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How to get out of the friend zone – 6 steps

Image: taringa.net

You have taken that person to the airport at 4:00 in the morning, you have let them sleep in your bed without even touching them, you have accompanied them shopping and you have even brought them chicken broth the last time they had the flu. If you drool comes out when you see him and it also seems to you that it is very clear and that he knows it…But, there is always a but, that person, far from imagining all the passion that is in you, sees you nothing more and nothing less than as his friend from the soul, Welcome to the friend zone!

At unComo.com we give you some keys so you can discover how to get out of the friend zone and finally tell him how much you like him.

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Steps to follow:

Many times we wonder how it is possible to have reached that point of intimacy (not exactly what you want) and be absolutely unable to tell that person what you feel. Well, normally this happens because we hide behind the fear of rejection or to lose the friendship, but we never think that that is not really a true friendship, you are attracted to him, you like him, you imagine yourself in other scenarios with that person, and that will hardly change.

That’s why there are only two alternatives, either you stay away for your own good and to safeguard your emotions, or you bet hard and plan your strategy to get out of the friend zone and show him that you can be something more than that. So, in this article we will explain how to carry out the second alternative.


Love yourself a little! There is a tremendous danger of the friend zone and that is that we become completely unconditional regarding that person, who begins to see us as his company for absolutely everything. We abandon plans with friends, we show ourselves open and available and everything to get his attention, but what this does is push you even further into the friend zone.

Start marking a little distance, show yourself as someone who has a life and take the opportunity to test if the other person is interested in approaching you. Give him the opportunity to feel your absence and miss you, this way you also help him reflect on your relationship.


behave like someone who flirts, who pretends and not like the unconditional and adolescent friend. Next time don’t meet up for shopping or coffee, invite him to dinner, have a drink alone, and act like you would with someone you like. Give the other person the opportunity to see that you have couple qualities.

We all know how we behave when we are among friends and how we do it when someone interests us, so evaluate yourself and act according to your feelings, stop being the unconditional friend.


Do you think you have made that person understand that you feel something? Do you think that the airport issue, that the issue of becoming his mother’s best friend or accompanying him to buy clothes and visit a thousand stores in 2 hours speaks for itself? Well no!

Although it is clear that these are things we do for someone we really love, you should know that in the case of friendship this only happens after years and a close relationship as friends, it does not happen out of nowhere.

If you like abandon the friend zone Show him that you are not just a good friend, dare to court him and without half measures, if you are going to bet, bet on telling him that you like him and not on sending him an anonymous flower arrangement.


Please, no fears! It is not the end of the world, dare to go one step further and try to promote a more intimate physical approach. Go out alone, at night, invite him to a plan that could be a date, go dancing, encourage physical approach, friction, try to convey to him that there is sexual tension and that you want to break it.


The story of not wanting to lose the friendship It’s one of the oldest excuses (along with “it’s not you, it’s me”) that exist. Many, many friends have been attracted to each other at one point in their relationship, had an affair, and then continued their friendship as usual.

Others have taken the risk of telling the other person what they feel and have led to incredible relationships, or rejections, but the important thing is that they have managed to face their emotions and transmit them.

If it doesn’t work out, if you can’t get out of the friend zone, if the other person isn’t interested, it’s not a bad thing to die, You will get over it and you will be able to continue with your life. That’s much better than wondering for the rest of your days what would have been if… what do you say, you dare to abandon the friend zone?

If you want to read more articles similar to How to get out of the friend zonewe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.

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