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It’s Saint Michael the Archangel, “Prince of Heaven”

The end of September is approaching, the end of the third quarter of the year, I feel, happy, the rapture of the proximity of Saint Michael’s Day (September 29th). Guardian, warrior, makes up – along with Gabriel and Raphael – the highest hierarchy of angels, the circle of Archangels, who directly attend to the throne of God, having the function of being messengers of heavenly decrees here in this world.

The name Michael comes from the Hebrew language. It can be translated as a question, “Who is like God?” Actually a “questioning affirmation” (of humility and obedience) since “no one is like God”.

Saint Michael, in addition to escorting souls to the Last Judgment, commands the angels as the supreme chief of the heavenly army. Prince of heaven, warrior, great fighter, conqueror of the forces of evil, defender of the divine throne, he is also protector of the People of God.

Beloved and revered, Saint Michael, chief, also recognized for his victory over the dragon Lucifer. Lucifer desired to be like God. Michael, with inestimable power and strength, courageously defends the heavenly throne. “A great battle has been fought” (Revelation 12) and good has the victory.

Therefore, there is no lack of reasons to raise praise and honor to the Holy Guardian, representative of Grace and Goodness, always ready to offer charity and help. That’s why the places of worship to São Miguel are numerous and full of spiritual force. On this date full of meaning, I take the opportunity to share with my dear readers the famous Prayer found in the Cathedral of Buenos Aires:

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

– Saint Michael the Archangel, Prince of Angels

Defend us in the struggles of life

– Saint Michael the Archangel, Prince of Angels

Protect us against the temptations and perversities of the devil

– Saint Michael the Archangel, Prince of Angels

Defeat all the evil spirits that scattered throughout the world seek to destroy the children of God

– Saint Michael the Archangel, Prince of Angels

We beseech you, suppliants, keep us under your protection

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