Without removing bread and pasta from the menu, you can lose up to 2 kilos in a week – believe me, the result appears mainly on the belly and waist.
The secret of this diet, designed and tested by nutrition consultant Alfredo Galebe, from São Paulo (SP), is to combine carbohydrates, protein and fat in every meal (from breakfast to dinner) to maintain hormonal balance and keep burning constant fat. “Consumed in ideal proportions, protein and fat slow down the glycemic index of the carbohydrate – it takes longer to be transformed into sugar in the bloodstream and insulin production is kept in balance”, explains nutritionist Beatriz Passos, who works in partnership with with Alfred. When produced in excess, insulin causes the body to retain more fat. And then you saw: the pointer of the scale is pushed up there.
The recommended ratio is as follows: 9 grams of carbohydrate (1 C) for every 7 grams of protein (1 P) and 1.5 grams of fat (1 G). Together, and in these proportions, the three nutrients (1 C + 1 P + 1 G) form a block. Depending on the meal, your plate should have one, two, or three blocks. Complicated? Alfredo has come up with some tables (see below) for you to get it right. Don’t worry about counting calories – forget about it! The result – melting up to 2 kilos in a week – is up to you. And the best part: the fat around the waist and belly are the first to disappear.
Deise Coelho, ‘s Digital Media editor, proved the result of the right combination of foods. “I needed to lose the love handles so that the muscles conquered with bodybuilding would jump. And this regime worked, ”she celebrates. Shortly after following the dry fat diet, São Paulo decorator Renata Florenzano also saw her belly become flat. “The advantage is that I also learned to select healthy carbohydrates, lean proteins and good fats”, says Renata.
This is another important rule: protein and fat considered bad, like butter and fatty meats, are left out. You prefer lean meat, chicken and fish, foods with less saturated fat (associated with cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer). Fish have an extra benefit: the omega 3 fatty acid, which helps prevent heart attacks and strokes. That is, you dry the fat and at the same time invest in an enviable health. Therefore, it is also worth favoring wholemeal bread and pasta (carbohydrates accompanied by fiber) and olive oil, almonds and avocado (sources of good fat).
And, if you’re used to quenching your thirst with soda and ready-made tea (light or not), stay away from them in the first two weeks: drink still water and moderate fruit juice. During this period, also abandon sweets, chocolate and snacks. “They are on the list of foods with a very high glycemic index, which generate insulin spikes”, says Galebe. Deise and Renata guarantee: you won’t get hungry!
You can create your diet
Assemble your menu with 9 blocks per day, distributed as follows: breakfast: 2 C + 2 P + 2 G (2 blocks); morning snack: 1 C + 1 P + 1 G (1 block); lunch: 3 C + 3 P + 3 G (3 blocks); afternoon snack: 1 C + 1 P + 1 G (1 block); dinner: 2 C + 2 P + 2 G (2 blocks); and before bedtime: 2 G (here, the fat must be ingested alone and does not count as a block).
