Are you a reactive or proactive person? Find out below.
The concepts of proactive and reactive have been developed in the context of work psychology., although they were initially coined by Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who survived the Nazi concentration camps. Over time, the working world appropriated these principles and they are currently very popular in that field.
Proactive is defined as someone who is capable of taking the initiative in the face of difficulties. This means that his basic attitude is to propose solutions and take responsibility for situations, without the need to be invited or pressured to do so. He focuses on action, in order to overcome problems, which he actually sees as challenges.
“Every difficulty avoided will later become a ghost that will disturb our rest.”
-Frédéric Chopin-
At the same time, The reactive person is one who, as the name indicates, limits himself to reacting or responding only when he is threatened or pressured to do so. Their type of reaction is fundamentally passive. It does not act, if there is no need to act. He does not propose, if something does not force him to do so. He does not try to go further, but only responds in case there is a stimulus that prompts him to do so.
Reactive vs. Proactive
To give roots to these concepts, let’s see how they are expressed in everyday reality. Next we will show you the main features of the profile of a reactive person and a person with a proactive profile. In this way, we will clarify the idea.
How a reactive person behaves
The reactive person usually does the following:
He does not usually foresee the consequences of his actions.Reacts impulsively to problemsalmost always aggressively or feeling intimidated.Rejects analysis of his actions. He thinks it’s not worth it because everyone is the way they are.Focuses on external factors to discover the causes of your problems. He usually blames these factors for his discomfort.Think a lot about changing your environment as a formula to solve their difficulties.
How a proactive person behaves
The person with a proactive profile, on the other hand, generally have these patterns of behavior:
He is usually cautious. He anticipates the facts and takes action so that difficulties do not find him unprepared.Think before acting.Work based on goals and he is persistent until he achieves them. He gives importance to knowing himself. He is not afraid to admit his mistakesnor does he look for justifications for them. Faced with a problem, reacts with reflection. Take the initiative to solve it and often turn it into an opportunity.
Beliefs that prevent you from being proactive
There is a whole set of beliefs that we repeat daily and that They undermine our possibilities to evolve towards a proactive attitude. Fears and insecurities that grip us and above all paralyze us.
So, the reactive person saves his energy because he fears that at any moment they could attack him; Unlike the person with a proactive profile, he understands that the best way to live is to always be driven, in motion.
What are these baseless beliefs that make us reactive?
There may be many, but The habitual beliefs that can make us more reactive are the following:
I don’t have enough time. It is a justification, we can always plan the time so that it is enough to carry out the activities that interest us. The time is there, it does not belong to anything or anyone, we are the ones who decide what we dedicate it to.Nobody values what I do. It is also an excuse, generally to not put more effort into the tasks we do. The person places more value on the reaction of others than on their own self-esteem; expressed this in doing everything in the best possible way.I prefer to keep what I think to myself. This supposed preference masks a lack of commitment to one’s own ideas and feelings. Deep down, what there is is a fear of displeasing others, of being rejected or of having one’s own convictions tested.I do not have enough money. Many people tie their dreams to the economic factor. Perhaps those dreams are being designed in a way that makes them impossible. One dreams only of what is impossible to achieve and thus the person remains in his comfort zone, repeating that there is no way to achieve what he wants.I leave everything for last, but I have enough time. The habit of postponing commitments and leaving everything until last hides apathy or lack of interest. But this demotivation is not addressed, but rather it is justified by saying that in the end it is achieved.I prefer not to attract too much attention. A certain introversion or modesty should not be confused with the easy attitude of not expressing oneself so as not to commit to anything. In the latter case, people let others solve things and simply “go with the flow.”
