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How to make a man realize that he is losing you –

When a relationship advances to a point of comfort, habit takes the place of emotion and it often happens that men feel confident in abandoning their partner a little because conquering her is no longer perceived as a challenge.

And although that does not mean that they do not love her, it does mean that they stop valuing their partner enough.

This makes women feel anxious and sad, making them feel replaced or ignored.

If you are in that situation and you have already thought about leaving your guy because you feel that your relationship has reached a point of no return, put the brakes on that breakup and follow our advice to give it a good shake.

Sometimes it’s not that he doesn’t love you, but that he needs a little reminder of what you’re worth and what he stands to lose if he continues to ignore you.

If he really cares about you, these tips will help you make him feel afraid of losing you and come back to you willing to value you.

The first step is to accept that you are both to blame

How does disinterest begin?

There are many ways, but without a doubt one of the most common is just after the couple has had several dates, they already have confidence and decide to take the step of having sex.

Although this is not the case for everyone, many guys tend to relax after they spend the night together.

In principle, they have already achieved the most difficult challenge and that is why they lower their guard and no longer feel so anxious about looking for the girl.

She, for her part, feels that intimacy is a first step toward commitment to the relationship.

He begins to think about a stable relationship and that is why he begins to get closer, seeks to please him and begins to develop an emotional bond with him.

As both are going in different directions at that moment, their attitudes clash and that is when they feel suffocated or persecuted and they feel ignored or undervalued.

Of course this could happen with the roles changed, but in most cases they are usually the ones who evade.

But there are many ways to overcome that first misunderstanding so that girls can get their attention without chasing them and they can once again demonstrate their interest and attraction for them.

We tell you some ways to achieve it:

1. Don’t always be available to him

This is basic: men do not value what they have at their disposal at all times.

They will always feel more attracted to that which is forbidden, that is difficult to reach or that they cannot have. If it is not presented as a challenge, they will not feel that it is important.

How to achieve it?

Change your dynamic.

Even if you feel very anxious and are already interested in establishing a committed relationship, you must show him that you don’t need him.

Demonstrate only what is necessary. Dare to “disappear.”

Stop answering his messages, don’t answer his calls.

Take time for yourself, go out and have fun with your friends, show that you have a life of your own and that you’re not sitting around waiting for him to show up for you.

Torture him a little, have a relaxed attitude, no anxiety, don’t go out of your way to please him.

It’s not that you treat him badly, but that you don’t allow him to think that he has you secured.

The idea is that he understands that he can lose you, that if you are with him it is by your own decision, not because you don’t have more options.

Maybe you’ve tried telling him and feel like ignoring him won’t work.

But the truth is that men actively respond to actions, not words.

He won’t want to have an argument in which you tell him you’re leaving him, but if he feels like it might happen, he’ll get scared.

2. You should be more selfish, and worry more about yourself

The education we receive from childhood is a little unfair, since women are taught from childhood that we must be generous, attentive and we must seek the approval of others at all times.

Be liked and recognized.

Therefore, when we are adults it is difficult for us to learn to demand the treatment we deserve and we end up trying to please others even if they do not deserve it.

This is going to sound strange, but being selfish is often good.

If you don’t give yourself your place, no one else will.

So if you feel like your partner isn’t giving 100% in the relationship, why should you?

Start thinking about yourself, what makes you happy, and do things to please yourself. Be your own priority.

He will notice that you are more confident, secure, that you take care of yourself and he will understand that he must please you and take care of you if he wants to keep you by his side.

3. Don’t give him so much love or work so hard to keep him

One does not beg for love! In a relationship, feelings and actions must be reciprocal.

If he doesn’t support you, doesn’t listen to you, doesn’t care about your problems and doesn’t pay attention when you tell him that you have emotional needs, he is the one who has a problem.

Building a stable relationship depends on the effort of both of you. Both must do their part and must show interest in the other.

If this is not the case and you are the one who does everything, the dynamic will be unequal: you will not receive what you deserve and he will feel that you need it, he will not believe that he should take care of you.

The two must work as a team, support each other.

4. Remind him that we are all expendable

As long as there is no marriage involved, or at least the idea of ​​a short-term commitment, the relationship they have is not definitive.

In fact, even with marriage there are possibilities of divorce, so nothing necessarily lasts forever.

When two people fall in love and start a relationship, the idea is for them to move forward and overcome their difficulties, but until they commit there is no security or stability as a couple.

Remind him of that every time you feel neglected.

