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Multiple orgasms in women: new findings

Multiple orgasms are consecutive orgasms, much more frequent in women than in men. But what does science say about it? Discover the new findings.

What proportion of women can achieve multiple orgasms? How do you reach them? How does sex in general influence when it comes to achieving these orgasms?

Next, we talk about the new findings related to multiple orgasms in women, according to science, and the conclusions reached by the latest study on the subject.

What is orgasm?

Orgasm is defined as ‘the climax or most satisfying point of sexual excitement in the erogenous or sexual zones’. It is the point we reach after maximum sexual excitement.

When we experience an orgasm, in both men and women, sexual tension increases to its highest point, and that is when all that tension is released from the body and genitals. The cerebral consequence? A biochemical cascade of release of hormones and neurotransmitters related to pleasure and well-being.

Multiple orgasms: what are they?

As the name suggests, multiple orgasms (or multi-orgasm) occur when we experience multiple orgasms in a row. According to a study by Dunn (1989), it is experienced by women, and to a lesser extent, by men, since they do not tend to present a refractory period.

Therefore, they may experience a subsequent orgasm after the first one, and so on (to a certain extent). Generally, orgasms after the first are more intense and pleasurable, as a consequence of accumulated genital stimulation.

Two erogenous zones, very sensitive after climax, are the clitoris and the nipples; Therefore, additional sexual stimulation after the first orgasm (or later) can be a little painful at first.

Multiple orgasms in women: what does science say?

Multiple orgasms in women are more common than in men. Current scientific literature suggests that multiple orgasms, in general, although not particularly common, are not that rare either.

The first report of this type of orgasm was from 1929., and was based on interviews with more than 2,200 women. Many of them reported having multiple orgasms. Later, in 1953, Alfred Kinsey, a researcher at Indiana University, stated that 14% of the several thousand women he interviewed reported having multiple orgasms.

More data: Researchers at Florida State University surveyed 805 female college students and concluded that 43% of them had ever experienced multiple orgasms.

Finally, studies from the last 30 years have reported that Multiple orgasms in women appear in 25% of them. As we see, very different figures! Although, one thing is clear; And this type of orgasm exists and is experienced by more women than we might think at first glance. But what do the new findings say about it?

A new study on multiple orgasms in women

The most recent study of multiple orgasms in women was conducted by researchers at McGill University and the University of Montreal. The investigation It started with ads on sex and psychology websites; Through them, women over 18 years of age who had experienced multiple orgasms willing to be surveyed were sought.

The researchers started from what they considered an orgasm, as serial muscle contractions of the pelvic floor; and multiple orgasm consisted of experiencing two or more sets of contractions. They surveyed 419 women between 18 and 69 years old. (with an average age of 33 years), and the conclusions were several.

Conclusions from the new study on multiple orgasms in women

Some of the most relevant conclusions of the study, which have to do with multiple orgasms, but also with “normal” (individual) orgasms and with sex and enjoyment in general, were the following:

74% of women reported experiencing their first multiple orgasms during masturbation.It took women between 6 and 14 minutes to have their first solo orgasmand 30 to 60 minutes to have it with a partner. The greater the sexual repertoire, the more likely it is to experience multiple orgasms. Multiple orgasms are less likely to arise in exclusively vaginal sexual relations. Women who report having multiple orgasms almost always enjoy a wide repertoire of sexual and emotional behaviors (kissing, hugging, use of sex toys, etc.). 64% of women claimed to have experienced their most recent multiple orgasms with their partners, thanks to the combination of genital hand massage and cunnilingus (especially after the latter). 19 years is the average age at which women have their first (individual) orgasm, and 20 and a half years is the age of the first multiple orgasms.A third of the women in the study understood multiple orgasm as two orgasms in a row. On the other hand, for the other two-thirds, multiple orgasms were between three and more than a hundred in a row. Women who had more than two orgasms in a row usually had between five (12% of them) and ten (also 12%).

Other conclusions of the study: the importance of stimulation

The study also concludes that the majority of women, specifically 58%, maintained a continuous caress on their vulva or clitoris between orgasm and orgasm.

On the other hand, one in five preferred to suspend stimulation for a minute, approximately, between orgasm and orgasm, and one in eight stopped for two or three minutes. Finally, very few study participants reported breaks between orgasms of five minutes or more.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Bohlen, J.G. et al. “The Female Orgasm: Pelvic Contractions,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (1982) 11:367. doi: 10.1007/BF01541570.Darling, CA et al. “The Female Sexual Response Revisited: Understanding The Multi-Orgasmic Experience in Women,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (1991) 20:527. doi: 10.1007/BF01550952.Davis, K.B. (1929). Factors in the Sex Life of 2,200 Women. Harper & Brothers, NY.Dunn ME, Trost JE (October 1989). “Male Multiorgasms: descriptive study.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 18(5): 377-87. PMID 2818169. doi:10.1007/BF01541970.

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