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7 keys to being happy in marriage – 7 steps

Despite so many years of marriage, finding happiness as a couple continues to be something greatly desired and something that not everyone achieves. We are all touched by the image of two old people walking together holding hands and many of us wonder what the secret formula is to achieve it.

Before, more out of obligation than by choice, couples lasted until death, but just because a marriage is long-lasting does not mean it is happy. So, what makes a happy marriage? At UnComo.com we have reviewed the studies and the words of psychologists, to try to understand a little better what happiness as a couple is like and to be able to bring you this article with the 7 keys to being happy in marriage.

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Steps to follow:

One of the main keys to being happy in marriage is be affectionate and show affection regularly. Often, over time, we forget those small details that make a person feel loved: holding their hand, complimenting them, telling them the things they do well, and we focus exclusively on what they do wrong, undermining their morale.

This is especially important in the case of men, since the studies carried out in this regard show that they are the ones who most need these emotional manifestations from their partner, given that in general women already obtain these doses of affection in spheres outside of the relationship.


You come home after a long day at work and instead of disconnecting you continue with the same conversations about work, children, your partner, what we will eat tomorrow, etc. It’s not that we shouldn’t talk about it, obviously it is necessary, but it has been shown that the happiest couples are the ones who still have conversations far from all this, they simply talk about art, cinema, politics or sports.

One of the main keys to being happy as a couple is to continue maintaining the desire to know about the other, to continue feeding you as a person, which is why it is so necessary to have at least 10 minutes every day to be able to chat relaxed about things you like and interest and stop always having the same everyday conversations.


Even if you have given yourself “forever”, that doesn’t have to be the case. Yes, it seems obvious, but one rule that all happy marriages follow is to fight to keep the union working, and that is conquering your partner every daydoing new things and impressing each other every day.

One of the main causes of divorce is routine and boredom, something that occurs when you settle into a relationship and simply let time pass. Your husband or wife, your partner, is also a person with concerns and dreams, staying on the couch every weekend may not be what he or she understands as a perfect plan, and if you want to keep the flame alive, always do the same things. It’s the best way to turn it off.


As the years go by, we tend to focus more on the defects than on the virtues of the other person and that is a mistake that we should not make if we want to have a long-lasting marriage full of happiness.

Starting from the basis that no one is perfect, it is clear that your partner makes mistakes and has defects, but if he or she fell in love with you so that you would marry him or her it is because his or her virtues and successes weighed more in the balance. Psychologist Harriet Lerner, in her book on marriage, says that “no one can be happy in a marriage if they feel more judged than admired.”

A good tip for when you are tempted to blame him for his mistakes is to start thinking about everything what you do like about your partnerlook at the positive side instead of the negative and in this way you will realize that the good is above the bad.


Many marriages suffer from routine and boredom and then have no life outside the couple and family. If there is a key to being happy in marriage and in life, it is live independentlyhave a life outside of marriage.

This does not mean going out every holiday and not stopping by home, it means looking for your own interest, taking care of your friends, focus on living your life. Sharing your life with a person is not the same as living for them, in the second you cancel yourself out as a person, while in the first you become someone more interesting, with objectives and things to talk about and explain.

In the following UnComo.com article we explain how to break the couple’s routine.


If there is a key to keeping love alive it is to do it, have sex regularly. Just as you don’t only eat when you’re hungry, you shouldn’t make love only when the desire comes to you. Making love regularly is one of the best medicines there is, both for the body and the mind.

In bed we release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that regulates states of pleasure and happiness. In addition, there is no better way to strengthen the bonds of a couple and your bond. I wish all antidepressants were like this.

At this point, you may be interested in knowing how to have a sexually happy marriage.


The indiscriminate viewing of Disney animations and too many romantic movies have often been one of the biggest obstacles to achieving lasting happiness in marriage, being distorted mirrors of what love and a perfect couple should be.

If we can give you one piece of advice it is that don’t get carried away by imagination and fantasy, love is as it is, not as you can imagine it to be. Anything, if we start to imagine, could become better than it is, but that does not mean that it is not good and that it can make us happy. Often we are the ones who make problems big or small, it is in our hands. know how to enjoy the good to have at your side a person who respects you, who entertains you and with whom you share your life.

If you want to read more articles similar to 7 keys to being happy in marriagewe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.

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