He must understand that he is not the center of your life, that you had interests and friendships before you met him, that you still have them and that, if they end, your life will move on.

Being together is a decision that both of you made, but it is not an obligation. If he is not going to take care of you, you are free to go your way and find someone else who will.

Let him know that having you by his side is not something he should take for granted.

5. Be demanding with him

Don’t let him get his way whenever he wants.

You also have a voice to demand more attention from him if you feel that he is not fulfilling as a couple or that he is ignoring your wishes.

When you go out to dinner, don’t let him decide what you want or dare to choose the date you have.

Make it clear that you also have discretion and that if you are going to be a couple, both of you must have a say in all decisions.

6. Make him jealous

I understand if you only like that guy and don’t feel the slightest interest in conquering others. But sometimes, that’s the key to regaining the attention you’ve lost from your partner.

There is nothing that scares a man more about losing his partner than seeing how other guys try to be with her.

The point is not that you use another man and are unfaithful to him, but if you go out to a club and other guys ask you to dance, accept it.

Show him that not only are you capable of continuing with your life without him, but that it wouldn’t be difficult for you to find new suitors.

Jealousy can be a great motivation to get a boy into a romantic relationship.

Also read our guide on the 13 effective tips on how to make a man jealous

7. No friends with benefits

One of the most common problems that arise when that boy you like is your friend is that when you finally manage to take the step and have intimacy, the relationship does not evolve but remains only a friendship with sex.

The key to avoiding this is communication. Be clear with him from the beginning: yes, you are friends, but you intend for the relationship to transform into a romantic bond, as a couple.

If you continue sleeping with him out of fear of losing him but resist clearly explaining what you want, he won’t know your desires and will probably feel comfortable with the idea of ​​having sex while you’re just friends.

And since you are friends, he will believe that you will always be there for him.

Also read our guide on how not to get hurt from a friends-with-benefits relationship.

8. Don’t let him run your world

And by “world” I mean that for no reason do you allow them to have control over your social networks, phone, bank accounts. You are an independent woman, so no one has to manage your life.

If you give him so much control, he will feel that he can dominate you and that you are not able to take a single step without him allowing it. As you show him independence, he will notice that being with you is not something he can underestimate.

9. Send yourself flowers

This is another strategy to arouse his suspicion, which is closely linked to the idea of ​​making him jealous, but in a more subtle way.

Buy yourself a beautiful bouquet of flowers and take it to the place where they live. Don’t say where the bouquet came from, just place them in a beautiful vase and let him just start wondering who gave it to you.

Their first impression will always be to think that another boy gave you the flowers, that is, that they have competition. All guys like to win, and winning means he needs to take care of the relationship and maintain your affection.

10. Dare to say no to sex

If you don’t feel valued or cared for by him, don’t have more sex. The idea is that you both enjoy the time under the covers, which is not possible if you feel underestimated or ignored.

Refusing sex and making it clear to him that you are not just a blow-up doll that he can use and then ignore will be a great wake-up call to your guy.

11. Don’t make plans

When you start a relationship, everything seems exciting and you want to spend as much time as possible with your guy. But you can’t let him become the center of everything.

If he makes excuses to see you, don’t give it importance or show that it hurts you, just do other things with your friends. Don’t make plans or commit your time, let him be the one to look for you and invite you, let him be the one who has to show that he wants to see you.

12. Show that others are looking for you

I did it and it works!

One day I got tired of my boyfriend’s lack of tact, who was always on his cell phone without paying attention to me. I agreed with a friend who started sending me messages right around lunch time. For a couple of days I had chat conversations while I was with him.

Eventually he got upset and complained to me about my lack of attention. Since he didn’t know who he was talking to, he felt threatened and thought he might be another boy. He felt that he was not paying attention to him. And that was the holy remedy for him to stop ignoring me to use his cell phone.

13. Remove the label!

This is a very clever and subtle way to show him your discomfort, which will surely make him wonder what he did wrong.

Suppose you are walking down the street and you meet a friend, preferably a man, whom you greet. After a typical brief conversation of catching up on each other’s lives, take the moment to introduce your guy.

The key is that when you introduce him, don’t say that he is your partner. I mean, just say his name. Take away the title of “boyfriend,” “partner,” or the typical “we’re dating” explanation. I just said his name without giving further explanations.

Believe me, he will notice that change in attitude. If he had felt jealous of your friend, he surely hoped that you would give him his position as your partner. Failure to do so will be a call from…

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