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How to talk to a woman you like for the first time –

Many men are left speechless when they come to start a conversation with the girl they like, it may be that they have already known her for some time or it may be the first time that she crosses their path, the nerves take over. of your mind and do not let you think clearly, here we will tell you what you should do and what you will have to avoid when speaking to him for the first time.

In order to make a good impression when you meet a woman, you need to pay attention to yourself. To make things easier in your conquest, take into account the details that will make her feel more attracted to you.

Your posture says a lot about ourselves, so stand up or sit correctly, do not exaggerate by looking like a tin soldier, but keep an upright but relaxed posture.

Your appearance, women pay a lot of attention to the details in clothing, it makes them interested when they see that a man is clean, smells good and knows how to combine his clothes with style.

Your voice has to come out natural and relaxed, if you arrive with it with a trembling voice and making it slightly higher, you will be broadcasting that you are a Beta man, an Alpha man is one who is sure of himself and knows what to do in any situation while remaining calm. , so speak calmly, calmly and clearly.

Since we are ready, let’s start with the points to get closer to her at once.

1.- Make eye contact with the girl you like as quickly as possible

Establish visual contact, (without seeming like a stalker) with your gaze make her turn to look at you, this is easy just stare at her for 3 or 4 seconds, this will make her feel the gaze and look for who is seeing her. If possible, look at a point close to her before she turns to see you, she will look at you and you will turn your gaze towards her, this will make her see that she was the first one who turned to see you, since both of you have seen each other. smile slightly at her with the expression on your face that everything is fine and you don’t see her in a sexual way.

Depending on her response to this, you will know how easy or difficult it will be to approach her to talk.

2.- Find the exact moment to talk to her.

In many cases it is not necessary to play the game of glances, it may happen that they have already spent time frequenting the same place, it may be a girl from your same faculty or they are working in the same area and you want to have more contact with her but you have not met. decided.

It is easier to talk to her when she is doing something that allows her to talk, the most complicated places to talk to a girl are nightclubs, where the music does not allow you to talk calmly and you have to shout, it is more difficult when she She finds herself surrounded by her friends and you have to take her away from the group to be able to talk to her without the constant influence of her allies.

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The best time to approach the girl is when she is alone, when she is waiting for the bus or waiting to be attended to in an establishment or walking down the street when it appears that she is not in a hurry.

That’s when you’re going to approach her and start the conversation by asking her about a topic that she knows so that she feels safe and comfortable. The main idea is not to show her that we are sexually interested, even if it is, on the contrary, you will show her that you are interested. Another thing is, at first, you have to start with direct questions like in this situation:

«Hello, Could he ask you a question about a gift? What happens is that my mother’s birthday is coming up and I need an opinion from a woman, can you help me?

This is better than making a comment about the weather, because the question doesn’t end there, most likely she will ask you your mother’s favorite color, how old she is or what activities she normally does to find the best gift for her, which The important thing here is to pay attention to the things she says to get more conversation out of it.

It also works to start with a comment about the weather but you immediately need to bring up another topic to keep the conversation going, it all depends on how creative you are to ask and comment on things of interest.

3.- Give him a compliment from time to time

Once again we ask that when you do this you do not seem like a stalker and that you know how to measure the intensity of the compliments you give him. We start by telling him that you like his voice, smile, hands, anything that is not related to the sexual aspect, later In another future meeting you can tell her more openly that she has nice skin, until you find her figure attractive, but for now we have to be respectful and measured with our comments.

4.-Keep the conversation active with open questions.

Ask about her future aspirations, the goal here is to make her feel good, and it is easier to do this if you ask her about topics that she knows well.

Avoid talking about sports or cars, these topics are some of the many topics that you should avoid because they find it extremely boring. There is also the possibility that they like these topics and can talk without problems and with full attention from both of you. However, there are topics that you cannot touch on when you want to extend a conversation, for example, talking about your past relationships will make them think that you are not over that person, and that is an area that they will not want to enter.

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Unless you have an exciting job as an explorer, journalist or photographer, it is best not to delve too deeply into work issues, how you spend your time behind your desk, we do not mean that it is bad that you have a job like that, the situation is that you are trying to attract the attention of a girl and for that it is better to know the best way to do it.

Many men like to show off their alcoholism, this is another very common mistake, no girl is interested in how many beers you managed to drink last weekend, on the contrary, this makes them think that you are a person who cannot control themselves with way of drinking alcohol and this can cause many problems.

For any reason, do not brag if you have money or important contacts, you are sending them the message that you want to buy it, and it makes them angry that you make them see that, even though in many cases it is obvious that they are interested.

Don’t talk about sex either, we already know that your goal is to be with her sharing time alone, but saying it is the worst thing you can do, be subtle and send her signals that you are interested in her, but don’t scare her by telling her that you want to sleep. with her so quickly because she will think that you only looked for her for that reason, even if that is the case.

5.-Invite her to go out to one of your activities.

Now is the time to invite her to have a future meeting, this is where men make a lot of mistakes because what they think is that the more luxurious the place where you take her the better it will be, well let me tell you that it doesn’t work like that, it What they interpret when you are willing to spend all the money on them is that you need to spend all that money to be able to be at their level, what they understand is something very different from what you want to tell them, the best option to invite her is for it to be in a quiet place where you can talk with some privacy, you have to think of a place where you will know that there will not be other alpha males wanting to conquer him, the place has to be somewhat informal so that both do not feel the need to be in poses because it is very elegant where they are.

A cafe, a square, a quiet bar, an ice cream, a bookstore, a sunset in a beautiful place, it is not necessary to spend your entire fortnight impressing her, it is more efficient if you show her a relaxed and intimate aspect of yourself.

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«You know, in the afternoon I like to drink coffee (decaffeinated because then you won’t be able to sleep) from a business that is close to here, I like the music they play at that time, would you like to go with me tomorrow?»

The question you ask has to be intentional, that you are inviting her to do an activity of yours, subconsciously you are telling her that you are a busy person and you have time to spend with her, if you ask her: Would you like to go out with me tomorrow? You are giving a lot of prompting for her to say no and you are not marking your territory as an alpha male because you are asking her instead of inviting her to your well-established agenda. (even if you have nothing to do)

6.-Make her laugh if you want

This point is important, but if you are not very fond of making girls laugh it is better that you do not do it because if you do it in a forced way you will be pushing her away by trying to look good with something that does not suit you.

If it is easier for you or at least you can make funny comments from time to time, this point can help you to let him know that he won’t be bored with you or that he thinks you are fun and wants to spend more time with you.

Be careful with the jokes you make, avoid making jokes about people with deficiencies or illnesses, or speaking badly about a profession or nationality, you don’t know if she has a relationship or knows someone like that, instead of being funny, you will become immersed in their contempt and you will fail because you are reckless.

7.-It’s time to make the comic hero’s triumphant exit.

As you are a busy person you need to continue on your way and continue doing your things, but when you came across her you decided to take a break because you found it interesting and as you are a determined person you went and headed towards her, they like this idea, so That saying goodbye to that first contact will leave the doors open for a second meeting or at least your contact so you can call her or send her messages and make an appointment in a relaxed place where you can talk calmly without pressure and get to know each other better.

«I have to go, I’m in the middle of something, but I liked talking to you, I would like to see you again, give me your number so I can contact you, as soon as I’m free I’ll send you a message, okay?»

Very good, now smile at her and leave, you are not going to send her a message for a couple of hours so that her interest grows, when you do, specify your next meeting with her and be yourself.

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