Do you remember a health insurance commercial that used the phrase “your health first”? Regardless of the service sold, this sentence is correct. Your health and my health must always come first. That is, our health must be in order and well cared for.
When was the last time you went to the doctor for a routine checkup or to take care of a pain you’ve been experiencing? Are you taking the right treatment to lower cholesterol or control high blood pressure? Are you taking care of food, cutting out what’s no good and eating healthier foods?
Taking care of your health is taking care of yourself, and it’s the first step towards a full cure, if any health problem appears. Many people want to pray for healing from a health problem in faith and get great miracles. But many health problems could be avoided or alleviated if everyone took more care of their health, head and body. Think about it. Take care of yourself more. Have more energy in life and in your everyday life.
As you think about your health and make an appointment with your doctor, why not say the prayers below for better health and healing.
Prayer for Healing
Thou art the divine physician. You give life and life in fullness to those who seek You. Therefore, today, Lord, in a special way, I want to ask for the cure of all kinds of illness, especially the one that afflicts me at this moment. I know you don’t want evil, you don’t want the disease that is the absence of health, because you are the Supreme Good. Work in me a profound spiritual healing and, if it is Your will, also a physical healing. May it be operated directly by the powerful action of Your Holy Spirit or through the doctor and medicines! Increase my faith in Your Power, Lord, and in the infinite Love You have for me. Increase my faith, Lord, which is so weakened at times. I believe in Your healing power, my God, and I humbly thank you for all the work you are doing in my heart and body at this moment. In addition to myself, Lord, I also want to introduce all the sick who asked me for prayers. You know each one of them, you know the trials they are going through! Have mercy, Lord, come to the aid of these people who suffer from illness. Lord, I bless You, because I cried out to You and You heard me. My soul, by Your blessed hands, was taken out of darkness. O faithful of the Lord, sing his glory, give thanks to his holy name, for he alone is powerful and worthy of eternal praise. Hallelujah!
Prayer for Health
Lord, give me health for my body and may I cooperate with a disciplined life so that I am worthy of Your help. Lord, for honoring You and reporting to You thanks and praises, how much You enrich me, never letting me lack what I need, crowning with great success all the journeys that are not always easy. How I praise You for such great goodness! May I thank You Lord, not only with words, but above all with a life of holiness. You who punish those you love, like the father who punishes the rebellious son whom he esteems very much, I thank you for all the moments when I suffered feeling Your Hand descend heavily on me, but always so full of mercy. How much I have learned and learn from You, my Father! Nothing can equal Your love. Thank you, Lord. Your paths are sown with many renunciations, but only those who travel them can feel their incomparable delights.