Light up your soul. Through introspection and meditation you can make your incarnate spirit fill with light, the light of love, the light of peace, which can only emanate from within.
Undressing from hatred, the desire for revenge, revenge and anger is something that takes us to the necessary elevation so that enough light is reached that removes bad energies, bad memories, the traumas of existence and the dark experiences that sometimes often surround us and who fear, above all, the positive force that can be released from us to avoid the depths that often want to swallow and victimize us.
How can we prevent black magic from penetrating our lives and destroying our peace? We need to connect our best inner vibrations to the environment, trying to make it light and clean, which is only possible when you have love.
Love for those close to us, for all humanity, for children, for animals and for ourselves. There is nothing that dark beings fear more than the light that is generated by love. No dark or sinister intentions will survive because the dark energy, hatred and wrath of some tormented ones who don’t accept evolution tend to run away and hide from the light.
These creatures that are not born of the light, that come from the darkest of the universe, seek to enslave minds and bodies to strengthen themselves and their terrible designs to delay all humanity.
That’s why it’s relatively easy to find people who, through the use of spells, can also, in addition to interfering in people’s lives, protect the negative astral plane, full of needy and tortured souls, who move aimlessly, without fixed territory. Our feelings of fear, so constant and common, originate because of this dynamic.
The first way to avoid these harmful mishaps is not to approach black magic, not to accept any form of action that uses it, not to interfere in people’s lives with any kind of destructive and intolerant proposal. Having a peaceful interior life, adjusted to your own conditions, preserves your own soul, keeping away from what can generate debts, delays, heavy karma.
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