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10 Things to Do When a Woman is Angry at You –

Men always say that girls get angry easily, but the truth is that they always have compelling reasons to be upset and the worst thing is that you don’t know what to do when a woman is angry with you.

Don’t worry! We will help you not to die trying.

What to do when a woman is angry with you?

It is true that women can get upset without men realizing what they are doing, but we rarely take that attitude out of nowhere: there is always a reason.

I know that us girls can be really complicated and that for you what may be a small misunderstanding for us may be the end of the world. So please pay attention and follow the steps:

1. Ask what you did or said

Try to ask him in the best possible way the reasons for his discomfort. It will probably be difficult for him to say it, but you better ask or he will think that you are not interested.

2. Be patient, you don’t want to make things worse

If she doesn’t want to tell you why she’s upset, then don’t pressure her. Don’t use the technique of being more upset than her, either, because you will only aggravate the situation.

Let him calm down so you can talk calmly.

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3. If it’s impossible to talk, then do something to get their attention

Sometimes we girls just don’t want to talk to our guy when we’re upset. But you can have certain details: bring him a chocolate or something like that. Sweeten her so she can let her guard down a little.

4. Solve the problem

If you are one of those men who sit back and wait for everything to be resolved, well, I have bad news for you: you don’t help at all! Face the problem and work to solve it.

5. If you lied, then be honest with her

If the reason she is upset is because of some lie, don’t pursue it to the end. Be honest and agree with him. Anyway, you’ve already been found out and the best thing you can do is try to make things right.

Things to say to a woman when she is angry

Talking to a woman when she is angry is like facing a hungry tiger.

That doesn’t mean you can’t really say something to him that might improve his mood. The truth is that you can fix everything and I will tell you how:

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1. “You are absolutely right”

When a woman is right and you insist on contradicting her, let me tell you that you are only looking for more fights. If you know she’s right, tell her.

2. “You look beautiful today”

I assure you that this phrase will make her calm down a little. Compliment her about how she looks that day. You will make her forget for a moment that she is upset with you.

3. “Let’s go get ice cream”

All women love ice cream. It is something that definitely helps us when we are sad or upset. Use it as your best weapon.

4. “I promise I won’t do it again.”

This phrase will calm her down as long as she trusts you. But yes: don’t break your promise, because you will only make things worse in the future. We don’t forget.

5. “I’m sorry, I know I made you feel bad.”

Apologize if you know you made a mistake. Every time you do something wrong you should admit it, even if you are killing your ego, because it shows that you really care and want to fix things.

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How to make an angry woman happy without making things worse?

Although men think that contentment is impossible, the truth is different.

Many times we just play hard to get, because we know that if we continue allowing bad things, you will continue to do them.

All you have to do is admit that you did wrong and apologize. And, of course, then pamper her.

You should know that not all women like the same thing. If you know what she really likes, then give her a nice treat. Some girls are into books and others are into clothes, shoes, purses.

When a woman is angry it means she cares about everything you do

Certainly, when we get angry about something you have said or done it is because we really care about you. Women are always a little more sensitive to words than you, so be a little careful.

The day a woman does not react when you want to hurt her or to a bad comment, well let me tell you, my friend, that you have lost her. Don’t let yourself get to that.

What to do when a woman gets angry for no reason?

There are days when women just throw tantrums out of nowhere. I know you think we’re crazy, but we’re not. We simply deal with too many feelings at once.

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If your girlfriend or friend suddenly feels fine and from one moment to the next she simply gets upset about something that you have no idea about, I will give you three tips so you know how to get out of the problem successfully:

Tip #1: Give it some time and space

When you see that he is arguing for no reason, try to give him a few hours to calm down. She’s probably going through some bad times and she just doesn’t want to tell you.

Tip #2: When she calms down, make her laugh a little

You will realize that, once we have calmed down, we will come to you as if nothing has happened. But to be safe, better use that unique sense of humor that men have to make us laugh.

Tip #3: Talk to her about her attitude

Once the problem has passed, talk to her about the reasons why she gets upset so easily. Most likely they are mistrust issues, so make her feel safe.

Phrases for an angry woman

Not knowing what to say is the main problem in most arguments between a man and a woman.

Men usually just don’t say anything until they explode. So it is better that you help yourself with the following phrases:

to. I admit that I shouldn’t have made you feel bad. Forgive me!

b. Please accept my apology. I miss talking to you.

c. I’m not perfect, I make mistakes too, but I want to make things right with you.

d. I can not stop thinking about you. Please, let’s talk.

and. If you really love me, give me the chance to make things better.

What can I do if my girlfriend is angry and won’t talk to me?

I will be honest with you: the truth is that so that a woman does not speak to you, let me tell you that what you did was serious. That’s why you should get her attention by doing some things like:

Ask her friends for help to intercede for you. Send her flowers and chocolates to her work. That will surprise her. She Goes to her house. She will only have to go out and open up to you. Write her a letter asking for forgiveness. Give her a good dose of unbridled reconciliation sex.

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What to do when your girlfriend gets angry about anything?

I’m going to admit it: there are women who get angry even because people look at them wrong. There’s no doubt about it. But many of them love to argue with you only to have you go and pamper them later.

That’s certainly not the idea. The best thing you can do is get to know her well to know when anger is on the way. That way you could even avoid a fight or a bad time.

But, if you can’t help it, the best thing you can do is not respond with bad words. After all, if you are with her it is because you love her and have been patient enough to withstand every attack of anger.

Of course, eventually you will have to sit down and talk to her, because even though love accepts everything, the most in love man gets tired of so many fights. He talks to her and let her know that it can’t all be fights.

How to make an angry woman happy via chat? 3 simple steps

Messages are always misinterpreted, because we never know the tone in which the other person says them. But after a misunderstanding, how can you fix things? Well, in these three simple steps you can solve everything:

1. Send him a meme

It seems incredible, but in the midst of so much annoyance when a man sends us something funny, we simply forget for a moment why we are upset.

2. Write something nice

Men are not usually very inspired to send long messages. But come on, man! It doesn’t cost anything to tell her that you’re sorry and that you love her.

3. Ask for forgiveness tenderly

Don’t be rough with her or dry. Send him tender messages asking for forgiveness. After all it was you who made the mistake.

Women are very complicated with our feelings. But that doesn’t mean you can’t know what to do when a woman is mad at you. In fact, if you manage to make her happy, then you have everything going for you.

The idea is that you treat her well and with love, but when you make a mistake simply admit it and apologize. That won’t make you less of a man; On the contrary, it makes you a gentleman. Don’t let her go just because of an argument!

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