Proactive language vs reactive language
Based on these beliefs, reactive people begin to use a very characteristic everyday language. In this case, it is common for them to be expressed in the following way:
When faced with a challenge, the reactive person will say that they will try; while someone who is proactive will bluntly say that they will. When interacting with a person who is trying to discourage you, get you out of control, or make you angry, A proactive person will say that they will not let them ruin their day.; while the reactive person will express his frustration in front of everyone. When an obstacle that is difficult to overcome arises, someone reactive will say they can’t do anything about it; On the other hand, a proactive person will offer different alternatives to overcome it.When faced with pending tasks, the reagent will say “I will do it tomorrow.”“; while the proactive person will try to keep everything up to date, and if possible, advance tasks. When feeling overwhelmed or tired, The proactive person will ask themselves what they can do to be more encouraged and motivated?; On the other hand, the reagent will say “I’m fed up/tired.” When you do not have the skills and knowledge to carry out a task, the reagent usually says “I have never been given this”; while the proactive person will ask themselves what they can learn to make the task easier.
Work to be proactive: 7 tips
In fairness to reactive people, they have an advantage and that is that, by reacting so much in stressful situations, they tend to be more effective when an unforeseen event occurs.
In this case, their anxiety level is usually lower because they know they are skilled in the “eye of the hurricane.”, where nothing is organized and it is apparently chaos. This makes them more attractive to occupy certain positions that demand this type of performance.
However, it is evident that The proactive profile has many more advantages, which are not limited only to the workplace. Therefore, if you identify with a reactive personality, below we show you some strategies to develop productivity.
1. Predict the possible consequences
Analyze your actions and those of your colleagues, and try to visualize what consequences each one can bring. This will help you be prepared for any eventuality. and face them with a better disposition.
It may seem complicated at first, but With time and practice you will develop your intuitive capacitythus anticipating future events.
2. Identify possible solutions and new challenges
Likewise, in the event of any eventuality or problem, It is pertinent to analyze the solutions that can improve or optimize the current situation. To do this, it is essential that you put aside pessimism and trust that you can solve any unforeseen event.
For its part, We invite you to consider new challenges, which allow you to enhance your personal and professional growth.. For example, if in the place where you work there are clients who prefer to speak in English and you do not yet master this language, propose to learn it. This way, you will be able to have a greater scope and better opportunities to develop professionally.
3. Plan
Major projects require planning, as It allows us to have a better notion of what we want to achieve and where we want to go.. Plus, this is a great way to get ahead of the facts and prepare for any scenario.
Therefore, in each goal or project that you propose, schedule and reserve the necessary time; write down the steps and resources necessary to achieve this goal; propose delivery times; meet with your work team; etc
4. Know your strengths and weaknesses
Proactive people recognize that they are not perfect at everything. In fact, they know what their weaknesses and strengths are, so they constantly work to improve the former and take advantage of the latter.
Therefore, make a list that reflects both aspects and use them to your advantage. If you have trouble recognizing them, you can ask a trusted person for help.
5. Be empathetic and honest
Put yourself in other people’s shoes and be honest with them, It helps to avoid misunderstandings, strengthen trust with others and relate positively.
In the Laboral scene, good relationships are pillars for productivityas they allow us to have the support of the team, and have a more open mind for constructive criticism.
6. Learn to channel your emotions
Many times, Stress and work conflicts leave us with an emotional burden that is difficult to manage. However, if we want to be more productive, it is pertinent that we learn to channel our emotions in a positive way.
Well, it’s no secret that Misdirected emotions, especially negative ones, negatively affect our energy levels and performance..
7. Set realistic goals
If you want to increase productivity, it is important that Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed with unattainable goals; since it will only increase frustration and the feeling of failure.
Therefore, the ideal is that at the beginning you set out to achieve small goals. Thus, You will increase motivation and self-confidence to go for bigger goals.
How to enhance proactivity in the work environment
For your part, if you are a leader of a work team and want to enhance the proactive attitude in each of the members, we advise you:
Be empathetic. This implies knowing how to recognize the needs and characteristics of each team member, in order to optimize the qualities of each one.Be receptive. Be very attentive to the proposals and points of view of both your clients and team members. Their suggestions will make them feel taken into account and will help you improve the quality of your products or services.Make each team member feel motivated. To do this, identify the individual professional objectives of each one and align them with the company’s objectives.Promotes assertive communication. This implies showing openness to any mishap that workers may have.Encourage all members to make decisions within their area. To do this, invite them to propose solutions and implement them.
To conclude, we emphasize that the productive attitude will always be the most beneficial when facing unexpected or problematic events. Just don’t feel bad if…