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Is it possible to discover what has gone in past lives?

The answer is “yes” through past life regression therapy. It is important to understand what reincarnation is, widespread in Buddhism and Spiritualism, and which is associated with the law of cause and effect, the so-called karma, which means “action”. Nor can we forget that man has free will, that is, he is responsible for all his actions. Through the belief in reincarnation, which is present in the Vedas and reinforced in the Upanishads, it is possible to understand the code of everyday life that encourages good conduct (since kindness is rewarded) and avoids bad conduct, which reserves in a later life the fulfillment of karma for spiritual evolution.

There is a belief that birthmarks are associated with fatal injuries in previous lives. Certain physical or psychological illnesses can originate in an incarnation prior to the current one, and such illnesses present great difficulty in curing until they come across, through regression, the reason for suffering.

Illness is not always a simple repression of some emotional pain in a previous life. It may be the need for the “True Self” to manifest itself to alert the individual to intolerance, unwillingness to help others or to develop creative potentials that are struggling to express themselves.

Death, therefore, should be seen as another stage of growth and should not be understood as the end of the definitive bonds between family members and the people we love. It should be seen as a temporary separation from this physical world.

Remembering past life events can help to reduce tensions, control or eliminate pain, guilt, anxieties and various types of fear; it also facilitates to develop concentration; unleashes personal potentials; and triggers a sense of responsibility. It also begins to understand parents and others in the inner circle; it relieves repressed pressures and makes you forget about old injuries; improves visualization to become more action than reaction.

How to do the regression?

Ask a friend to help you relax. According to researcher Florence Wagner McClain, author of the book A Practical Guide to Past Life Regression, it can be done with the help of a person to lead to relaxation and, later, to memory regression. Play soft music and ask questions slowly.

We must understand that the regression will be done in the first stage, that is, the person will be conscious all the time, endowed with all his mental and psychological faculties, etc. there being no possibility of “not returning”, as popular belief says. She should lie still while listening to the relaxation in this sequence:

First step of relaxation:
Close your eyes. Fix your attention on the eyelids. Let your eyelids relax.

Fix your attention on the scalp (pause). Notice if there are any tense muscles. Relax the scalp. Release each muscle so that your scalp is completely relaxed. (break)

Fix your attention on the face (pause). Notice if there are any tense muscles. Relax your face muscle.

Fix your attention on the jaws (pause). Relax your neck.

Fix your attention on the hands. Notice all the muscles and nerves in your hand. Let every muscle, every nerve, every cell be completely relaxed.

Fix your attention on the chest (pause). Let each cell function normally, rhythmically. Let your chest relax completely (pause).

Fix your attention on the abdomen (pause). Let your abdomen completely relaxed (pause).

Fix your attention on the legs (pause). Notice if there are any tense muscles. Let them be very relaxed.

Fix your attention on the feet. Notice if there are any tense muscles (pause). Relax your feet. Let your feet be fully relaxed.

Note: whoever is reading the relaxation should wait half a minute to proceed with the regression, always in a calm voice. Then you can ask, “Are you okay? Can we continue?”

second stage of relaxation
Your feet are no longer part of your body. (break)

Be oblivious to your legs. Pretend they no longer belong in your body. Let me know when this is achieved. (pause for answer). Very good; your feet, legs and abdomen no longer belong to your body.

Be oblivious to your chest (pause). Pretend he no longer belongs in your body. It will only take a moment. Great, your feet, legs, abs and chest don’t belong in your body anymore.

Now imagine yourself standing in front of the place where you currently live. Let me know when you’re there. (pause for answer). Excellent. Now describe the facade. Tell me what you would see if you were standing in front of where you currently live (pause for a short description). What season are you in? It’s fall? Good. It’s winter? It will only take a moment. Describe the changes that occur in and around the site during winter. (pause for a short answer).

Obs.: whoever reads the stages of relaxation should say about the next step, that is, the third stage of the regression. Whoever is listening must keep his eyes closed. If desired, the regression can be stopped at any time.

Third step of regression

Picture yourself standing in front of the door of your house (pause) Now, opening the door. Imagine that the door opens into a long tunnel, at the end of which there is a light. I’ll count from 20 to 1.

With each number, imagine yourself walking through the tunnel towards the light and going back in time to the period before this one. When I get to number 1, you will step out of the tunnel into the light, and into the life before that.

Twenty (pause), 19 (pause), 18, walking towards the light and going back in time to the life before this one, 17 (pause), 16 (pause), 15, walking towards the light, and going back in time , 14 (pause), 13 (pause), 12, when I get to 1 you will be in the life before this one, 8 (pause), 7 (pause), 6, going back in time, 5 (pause), 4 (pause ), 3, when you reach 1, you will exit the tunnel into the light and the life before this one, 2 (pause), 1…

You are in the period before this one.

Mentally look through your eyes and listen through your ears. Mentally look at your feet. What are you wearing on your feet? (pause for answer; then continue with questions):

How are you dressed?

How old are you?

You are male or female?

What is your name? (first name that comes to your mind)

Describe the environment you are in.

What part of the world are you in?

Do you know what year or season it is?

How is your mother?

How do you feel about her? Do you have a good relationship?

How is your father?

How do you feel about him?

Have any brothers?

Do you have close friends?

Examine a day in your life. It will only take a moment. How do you spend your time? (pause and wait for the person to explain what they see)

Now, fast forward to the period when you were approximately five years older than you have seen so far. You are ____ years old. It will only take a moment. You will feel time passing like the air current of calendar pages when quickly flipped. Tell me once you’re there.

Mentally look through your eyes and listen through your ears. Where are you and what are you doing?

You are married (a)?

Have children?

Do you believe in a greater force?

Do you belong to any religion?

How do you feel about the spiritual life?

You are happy?

Afterwards, the person conducting the regression can ask the same questions, asking the person to look at the next 10, 15, 20 years (whichever is more appropriate for the age at which the person is currently experiencing the regression).

Tell me about any important events or accomplishments you would like to share.

Is there anything in particular you wanted to do that you couldn’t?

Is there anything you’ve done that you’re especially proud of?


When you are ready to end the session, say: I will count from 1 to 5. When I say “five” you will open your eyes in the here and now, feeling alert and refreshed. Bring in all the things that might be beneficial, leaving behind the things that are harmful to you.

1 – 2 – 3, when I count to five you will be in your current life, like ___, feeling refreshed and alert, 4 – 5, eyes open, feeling refreshed and alert.

Very well… you are here on _____day aware of the situations you have experienced; want to report something else?

If you wish, you can hug the person or say a closing prayer.

Want to know more about Monica Buonfiglio’s work, or get in touch with her, Click here.

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