Image: There are many reasons why a person could become cheat on your partner and be unfaithful with another person. And, probably, if you are reading this article you are looking for solutions and ideas to help you hide infidelity to avoid being discovered or, on the contrary, trying to find signs that clarify your suspicions and help you ...
Read More »Ritual Magick
7 keys to being happy in marriage – 7 steps
Despite so many years of marriage, finding happiness as a couple continues to be something greatly desired and something that not everyone achieves. We are all touched by the image of two old people walking together holding hands and many of us wonder what the secret formula is to achieve it. Before, more out of obligation than by choice, couples ...
Read More »How to avoid sexual rut – 12 steps
If there is something that worries to couples, whether they express it or not, is falling into routine, and although at first glance some people may seem structured, no one likes to notice that their life is pure monotony, a constant repetition of acts. And there is no place where these fears can be presented more clearly than between the ...
Read More »How to make him notice me
You have weeks, even months focusing on him, you find him interesting, attractive, but you can’t find a way for him to focus his attention on you, or at least not in the way you want. Although this situation is very familiar during adolescence, the truth is that many experience it in adulthood and it is not always easy to ...
Read More »How to get out of the friend zone – 6 steps
Image: You have taken that person to the airport at 4:00 in the morning, you have let them sleep in your bed without even touching them, you have accompanied them shopping and you have even brought them chicken broth the last time they had the flu. If you drool comes out when you see him and it also seems ...
Read More »How to avoid an absorbing relationship – 7 steps
After a relationship time, you feel like you don’t have time for yourself. You do all the activities with your partner and you have built a relationship based on symbiosis. How long has it been since you shared a moment alone with your friends? How long has it been since you have spent time alone with yourself? Many times, absorbing ...
Read More »6 signs that I am bad in bed
How do I know if I’m bad in bed? Sex as a couple is an activity that requires practice and rapport. While it is true that someone may consider another person to be bad in bed, this will vary depending on each person’s tastes and preferences. However, if you have asked yourself “why am I bad in bed”, you may ...
Read More »How to practice Petting
Can you imagine achieving all the pleasure in the world without intercourse?, before answering, think about it carefully, because during a stage in our lives we all did it, thinking about it, sexologists have coined the term Petting to define that practice full of kisses, caresses, sexual games, masturbation but no penetration, so typical of our beginnings in the sexuality. ...
Read More »6 ways to turn a man on
Exploit your most fiery side and surprise your partner with an incredible sex session. As? Learning some tricks that will help you drive him crazy and both of you enjoy a sensory experience. Although it is true that each person is different (and in sex, even more so!) there are some specific aspects that, in general, men tend to really ...
Read More »How to tell my partner that I have HPV
I must tell my partner that I have a sexually transmitted infection? If you have the Human Papillomavirus, this doubt has probably plagued your mind. Although whether or not to tell is a very personal decision, it doesn’t hurt to open up to your partner and let them know that you have this type of infection. Although it is a ...
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