In the tables below, choose your favorite foods. These suggestions are for the first 2 weeks:
Option 1: 1 cup. (tea) of coffee with skimmed milk and sweetener + 1 slice of light wholemeal bread with + 2 col. (soup) of cottage and 1 scrambled egg seasoned with + 1 col. (tea) olive oil, salt and oregano
Option 2: 1 cup. (tea) of coffee with skimmed milk and sweetener + 1 crumbless French bread with + 2 col. (tea) of light cottage cheese + 2 slices of light turkey breast
Option 3: 1 apple blended with 1 glass (300 ml) of water + 2 col. (soup) protein powder (Whey Protein type) + 6 almonds
Option 4: 1 cup. of herbal tea (chamomile, lemon balm) + 1 small apple + 1 small pita bread + 2 col. (tea) of light cottage cheese + 4 slices of light turkey breast
Option 5: 1 glass of orangeade (1 orange with water) + omelette with 2 eggs seasoned with oregano + 2 col. (tea) olive oil
Option 6: 1 cup. (tea) of coffee with skimmed milk and sweetener + 1 large piece of toast with 4 col. (tea) light cream cheese + 2 slices of lean ham
Option 7: 1 cup. of herbal tea + 2 slices of light wholemeal bread with 4 col. (soup) of cottage + 3 chopped green olives + 1 col. (tea) olive oil
Snack (morning and afternoon)
Option 1: 1 slice of melon + 2 slices of lean ham + 3 almonds
Option 2: 1 small pita bread with 2 col. (tea) of light cream cheese + 2 slices of light turkey breast
Option 3: 1/4 papaya blended with 1 glass of water + 1 tbsp. (soup) full of protein powder (Whey Protein type) + 3 almonds
Option 4: 1 skimmed or light yogurt + 3 almonds
Option 5: 1 small cheese bread with 2 slices of light turkey breast + 1 col. (tea) light cottage cheese
Option 6: 1 small protein bar or 1/2 large bar (ProteinBar type)
Option 7: 1 glass of liquid skimmed yogurt mixed with 3 col. (soup) avocado
Option 1: 3 col. (soup) of brown rice + 1 small ladle of beans + 1 medium fillet (90 g) of grilled rump + 1 plate (dessert) of lettuce and watercress with 3 col. (tea) oil, vinegar and salt
Option 2: 2 small pancakes stuffed with 4 col. (soup) filled with ground lean meat and covered with 1 col. (soup) of tomato sauce and 1 col. (dessert) grated light cheese + 1 plate (dessert) of lettuce with 2 col. (tea) oil, vinegar and salt
Option 3: 1 large fillet (150 g) of grilled salmon + 1 medium baked potato + 1 plate (dessert) of arugula and 1/2 tomato with 3 col. (tea) olive oil + 1 diet gelatin
Option 4: 1 cup. (tea) shallow spaghetti with 1 saucer of steamed broccoli + 3 col. (tea) olive oil and garlic to taste + 1 chicken breast (90 g) grilled
Option 5: 3 col. (soup) of brown rice + 1 omelette with 2 whole eggs + 1 thick slice of white cheese and salt + 1 plate (dessert) of lettuce + 1/2 tomato with 3 col. (tea) olive oil
Option 6: 3 col. (soup) of brown rice + 1 portion (90 g) of roast beef +
1 steamed vegetable saucer (carrot, pea, beetroot) with 3 col. (tea) olive oil + 1 medium slice of pineapple
Option 7: 1/2 large flatbread with 6 slices of roast beef + 1 plate (dessert) of arugula + 3 green olives and 2 col. (tea) olive oil
To have lunch
Option 1: 8 slices of carpaccio + 3 mini toasts 2 col. (tea) olive oil + 1 slice of pineapple
Option 2: 1 deep dish of soup made with 2 mandioquinhas, onion, salt and 60 g of diced lean meat. Add 2 col. (tea) olive oil at the end of the preparation
Option 3: 1/2 hamburger bun with 1 chicken burger (60 g) grilled + 2 col. (soup) of light mayonnaise, 1/2 col. (dessert) of mustard and 1/2 col. (dessert) of ketchup
Option 4: Niçoise salad: 1 plate (dessert) of iceberg lettuce + 3 cherry tomatoes +
1/4 can of tuna in water + 1 boiled egg + 2 green olives + 2 col. (tea) olive oil + 1 slice of Italian bread (baguette format)
Option 5: 1 crumbless French bread with 4 slices of roast beef + 1 plate (dessert) of arugula with 2 tbsp. (tea) olive oil and salt
Option 6: 1 tuna temaki with light mayonnaise + 3 sashimi with a little soy sauce and ginger at will
Option 7: 2 slices of tuna pizza (thin crust) drizzled with 2 col. (tea) olive oil
Before bedtime
3 col. (soup) avocado (if you want to sweeten it, use stevia)
From the 15th day, add 1 block, that is:
1C (carbohydrate) + 1P (protein) + 1G (fat) in any of the meals, up to 30 days.
