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Learn to Pray to Overcome Anguish

Anguish kills, but it has a cure and is faced.

This week takes place the largest entrance exam in Brazil, Fuvest (University Foundation for Vestibular). A few days ago the Enem (National High School Exam) took place. What is the common negative point between the two events? The anguish that thousands of students go through at exam time. And anguish always kills a little bit, right?

Anguish is the feeling of restlessness, lack of serenity and inner peace. It appears as a strange sensation, causes a lump in the throat, agitation, and nervousness. In other words, endless discomfort. But what bothers me the most is the heartache. And heart has to do with emotion.

When something affects us emotionally, such as a new passion, a test, challenges or gains, there is always nervousness and even a little anguish. In these cases, these are very positive emotions.

But when we suffer strong emotional impacts our anxiety starts to rise. There we are talking about disapproval, various fears and phobias, betrayals, low self-esteem and bad luck.

The distressed person needs to think and try to discern what is troubling him, identify the problem if possible. If you encounter multiple problems, try to define which is the worst. If you can’t find the cause, no matter how hard you think, and the anxiety remains very disturbing, impairing work and social contact, professional help may be needed.

Defining the problem or the worst problem, the next step is to act to solve it. If you don’t have a solution – because it’s not just up to you -, the way out is to accept the loss and take the weight off your life.

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To accept is not to agree with the fact. It’s looking at reality and concluding: “this happened in my life and I can’t do anything to change it”. Then turn to other things in your life and move on. Free yourself from this sometimes unnecessary anguish, after all, we all have losses and anguish.

What we cannot do is endlessly brood over a situation, a fact or a problem. Try to resolve and release. Having pain is really bad, but keep in mind that what is good will pass – and what is bad will also pass.

Stop whining or talking about your pain to people. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are bigger than your pain. Have you expressed it enough? Have you cried enough? Have you voiced it enough for someone trustworthy, ethical, and empathetic to listen?

So now it’s time to stop crying, to grieve, to stop telling people about your pain. Now it’s time to take care of yourself with serenity, acceptance, humility, perseverance and hope for better days. At least inside you.

He who learned to deal with his anguish learned the most important thing. And how to cure Anguish? Here are some tips and techniques:

– Have a leisure or hobby that distracts you and makes you relax;

– Be with friends and laugh a lot;

– Date a lot;

– Watch good movies and football games, for example;

– Play sports or gym

– Try a clinical hypnosis and a therapy that works very successfully for cases of fears, phobias and anguish;

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– Be with God through prayers and a religious belief.

Here are two prayers for overcoming heart anguish.

Prayer for Inner Healing

Lord, deliver me from all the bitterness and feelings of rejection that I carry with me. Heal me, Lord. Touch my heart with your merciful hand and heal it, Lord. I know that such feelings of anguish do not come from you: they come from the enemy who tries to make me unhappy, discouraged, because you chose me, as I chose you, to serve and love.

Send me, therefore, your holy angels to free me from all anguish and feeling of rejection, just as you sent them, to free your apostles from prison who, although unjustly punished, praised and sang with joy and fearlessness. Make me also, in this way, always happy and grateful, despite the difficulties of each day.

Prayer to calm the heart

Lord, enlighten my eyes so that I can see the defects of my soul, and seeing them, do not comment on the defects of others. Lord, take sadness from me, but do not give it to anyone else.

Fill my heart with divine faith, to praise your name forever. Take pride and conceit from me. Lord, make me a truly righteous human being. Give me hope to overcome all these earthly illusions. Plant in my heart the seed of unconditional love and help me to make as many people happy as possible to amplify their laughing days and sum up their sad nights.

Turn my rivals into companions, my companions into my friends, and my friends into loved ones. Don’t let me be a lamb before the strong, nor a lion before the weak. Give me, Lord, the wisdom to forgive and remove from me the desire for revenge.

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Did you have any doubts? Want to know more about the work of Franco Guizzetti? Personal Guidance, Tarot, Feng Shui, Hypnotherapy and Holistic Coaching? For the values ​​of the works, contact via e-mail franco.guizzetti@. Follow him on social media and YouTube.

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