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Spring symbolizes cycle of prosperity

The flux of the seasons and the phases of the Moon affect life in the countryside, our mood and changes in the weather.

In fact, the four cycles of the seasons indicate changing points of nature’s energy within ourselves. However, in large cities, the movement of the subtle force is not so consciously perceived.

Spring is the beginning of a new cycle, which represents “birth”. It is the period of watering our gardens and planting seeds for our rebirthing process.

During the spring equinox – when the strength of day and night become equal – we must consciously integrate ourselves with “Mother Earth” who every year renews her cycle of birth and resurrectionvery favorable to new beginnings.

Solar festivals and seasons

In the ancient traditions of ancestral peoples, the transformations that occurred in nature were celebrated through Solar Festivals.

These events took place on fixed dates, marking points called the solstices and the equinoxes. At that time, there was a concern about the relationship of the earth with the sun.

Equinox is a word that derives from the Latin (aequinoctium) and means “equal night”, and refers to the time of year when the length of day is equal to night, across the Earth.

The equinoxes occur in the months of March and September, defining the changes of season. In March, the equinox marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere.

In September, the opposite occurs: the equinox marks the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere.

In astronomy, solstice (from the Latin sol + sistere, which does not move) is the moment when the Sun, during its apparent movement in the celestial sphere, reaches the greatest declination in latitude, measured from the equator line.

The solstices occur twice a year: in December and June. The exact day and time vary from year to year.

When it occurs in summer, it means that the length of the day is the longest of the year. When it occurs in winter, it means that the length of the night is the longest of the year.

In spring, the first manifestation of vital energy is the rising and budding of vegetation. It is a time of prosperity and growth.

It’s an excellent season to work on communication, abundance and fertility in our individual journey.

In Shamanism we celebrate “Mother Earth”, honoring the spirits of nature and blessing the seeds. Children represent the seeds of the future and are very present with their joy and willingness within this process.

According to ancient Indian tribes, spring is the awakening season. It’s when we see through the illusion, or when we discover new information, bringing clarity to chaos or confusion.

In this way, we start over breaking old patterns, renew our intention, purposes and prepare ourselves for a new cycle, which brings balance between masculine and feminine in our energies.

In this season, we come out of winter introspection and begin to blossom and awaken in our lives.

It is the arrival of energy that makes us open new sources of creativity, become more optimistic, observant and determined.

Our ancestors respected the moments of Equinoxes and Solstices, as they knew that these cycles are important for the vitality of all beings that inhabit the Earth.

Spring inspires the search for meaning in life

Spring, as a time of blossoming, fresh start, clarity and enlightenment, inspires us to seek meaning in life.

Seek light and inner strength, as well as fluidity for the path. We jump into spring. Each day is like a new opportunity to produce seeds.

The Indian went beyond this concept, believing that the seeds we plant now are for the next life.

The seeds of the next life are being prepared in the present life we ​​are living. There is no escaping the consequence of our actions. Sooner or later the past reappears for us.

So in spring we are invited to examine our personal way of being, and decide which belief system serves us. We learn the power of making decisions and using free will.

How about reviewing some attitudes?

Spring energy drives us to seek the truth of life and free ourselves from illusions that hinder our rebirth, in addition to bringing clarity to work on material issues.

The power of this season is the awakening of spontaneity, wonder and truth.

But, to be born the new, we examine our way of being and what we learn in life. We analyze above our prejudices what serves us and what we want to drop.

Doing charity work, volunteering, planting trees and living ecologically and sustainably, for example, harmonizes us with a spiritual purpose beyond our own understanding.

Eating sustainably, generating more health, less animal suffering and less destruction of forests are factors that reflect the light that comes with spring.

It is time to learn to look at our challenges as opportunities for personal growth, expanding our inner strength and our faith.

In this moment when the life force, Earth and nature appear so strongly, we are motivated to get our lives moving, after the limitations and withdrawal of winter.

“You don’t know your inner spiritual spring. She hasn’t come yet, you haven’t invited her yet. The outer spring comes and goes, but the inner spring only comes and never leaves. It’s an eternal spring. Its flowers are flowers of eternity.

Once enlightened you are forever enlightened. There is no way to go back.

How much more splendorous and how much more miraculous will be the inner spring! It’s not just quantitatively big, it’s also qualitatively big. The search for truth is the search for inner spring”, Osho.

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