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3 visualization techniques: connecting body and mind

Visualization techniques work to help people relax and focus. When we visualize we mentally construct a distracting element that serves to redirect attention away from what stresses us.

Many people often feel overwhelmed by anxious thoughts that hinder their ability to concentrate. Faced with this popular phenomenon, Visualization techniques, also called guided imagery, are precisely a good resource against this type of thoughts..

These types of techniques are actually a systematic practice in which a detailed mental image is created within an environment that is attractive and relaxing for our mind. They can be practiced alone or combined with other muscle relaxation techniques or massages.

The objective is to associate this relaxation with the mental image created, in such a way that after a few sessions you can continue only with the images that have been associated with the physical sensations of relaxation and return them to us immediately. We are going to see three of them that, being effective, do not require too much time.

Double pane window technique

This is a very useful technique for those days when, exhausted after a hard day, all you want to do is go to sleep. But As soon as you close your eyes, anxious thoughts start to arise and don’t stop.

First step: imagine that you have a beautiful double-pane window next to you and that on the other side there is a group of people chatting and arguing loudly.Second step: imagine that you get up and You very calmly close the double pane of the windowwhich seals the room and makes it soundproof. Third step: visualize that you return to bed and that the annoying conversation is no longer heard. Silence and calm reign in the room. Now you are free to sleep as much as you want.

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Serene beach scene technique

On occasions when anxiety comes from fear of public speaking or fear of flying. It is in those moments where the mind tends to focus on everything that can go wrong. This visualization is to calm the nerves and manage anxiety in situations that cause us insecurity or some type of fear.

First step. Visualize an immense beach of bright white sand. The sky is perfectly blue and you can see and hear the gentle waves coming rhythmically to the shore. Second step. You are sitting and lying on a sun lounger on the beach. Your body sinks into the soft cushion and you feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and the warm sand on your feet. It is a very pleasant feeling. Third step. Now you can see the blue of the sea on the horizon, bordering the blue of the sky, for a moment everything is blue and it surrounds you. You smell the sea and hear the sound of the light breeze touching your face.Fourth step. Release all tension, soften your eyes and Continue breathing to the rhythm of the waves.

Liquid silence technique

This technique is perfect to help you silence the noise in your mind and focus your thoughts.. Often, we find ourselves in situations that overwhelm us; The constant bombardment of information to which we are subjected is an obstacle when we try to silence internal dialogue and the production of mental images. This exercise will help us relax, facilitating our purpose.

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First step. Visualize calm and stillness as if it were a thick liquid of a beautiful light color. This liquid fills your head with peace and tranquility. It is lodged at the top of your head and stays there for a while. Second step. Visualize, as clearly as you can, how the liquid begins to slide very slowly through your body. Go down the neck to the shoulders, arms and hands. Go down the trunk to the hips, legs and feet. Now you feel like a big liquid ball. Third step. Keep that image in your mindbreathe deeply and remain in this state for a few minutes.

How do they work?

Basically are non-verbal instructions directed to the unconscious mind to act as if the visualized environment were real and we were there. In fact, these types of visualizations stimulate the same neural networks that would be activated in a real situation.

They work easily, furthermore, because involve an element of focus that allows us to redirect attention away from the thoughts that stress us. All of this, ultimately, helps us strengthen the connection between body and mind.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Mills, Harry. Reiss, Natalie. Dombeck, Mark. Visualization And Guided Imagery Techniques For Stress Reduction. Mental Help. American Addiction Center Resource. Retrieved from https://www.mentalhelp.net/articles/visualization-and-guided-imagery-techniques-for-stress-reduction/Rees, BL (1995). Effect of Relaxation with Guided Imagery on Anxiety, Depression, and Self-Esteem in Primiparas. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 13(3), 255–267. https://doi.org/10.1177/089801019501300307 Nguyen, J., & Brymer, E. (2018). Nature-Based Guided Imagery as an Intervention for State Anxiety. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1858. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01858

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