Food – Pineapple
Serving – 1 medium slice
Value – 1 C
Food – Lettuce
Portion – 1 foot
Value – 1 C
Food – White rice
Portion – 2 col. (soup)
Value – 1 C
Food – Brown rice
Portion – 3 col. (soup)
Value – 1 C
Food – Asparagus
Portion – 12 stalks
Value – 1 C
Food – Banana-nanica
Portion – 1/3 of the unit
Value – 1 C
Food – Medium potato
Portion – 1/2 unit
Value – 1 C
Food – grated beets
Portion – 2 col. (soup)
Value – 1 C
Food – Broccoli
Portion – 1 saucer
Value – 1 C
Food – Grated carrots
Portion – 2 col. (soup)
Value – 1 C
Food – Canned peas
Portion – 2 col. (soup)
Value – 1 C
Food – Beans
Serving Size – 1/2 medium shell
Value – 1 C
Food – Orange
Portion – 1/2 unit
Value – 1 C
Food – Lemon
Portion – 2 units
Value – 1 C
Food – Apple
Portion – 1/2 large unit
Value – 1 C
Food – Pasta
Portion – 1/2 cup. (tea)
Value – 1 C
Food – Melon
Serving – 1 medium slice
Value – 1 C
Food – Canned corn
Portion – 1 col. (soup)
Value – 1 C
Food – Strawberry
Portion – 4 units
Value – 1 C
Food – Heart of palm
Portion – 5 cylinders
Value – 1 C
Food – Light bread
Portion – 1 unit
Value – 1 C
Food – French bread with crumb
Portion – 1 unit
Value – 2 C
Food – Crumbless French bread
Portion – 1 unit
Value – 1 C
Food – Wholemeal light bread
Portion – 1 slice
Value – 1 C
Food – Small flatbread
Portion – 1 unit
Value – 1 C
Food – Papaya
Portion – 1/4 of the unit
Value – 1 C
Food – Pear
Portion – 1/2 unit
Value – 1 C
Food – Medium ravioli
Portion – 3 units
Value – 1 C
Food – Arugula
Portion – 2 packs
Value – 1 C
Food – Orange juice
Serving Size – 1/3 cup
Value – 1 C
Food – Apple Juice
Serving Size – 1/3 cup
Value – 1 C
Food – Grape Juice
Serving Size – 1/4 cup
Value – 1 C
Food – Tomato
Portion – 1 unit
Value – 1 C
Food – Grape
Portion – 6 units
Value – 1 C
Nutritionist tip:
Vegetables, legumes, greens and fruits are carbohydrates.
Food – Canned light tuna
Serving Size – 1/4 of a can
Value – 1 P
Food – Lean meat
Portion – 1/3 fillet (30 g)
Value – 1 P
Food – Egg white
Portion – 2 units
Value – 1 P
Food – Cottage
Portion – 2 col. (soup)
Value – 1 P
Food – Fish fillet
Serving Size – 1 pc. (75g)
Value – 1 P
Food – Hamburger
Portion – 1 unit (45 g)
Value – 1 P
Food – Whole egg
Portion – 1 unit
Value – 1 P
Food – Shredded chicken breast
Portion – 2 col. (soup)
Value – 1 P
Food – Light turkey breast
Serving Size – 2 slices (30g)
Value – 1 P
Food – Lean ham
Serving Size – 2 slices (30g)
Value – 1 P
Food – light ricotta
Portion – 3 col. (tea)
Value – 1 P
Food – lean roast beef
Serving Size – 2 slices (45g)
Value – 1 P
Food – Salmon
Portion – 1/2 filet (50 g)
Value – 1 P
Food – Light sardines
Serving Size – 1/4 of a can
Value – 1 P
Food – Avocado
Portion – 1 col. (soup)
Value – 1G
Food – Raw unsalted almonds
Portion – 3 units
Value – 1G
Food – Unsalted raw peanuts
Portion – 5…