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Skin moles: When should we be concerned?


Dangerous spots on the skin, when to worry? Some can make our skin much more charming, and most of them are actually harmless. On the other hand, others need special attention and care, depending on their shape and color. So you don’t take any risks, girls, we made a post about the differences of each one for you to stay alert! Check it out:

Types of dangerous moles on the skin.

A person can have an average of 20 to 30 moles spread across the skin, acquired at birth or throughout life. Most of them can appear for genetic reasons or excessive exposure to the sun.

Dangerous Spots on the Skin Unfortunately people with lots of spots are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer. But everything can be solved with the early removal and analysis of each of them. That’s why it’s so important for people with lots of moles to see a dermatologist regularly.

Black spots are not always related to the development of melanoma (cancer). The most important thing to note is the change in pigmentation. Example: a brown mole with black edges and irregular or triple coloration should undergo a medical examination. Just like black ones, fur spots don’t necessarily mean danger either – unless they’re more than 6 millimeters in diameter.

Several medical associations have developed a kind of standard called the “ABCDE” that signals, identifies and defines each type of mole. The letter A is for asymmetry (when one side is very different from the other); letter B has edges (irregular contours and indentations in and out); the letter C is colored (paints with irregular coloring); the letter D is for diameter (spots larger than 6 millimeters increase the risk of melanomas); and the letter E is for evolution (accelerated growth of each pint).

The dermatoscope – a portable device with lenses that increase from 10 to 70 times the size of a mole -, were created to identify early signs of skin cancer. However, the final diagnosis is only given after a test in the laboratory performed with the cells removed from the lesion. In cases of surgery, the most important thing is to extract the mole and some of the tissue around it. If the case is more serious and discovered later, depending on the stage of the tumor, treatment with chemotherapy and immunotherapy may be indicated.

Have you ever had problems with some of your chicks, girls? Don’t forget to comment!


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