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Diet that replaces the use of food supplements |

Dietary supplements have become more popular in Brazil with the increased demand for physical activity. From 2012 to 2013, the consumption of this supplementation was 23%, according to the Brazilian Association of Nutritional Products Companies (Abenutri), and the average only increases. The use of these products serves to complement the diet with important nutrients that were not well absorbed during the meal or were lost (or not enough) in the physical exercises. They can also be used to overcome lack of appetite and inadequate nutrition.

What few people know is that excessive consumption of supplements, without specialized monitoring, can cause damage to health, due to the ingredients in the formula. To avoid problems, an alternative is to adopt a diet that provides the nutrients offered by the products.

What few people know is that excessive consumption of supplements, without specialized monitoring, can cause damage to health, due to the ingredients in the formula. To avoid problems, an alternative is to adopt a diet that provides the nutrients offered by the products.

Feeding without supplements is less practical, but may be safer

For nutritionist Deise Santiago, from the blog Hora do Treino, a diet without supplements is more attractive, both for the palate and for the pocket. In addition, the person knows exactly what he is offering his body. “The benefit of this type of diet is knowing what we are eating, in addition to the fact that they are foods without preservatives or chemical additives. Not to mention the taste, which is better, and the price, which is much more accessible”, explains Deise.

As for the nutritionist Gabriel Cairo Nunes, even if the replacement is possible, the biggest loss will be in terms of practicality. “It is possible to exchange supplements for food. However, in the case of a person who wants to gain lean mass and needs to eat more protein to do so, the replacement may not be worth it. 1 scoop (meter) of a protein supplement, which has 25g of protein, for example, is equivalent to two red meat steaks, but with much smaller amounts of fat and carbohydrate. In any case, the patient will know what he is consuming, will not run the risk of overloading his body and will be able to achieve excellent results, as long as he has continuous monitoring by a nutritionist”, evaluates the specialist.

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When replacing, there are no restrictions. All supplements have their “brothers” in a food diet, after all, they were manufactured precisely from specific foods. Deise clarifies that, in a balanced diet, we can have all the necessary nutrients. “Hypercaloric supplements can be replaced by foods that combine proteins and carbohydrates, to increase energy and replenishment. Protein supplements are mainly proteins of animal origin, found in meat, chicken, milk, cheese and yogurt, which are better absorbed. Thermogenics can be obtained through pepper, cinnamon, ginger, some teas and coffee, but they should be used with caution. Fruits, vegetables and vegetables provide the antioxidant, multivitamin and mineral portion, being essential in any type of diet. The hormonal issue is due to the good fats that we find in fish and oilseeds”, details nutritionist Deise Santiago.

There are also, according to Gabriel, specific cases of substitutions that can be very simple and efficient. “To increase performance during physical activity, we normally use BCAA, which is not found in food, and carbohydrate, present in orange juice, for example. Furthermore, studies show that coffee consumption by cyclists improves physical conditioning, and there are some who ingest cola soda to get the effect of the maltodextrin supplement. Tennis player Gustavo Kuerten, for example, used to eat a banana between matches instead of resorting to supplementation. So, yes, it is possible to improve performance only with food, although with supplements this is easier”, exemplifies the nutritionist.

Carbohydrates provide energy for weight loss workouts such as cardio

For those who want to lose weight, one of the supplements recommended by nutritionist Gabriel is maltodextrin or dextrose, whose carbohydrate concentration provides energy for more intense aerobic training. But some foods fulfill this role well. “Since the intention in this case is weight loss, we need to take into account that the energy balance should be negative, and for this reason it is necessary to take into account the consumption of calories. Therefore, the individual should consume a fast-absorbing carbohydrate supplement, such as dextrose or maltodextrin, to provide energy during physical activity. However, this supplement can be replaced by hydrated or dried fruit, a light snack or a quality cereal bar, after 1 hour of training. The amount will vary according to each person, so it is important to have a meal plan with a professional, ”he advises.

According to Deise Santiago, carbohydrates are essential before training, unlike proteins.

According to Deise Santiago, carbohydrates are essential before training, unlike proteins.

“The consumption of carbohydrates before training is essential to provide energy. Proteins, on the other hand, should be ingested after physical activity, to reconstitute the muscles through amino acids and replace the glucose used to generate energy”, he explains.

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Natural thermogenics may not be effective

Foods like green tea can replace another stimulating supplement that favors fat burning: thermogenic. However, the exchange may not have the necessary effects. “The natural substitutes for the thermogenic supplement are green tea, ginger and pepper, which would result in a caffeine solution with ginger and piperine, the compound present in pepper. But, in order to have a nice thermogenic effect, the amount we would need to ingest would be unfeasible on a diet. In addition, thermogenics should not be consumed at night, as they can disturb sleep and, therefore, disrupt the levels of some hormones”, warns Gabriel.

Deise, on the other hand, considers the practice of exercises by itself as a good accelerator of metabolism. “Some teas, such as black and green, cinnamon, pepper, ginger and coffee are thermogenic. However, as nowadays people drink coffee at any time, many begin not to notice the effects on the body. Thus, the simple fact of performing an activity for 30 minutes every day already accelerates metabolism and burns fat. It is important to increase this time so that the body does not get used to that activity”, warns the nutritionist.

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To gain muscle mass, focus should be on proteins

As healthy muscle gain depends on protein consumption, those who prefer to leave supplements aside should consume foods with this nutrient throughout the day.

As healthy muscle gain depends on protein consumption, those who prefer to leave supplements aside should consume foods with this nutrient throughout the day.

According to Gabriel Cairo Nunes, even those who are vegan, that is, do not eat any food of animal origin, have alternatives. “For muscle mass gain to occur, the caloric balance must be positive, and the main macronutrient of the food plan will be protein. It is important in gaining muscle mass, as it contains amino acids that are used in the production of muscle tissue, in addition to being essential in the production of collagen and cartilage and participating in the contraction of muscles. In addition to BCAA and glutamine, the most favorable supplement for this, and which also helps in weight loss, is Whey Protein. To replace it, we can use the greatest natural sources of protein: red meat, chicken, fish, egg and milk; vegetarians can consume proteins derived from soy and beans, for example. These foods should be eaten throughout the day, it is important to consume some protein source within two hours after training”, teaches nutritionist Gabriel.

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Food during long workouts prevents drop in blood glucose rate

In people in normal health, while practicing long-term physical exercise, the typical reduction in blood glucose levels can result in hypothyroidism, causing dizziness, nausea and palpitations, among other symptoms. Therefore, it is important to replace lost glucose. “This guidance is only valid for exercises that last more than 1 hour without rest, such as a marathon. In this case, the person must eat certain foods, such as bananas, honey, cereal bars and even bananas, just to avoid a drop in the body’s sugar level. This is in addition to hydration, which is paramount. People who have heart, kidney or liver problems should adapt the amounts or avoid the consumption of some foods, according to the degree of their illness. Just talk to a nutritionist”, recommends Deise Santiago.

Anyway, the main thermometer for the quality of food are the effects observed on health. Some symptoms may signal bad eating habits, as well as the need to change them, according to Deise. “There are some symptoms that start to appear when our body is not well. Often the issue is food, but we should always be accompanied by a doctor to find out how our organs and hormone production are doing. In general, tiredness, dizziness, headaches, hair loss, reduced performance during exercise, weight loss or increase in body fat and low immunity indicate a lack of some nutrient. And one must pay close attention when these symptoms arise, so that they do not cause other problems. The ideal is always to have a balanced diet and accompanied by specialized professionals”, concludes the specialist.

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