If there is something that worries to couples, whether they express it or not, is falling into routine, and although at first glance some people may seem structured, no one likes to notice that their life is pure monotony, a constant repetition of acts. And there is no place where these fears can be presented more clearly than between the sheetsthat’s why at unComo.com we want to give you some tips that you can put into practice so that you know how to avoid sexual routine and give a touch of spice to your intimate life
It is important that you do not see sex as a dutya routine, like an activity we do every “Thursday night,” the time for sex should be determined by your wishbecause of their desire to be together, not for an hour or moment of the day or week
Open your mind to new experiencesbet on pleasing a sexual fantasy, see the encounter as an opportunity to let your imagination fly and allow the sensations to be the only guide
In each encounter, try to give and receive pleasure, and it is very important not to leave aside foreplay, an opportunity to warm up and stimulate, especially in the case of women who find it a little more difficult to reach orgasm.
Stay open to the changes, a new place to have sex, experiment with new positions, try sex toys. You should know that there is no reason to be inhibited, you are sharing with your partner, a person who knows your intimacy, so being open is always the best way to do it. best strategy
If you have children it is very important that you find time to you two. The fact of having a family should not neutralize your Relationshipit is not easy to achieve it, but it is possible, and the goal is to always try
A sensual massage, a lingerie game that awakens passions, exploring and discovering his or her erogenous zones are strategies that will always keep the passion alive.
Tell him how much you enjoy sex with him, show him, it is important that both of you know that your intimacy is full of wonderful things that no one can ever imagine. There is no better secret than that
There is something that both of you must always remember: the world of sex offers infinite possibilitiesthere is a lot to do, to discover, many strategies to achieve orgasms and pleasure, the point is to make an effort, to be interested in the subject, to be interested in leading a sexual life that make them happy and escape from routine
Eliminate that from your mind outdated thinking that a wonderful sex life is only suitable for couples or for those who enjoy being single. There are millions of married couples, with years of marriage, who lead a full sexual life, happy and without routinethat’s why excuses are not valid
A valid premise in sex is: “the quantity does not matter, but the quality”, it does not matter if the encounter is every two weeks, or once a month, or more often, the important thing is that be goodthat both feel happy and satisfied and that their sexual life fulfills them completely
Explore, explore, explore. There is no better advice than that, dedicate a night to practicing the forgotten Petting technique, remember the power of a good Kamasutra-style kiss and concentrate on getting to know your bodies again and getting the pleasure points.
Finally if you feel that more than routine If you are going through a sexual crisis and do not know how to resolve it, it is best to go to a specialist that can guide you in the process of finding an improvement for your intimate relationship
If you want to read more articles similar to How to avoid sexual routinewe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.
Routines are established to better organize time and schedules, but remember that sex should be free and full of sensations and not rules. Recover intimacy with your partner despite obligations and family, remember that you two have a bond to keep alive