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Ritual to cut energy ties with ex-partners

This effective ritual will help you eliminate from your life all the toxic energies that bind you to an ex, or to some traumatic event from your past, some addiction, or some memories that do not allow you to live in peace.

How to perform a ritual to cut a toxic emotional tie

At the moment when we do not have the possibility to release negative thoughts or feelings due to events that left us with a bad experience such as heartbreak, a toxic relationship, addictions, old memories or a traumatic event, it would be said that we have an emotional bond that can be very toxic to us and a ritual can be of great help to heal those wounds that have us tied to the past.

Every time we create a bond with some person or moment, we establish an energetic cord with them that unites and feeds us. This force is not bad in all cases, in truth, when they work positively they can allow us to create deep connections and attachments that are very positive.

The drawback is that if something bad happens to us along the way, this knot is going to drain us with a lot of negativity. It is at this precise moment when we must “cut” the cord to prevent it from harming. This is the time when the rituals come into play.

It is common to carry out these rituals to overcome bad romantic experiences, however, they can also be used for anything else where we have a negative attachment such as a painful memory and even an addiction.

Ritual to cut toxic energy ties

To carry out this spell you will need the following elements: 2 white candles, a piece of rope of about 40 centimeters, 2 ceramic or glass containers filled to the top with sea salt, herbs such as palo santo or sage and a large plate

Other optional elements that you can add are a photo (this would be in the case that you want to break an emotional bond with a particular person) and your favorite quartz.

Step 1: draw a circle on the ground using sage or palo santo while you pray the prayer that you like the most and when you finish you will carry out the rest of the ritual inside this circle of protection.

Step 2 – Knot the 2 ends of the string together to make a circle and twist the string to make a loop or figure eight.

Step 3: Put each of the candles in each bowl. If you use quartz, put it in the container with salt. At this time, place the rope on the candles trying to hold it with the wicks.

Step 4 – Light the candles with a wooden match. She closes her eyes and also thinks about what you want to release. Open your eyes and if you use a photograph, you are going to burn it in the flame of one of the candles.

Step 5: Now you are going to repeat the following prayer: “At this moment I am going to cut and release each and every one of the energetic cords that do not serve my highest good. I am going to free you and I am going to free myself from these bonds. Each and every one of the cords that unite us are destroyed, in all dimensions, times and planes, never to return.

Step 6: wait for the candle flame to “cut” the string that is stirring them up. While she is burning she recites this other prayer: “In the present moment I banish and break these energetic cords and I will recover, in this moment, all the energy that was once lost. My energy will flow and come back to me, to fill me up again with vitality and creating peaceful energetic boundaries of love and light at this time.

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