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Internet friendship: can it really exist?

Appreciation, respect, support… There are many ingredients of friendship that do not require physical presence. But are they enough to maintain the link through a screen?

Written and verified by the psychologist Elena Sanz.

The advancement of technologies has expanded the forms of communication and relationships, making possible, for example, friendships over the Internet. There are many people who, every day, enter the online universe in order to meet and connect with others. However, the vast majority use the Internet to establish a first contact that can later be replicated in real life.

The question is: is it possible to establish and maintain a friendship bond only through this channel? As in all great questions, the answer will never be closed and various nuances will have to be taken into account. In the following lines we will address the keys to the viability of an internet friendship.

What does friendship consist of?

Friendship is a broad and polysemous term. Not all friendships are the same, not all pursue the same objectives or are based on the same values. There are more functional friendships, in which each member considers it convenient to approach the other due to the circumstances. that surround them. This could be the case of friendship in the school or work environment.

And, on the other hand, there are friendships for pleasure. Which emerge and are maintained due to reciprocal feelings of affection, respect and admiration. In this case, the union is not mediated by the context and both people choose to relate due to the pleasant sensations they obtain from doing so.

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It is logical to conclude that There are certain types of friendship that are not viable through a screen. If you have a friend through the internet you will not be able to hug them or go with them to a bar on the weekends. However, there are many other ingredients of friendship that are present in online relationships.

online friendship

selfless friendship

Since there is no common context that forces interaction (as occurs in kinship and work relationships), The relationship established is totally voluntary. Furthermore, due to geographical distance, it is not possible to carry out in-person activities or plans.

For all this, we can be sure that the other person’s interest in us is sincere and disinterested. The friendship that is generated will start from a genuine liking for the other’s personality.. It will be based on shared interests and values ​​and a great personal affinity. Both will decide to maintain the bond because they find it enriching and satisfying.

deep knowledge

Online friendships usually have a large component of written conversations. Something that can seem so banal greatly facilitates our ability to express ourselves and open ourselves to others. Written language requires more reflection and introspection to select the right words. Oral communication, although more spontaneous, is also faster and, therefore, more superficial.

Writing helps us connect with our feelings and express them in greater depth.. Additionally, it allows us to take the time necessary to appreciate the nuances in what the other is sharing with us.

In an online friendship you can reach a deep understanding of the other person that will lead to an important emotional bond.

Loyalty, support and trust in online friendship

These three basic components of friendship, far from being affected by physical distance, can be enhanced. When a friendship is established online both can share their experiences, fears and indecisions trusting the other person. Due to the two previous points (genuine interest and great knowledge) the other will be able to understand us and offer us sincere and affectionate advice.

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Additionally, When a person reserves part of their time to invest in building a bond with you, it is always satisfactory.. Furthermore, the value of this gesture is multiplied when both lead different and geographically distant lives and, even so, caring for that friendship is prioritized.

In short, we can conclude that An online friendship can never replace the physical contact and shared experiences of a regular friendship.. However, sometimes we meet really interesting, like-minded people from a distance. A fact that, on the other hand, does not constitute a reason to eliminate them directly from our lives.

Thus, the fact that an electronic friendship is in some way a prisoner of the limitations of the environment in which it develops does not mean that it cannot be truly enriching. If there is mutual appreciation, affection and respect, if both people value and admire each other for who they are, an online friendship can be a beautiful experience.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Chan, D.K.S., & Cheng, G.H.L. (2004). A comparison of offline and online friendship qualities at different stages of relationship development. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships21(3), 305-320. Mesch, G.S., & Talmud, I. (2006). Online friendship formation, communication channels, and social closeness. International Journal of Internet Science1(1), 29-44.

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