ancient Greece, knew the natural proportions and built the temples according to this geometry, which became known as Sacred Geometry.

Churches in medieval times, and even those that came before them, were also built to these standards.

The desire to preserve this knowledge, avoiding its destruction during the Middle Ages, gave rise to Freemasonry. The initiatory character of this occult group aimed to preserve its members from the attacks of the Inquisition.

A curiosity: maçon, in French, means mason. Masonry, in English, is the name of the construction technique with brick and mortar, our well-known brick masonry.

How to apply this knowledge

Nowadays, our constructions no longer obey the special proportions of sacred geometry. But we can use it in everyday objects, recovering its beneficial effects on our physical and emotional health.

Some people claim that the simple fact of contemplating the forms of nature is capable of rebalancing our organism. This includes not only being outdoors, but also decorating the house, photographs of plants, landscapes and even constellations.

Is there a more specific way to take advantage of the benefits of sacred geometryusing the so-called Platonic solids.

They received this name because it was the philosopher Plato who first defined their characteristics and identified them in a set.

Platonic solids are three-dimensional geometric shapes that have all edges and all faces the same. If inserted into a sphere, all of their vertices will touch the surface of the sphere.

These five solids are considered the matrix of all forms in the Universe. When we know their characteristics, we can take advantage of what each one brings us.

The Five Platonic Solids

Each of the Platonic solids is associated with one of the elements of classical alchemy: fire, earth, water, air and ether. This allows us to apply them according to their subtle properties, choosing those we most need to balance ourselves.


Fire element —pointed and sharp as the heat of fire. It brings a yang energy, hot.

The tetrahedron is linked to our spiritual development and helps us achieve unconditional love. He helps us to act.

We must use the tetrahedron when we are weak, discouraged, when we feel very cold or catch cold easily.

We shouldn’t use it when we’re angry or irritated.


Element earth —always steady under our feet. It brings a smooth and stable energy.

Our well-known cube, the tetrahedron, is linked to service and donation, like Mother Earth who gives us all her riches without reservation. It teaches us how to act in the service of the well-being of the planet.

We must use the hexahedron when we need stability, or when we are very dispersed and disconnected from the reality that surrounds us.

We shouldn’t use it when we tend to put on weight, or in our house when there’s a lot of accumulated stuff needing to be given away or discarded.


air element – its tiny components are so smooth they can barely be felt. It is light and not by chance the format chosen for the simplest homemade balloons.

The octahedron is linked to mental development. It helps us understand the reality of being and the laws of the universe.

We must use the octahedron when we need to improve our memory and reasoning, or when we are looking for something that gives meaning to life.

We shouldn’t use it when we are already overly rational, and have difficulty accepting feelings and intuitions.


Ether Element – connection with the cosmos, represents the supposed emptiness that permeates the celestial stars.

The dodecahedron is linked to the awakening of our consciousness. Acting on both the personal and collective planes, we reach the plane of our cosmic consciousness.

We must use the dodecahedron when we want to make the connection between the material and the spiritual plane, when we want to give our daily activities a higher meaning.

We shouldn’t use it when we have difficulty accepting and adapting to the reality of material life and efficiently performing the simplest and most repetitive day-to-day activities, when we lack organization and discipline.


Water element – this solid rolls and slips from our hands. Brings fluidity and impermanence.

The icosahedron is linked to energy balance, both personal and between people and environments. Through cleansing and purification, we become able to channel cosmic energies to our benefit.

We must use the icosahedron when we feel stagnant and heavy energies, either in us or in our home. When our life is at a standstill and nothing flows as expected.

We shouldn’t use it when we feel devitalized or insecure, or when our life is very unstable, with alternating ups and downs.

Personal use of the Platonic solids

The best way to take advantage of the Platonic solids is to prepare elixirs. For this, we use the geometric shapes carved in crystal, and we place them inside a glass of mineral or filtered water.

For a glass of water, an hour of soaking is enough. For a bottle of water, you can soak the crystal overnight, and in the morning the water will be ready to be consumed.

You’ll find the Platonic solids made with various types of crystals, such as amethyst and pink or green quartz.

For use in the preparation of elixirs, we recommend solids made with colorless quartz crystal.

Before using any crystal, wash it in running water for a few moments and leave it in the sun for about two hours. This removes any unwanted energy and energizes the crystal.

Another way to benefit from the vibration of the Platonic solids is to do a meditation by visualizing the chosen solid for a few minutes.

There is no predetermined time or frequency restriction. Use your sensitivity to realize how much you still need the energy of that solid in your life.

(The photo is just illustrative, made with a large geometric shape to highlight. The crystal can be much smaller, and it will still have a great effect.)

Using the Platonic Solids in Environments

Using the Platonic Solids at home or in the workplace is similar to personal use. We can choose a solid to prepare an elixir and spray it all over the house or the desired rooms. A different elixir can be made for each room if needed.

We can also use the crystal elixir in the daily cleaning of the house, passing it with a cloth on the floor, walls, furniture and objects.

The presence of a platonic solid in crystal in the places where we stay the most will also influence us. Therefore, we can place it on our bedside table, next to the sofa, or on our work table.

These crystals should be washed weekly with running water, as they can absorb the energies of the environments.

Pictures of the Platonic solids can be framed and used as pictures where their energy is desirable.

A frame can also contain the image of the five Platonic solids, bringing the full range of sacred energies into the room.

Other Applications of Sacred Geometry

You may have already realized how broad this subject is. The truth is that this article only shows the tip of the iceberg. There are many other uses of sacred geometry and the Platonic solids.

In the energetic reprogramming of environments, we use crystal solids in combination with the cristic radionic table for direct emission of vibratory frequencies to the environments. In this technique, we combine different solids, in a variable order selected with a pendulum.

From there, we make the emission, the preparation of a personalized elixir for the environment or even the programming a crystalwhich will then remain in the environment, emanating its beneficial energy with the programmed objective.

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